The PROC TRANSREG statement invokes the TRANSREG procedure. Optionally, this statement identifies an input and an OUTTEST= data set, specifies the algorithm and other computational details, requests displayed output, and controls the contents of the OUT= data set (which is created with the OUTPUT statement). The DATA=, OUTTEST=, and PLOTS= options can appear only in the PROC TRANSREG statement. The options listed in Table 93.1 are available in the PROC TRANSREG statement. The a-options are also available in the MODEL statement, and the o-options are also available in the OUTPUT statement.
Option |
Description |
Data Set Options (PROC Statement) |
Specifies input SAS data set |
Specifies output test statistics data set |
ODS Graphics (PROC Statement) |
Specifies ODS Graphics selection |
Input Control (PROC or MODEL) |
Restarts the iterations |
Specifies input observation type |
Method and Iterations (PROC or MODEL) |
Specifies minimum criterion change |
Specifies minimum data change |
Specifies maximum number of iterations |
Specifies iterative algorithm |
Specifies number of canonical variables |
Specifies no restrictions on smoothing models |
Specifies singularity criterion |
Attempts direct solution instead of iteration |
Missing Data Handling (PROC or MODEL) |
Fits each model individually (METHOD=MORALS) |
Includes monotone special missing values |
Excludes observations with missing values |
Unties special missing values |
Intercept and CLASS Variables (PROC or MODEL) |
Specifies CLASS coded variable name prefix |
Specifies CLASS coded variable label prefix |
Specifies no intercept or centering |
Specifies order of CLASS variable levels |
Controls output of reference levels |
Controls CLASS coded variable label separators |
Control Displayed Output (PROC or MODEL) |
Specifies confidence limits alpha |
Displays parameter estimate confidence limits |
Displays model specification details |
Displays iteration histories |
Suppresses displayed output |
Prints the Box-Cox log likelihood table |
Displays the R square |
Suppresses the iteration histories |
Displays regression results |
Displays ANOVA table |
Shortens transformed variable labels |
Displays conjoint part-worth utilities |
Standardization (PROC or MODEL) |
Fits additive model |
Does not zero constant variables |
Specifies transformation standardization |
Predicted Values, Residuals, Scores (PROC or OUTPUT) |
Outputs canonical scores |
Outputs individual confidence limits |
Outputs mean confidence limits |
Specifies design matrix coding |
Replaces dependent variables |
Replaces independent variables |
Outputs leverage |
Does not restore missing values |
Suppresses output of scores |
Outputs predicted values |
Outputs redundancy variables |
Replaces all variables |
Outputs residuals |
Output Data Set Coefficients (PROC or OUTPUT) |
Outputs coefficients |
Outputs ideal point coordinates |
Outputs marginal means |
Outputs redundancy analysis coefficients |
Output Data Set Variable Name Prefixes (PROC or OUTPUT) |
Specifies dependent variable approximations |
Specifies independent variable approximations |
Specifies canonical dependent variables |
Specifies conservative individual lower CL |
Specifies canonical independent variables |
Specifies conservative-individual-upper CL |
Specifies conservative-mean-lower CL |
Specifies conservative-mean-upper CL |
Specifies METHOD=MORALS untransformed dependent |
Specifies liberal-individual-lower CL |
Specifies liberal-individual-upper CL |
Specifies liberal-mean-lower CL |
Specifies liberal-mean-upper CL |
Specifies predicted values |
Specifies residuals |
Specifies redundancy variables |
Specifies transformed dependents |
Specifies transformed independents |
Macros Variables (PROC or OUTPUT) |
Creates macro variables |
Other Options (PROC or OUTPUT) |
Outputs dependent and independent approximations |
Outputs canonical correlation coefficients |
Outputs canonical elliptical point coordinates |
Outputs canonical point coordinates |
Outputs canonical quadratic point coordinates |
Outputs approximations to transformed dependents |
Outputs approximations to transformed independents |
Outputs elliptical point coordinates |
Outputs point coordinates |
Outputs quadratic point coordinates |
Outputs multiple regression coefficients |
specifies the SAS data set to be analyzed. If you do not specify the DATA= option, PROC TRANSREG uses the most recently created SAS data set. The data set must be an ordinary SAS data set; it cannot be a special TYPE= data set.
specifies an output data set to contain hypothesis tests results. When you specify the OUTTEST= option, the data set contains ANOVA results. When you specify the SS2 a-option, regression tables are also output. When you specify the UTILITIES o-option, conjoint analysis part-worth utilities are also output. For more information about the OUTTEST= data set, see the section OUTTEST= Output Data Set.
controls the plots produced through ODS Graphics. When you specify only one plot request, you can omit the parentheses around the plot request. Here are some examples:
plots=none plots=(residuals transformation) plots(unpack)=boxcox plots(unpack)=(transformation boxcox(p=0)) plots=(residuals(unpack) transformation(dep unp) boxcox(t rmse))
ODS Graphics must be enabled before requesting plots. For example:
ods graphics on; proc transreg plots=all; model identity(y) = pbspline(x); run; ods graphics off;
For more information about enabling and disabling ODS Graphics, see the section Enabling and Disabling ODS Graphics in Chapter 21, Statistical Graphics Using ODS.
If ODS Graphics is enabled, but you do not specify the PLOTS= option, then PROC TRANSREG produces a default set of plots. The fit, scatter, residual, and observed-by-predicted plots are available with METHOD=MORALS and also with METHOD=UNIVARIATE when there is only one dependent variable. When no method is specified and there is more than one dependent variable, and when regression plots are requested, the default method is set to METHOD=MORALS. When there is more than one dependent variable, when METHOD= is not specified, or when METHOD=MORALS is specified and PLOTS=ALL is specified, the plots that are produced might be different from those you would see with METHOD=UNIVARIATE and PLOTS=ALL. Certain plots appear by default when ODS Graphics is enabled and certain combinations of options are specified. The Box-Cox and log-likelihood plots appear when a BOXCOX dependent variable transformation is specified. The regression fit plot appears for models with a single dependent variable that is not transformed (for example, IDENTITY(y)), a single quantitative independent variable that might or might not be transformed, and at most one CLASS independent variable. Preference mapping plots appear when the COORDINATES o-option is used.
The global plot options include the following:
uses observations that are excluded from the analysis for interpolation in the fit and transformation plots. By default, observations with zero weight are excluded from all plots. These include observations with a zero, negative, or missing weight or frequency and observations excluded due to missing and invalid values. You can specify PLOTS(INTERPOLATE)=(plot-requests) to include some of these observations in the plots. You might want to use this option, for example, with sparse data sets to show smoother functions over the range of the data (see the section The PLOTS(INTERPOLATE) Option). Observations with missing values in CLASS variables are excluded from the plots even when PLOTS(INTERPOLATE) is specified.
suppresses the default plots. Only plots specifically requested are displayed.
suppresses paneling. By default, multiple plots can appear in some output panels. Specify UNPACKPANEL to get each plot in a separate panel. You can specify PLOTS(UNPACKPANEL) to unpack the default plots. You can also specify UNPACKPANEL as a suboption with TRANSFORMATION, RESIDUALS, PBSPLINE, and BOXCOX.
The plot requests include the following:
produces all appropriate plots. You can specify other options with ALL; for example, to request all plots and unpack only the residuals, specify PLOTS=(ALL RES(UNP)).
requests a display of the results of the Box-Cox transformation. These results are displayed by default when there is a Box-Cox transformation. The BOXCOX plot request has the following options:
adds t or curves to the legend for the functions where
, where t is the t statistic corresponding to the optimal lambda. You can specify P=0 to suppress the legend and P=1 to see all curves in the legend. The default value comes from the BOXCOX(variable / ALPHA=p) specification, which by default is 0.05.
plots the root mean square error as a function of lambda.
plots t statistics rather than statistics.
plots the t or and log-likelihood plots in separate panels.
requests a regression fit plot. This plot is produced by default whenever it is appropriate. It is produced when the dependent variable is specified with the IDENTITY transform, and when there is one quantitative independent variable (for example, IDENTITY for linear fit or SPLINE or one of the other transformations for a nonlinear fit) and at most one CLASS variable. When there is a CLASS variable, separate fits are produced within levels based on your model. You would specify the FIT plot request only to specify a FIT option or with the ONLY global plot option. The FIT plot request has the following options:
suppresses the confidence limits in regression fit plots.
suppresses the individual prediction limits in regression fit plots.
suppresses the observations showing only the fit function and optionally the confidence and prediction limits.
suppresses all plots.
plots the transformed dependent variable as a function of the regression predicted values.
requests the penalized B-spline criterion plots. You would specify the PBSPLINE plot request only to specify a PBSPLINE option or with the ONLY global plot option. The PBSPLINE plot request has the following option:
plots each criterion plot in a separate panel.
plots ideal point or vector preference mapping results when either two IDENTITY or two POINT independent variables are specified along with the COORDINATES option.
plots the residuals as a function of each of the transformed independent variables, except coded CLASS variables. The RESIDUALS plot request has the following options:
plots the residuals as a function of each of the transformed independent variables, including coded CLASS variables. Note that the ALL plot request, which you use to request all plots, specifies the RESIDUALS plot request without the CLASS option.
plots the residuals in separate plots, not several per panel.
adds a LOESS smooth function to the residuals plots.
plots the scatter plot of observed data, before the transformations, for models with a single quantitative dependent variable, a single quantitative independent variable, and at most one CLASS independent variable.
plots the variable transformations. The TRANSFORMATION plot request has the following options:
plots only the dependent variable transformations.
plots only the independent variable transformations.
plots the transformations in separate plots, not several per panel.