Dictionary of Options

The following entries provide detailed descriptions of options you can specify after the slash (/) in the VBAR statement. For example, to request that the bars of your Pareto chart be colored red, use the CBARS= option, as follows:

proc pareto data=failure;
   vbar cause / cbars = red;

The notes Traditional Graphics, ODS Graphics, and Line Printer identify options that apply to traditional graphics, ODS Graphics output, and line printer charts, respectively.


specifies where the Pareto curve is anchored to the leftmost bar on the chart. The following table lists the possible positions.


Anchoring position


bottom center


bottom left corner


top center


top right corner

See Output 13.2.1 for an illustration. The default is TR.

Note: The ANCHOR= option is not supported for ODS Graphics output. The curve is anchored at the top center of the leftmost bar.


[Traditional Graphics][Line Printer] specifies an angle in degrees for rotating the Pareto category labels on the horizontal axis. The value is the angle between the baseline of the label and the horizontal axis. See Output 13.1.1 and Output 13.1.2 for an illustration. The value must be greater than or equal to and less than 90. If you are producing a line printer chart, only ANGLE=0 and ANGLE= are applicable. The default value is zero.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies that annotation requested with the ANNOTATE= and ANNOTATE2= options is to be applied only to the key cell in a comparative Pareto chart. By default, annotation is applied to all of the cells.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies an input data set that contains annotate variables as described in SAS/GRAPH: Reference. You can use this data set to customize traditional graphics. This data set is associated with the primary vertical axis. If the annotation is based on data coordinates, you must use the same units as the primary vertical axis. Features provided in the ANNOTATE= data set are added to every chart produced with the VBAR statement.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies an input data set that contains annotate variables as described in SAS/GRAPH: Reference. You can use this data set to customize traditional graphics. This data set is associated with the secondary vertical axis. If the annotation is based on data coordinates, you must use the same units as the secondary vertical axis. Features provided in the ANNOTATE2= data set are added to every chart produced with the VBAR statement.


specifies a factor used in scaling the primary vertical axis. This factor determines (approximately) the ratio of the length of the axis to the length of the tallest bar, and it is used to provide space for the cumulative percent curve. The value must be greater than one.

By default, the factor is chosen so that the curve will be anchored at the top right corner of the leftmost bar (see also the ANCHOR= option). If this causes the bars to be flattened excessively, however, a smaller default factor is used.

The AXISFACTOR= option is not applicable if the curve is suppressed with the NOCURVE option.

BARLABEL = VALUE | COUNT | CMPCT | (variable-list)

specifies that a label is to be displayed above each bar. If you specify BARLABEL=VALUE, the label indicates the height of the bar in the units used by the primary vertical axis. See Example 13.8 for an illustration.

If you specify BARLABEL=COUNT, the label displays the count for the bar.

If you specify BARLABEL=CMPCT, the label indicates the cumulative percent associated with that bar. An alternative to BARLABEL=CMPCT is the CMPCTLABEL option, which labels points on the cumulative percent curve with the cumulative percents.

If you specify BARLABEL= (variable-list), the label displays the values of a variable from the input data set. The variable can have a formatted length less than or equal to 32. If a format is associated with the variable, then the formatted value is displayed. The values must be consistent within observations corresponding to a particular Pareto category. The variable is saved in the OUT= data set. If you specify more than one process variable in the chart statement, you can specify more than one BARLABEL= variable. The BARLABEL= and process variables are matched by their positions in the variable lists.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the position for labels requested with the BARLABEL= option.

  • BARLABPOS=VFIT displays the labels vertically on or above the bars, depending on the available space (the labels are truncated if necessary).

  • BARLABPOS=HCENTER centers the labels horizontally above the bars.

  • BARLABPOS=VBAR displays the labels vertically on the bars (the labels are truncated if necessary).

  • BARLABPOS=HLJUST left-justifies the labels horizontally above the bars.

By default, the labels are horizontally centered above the bars, with a reduction in text height if necessary. Reduction is not applied with the BARLABPOS= options.


[Traditional Graphics][ODS Graphics] specifies that a legend is to be added to the chart to explain colors for bars specified with the BARS= or CBARS=(variable-list) options, or patterns for bars specified with the PBARS=(variable-list) option. The variable-list must be enclosed in parentheses even if only one variable is specified. See Output 13.4.1 for an illustration.

The values of the BARLEGEND= variable provide the explanatory labels used in the legend. The variable can have a formatted length that does not exceed 32. If a format is associated with the variable, then the formatted value is displayed.

The BARLEGEND= option is not applicable unless you specify BARS=, CBARS=(variable-list), or PBARS=(variable-list). In the DATA= data set, the values of the BARLEGEND= variable must be identical in observations for which the value of the BARS=, CBARS=, or PBARS= variable (or the combination of the CBARS= and PBARS= values) is the same. This ensures that the legend derived from the BARLEGEND= variable is consistent.

If you specify more than one process variable in the chart statement and a corresponding list of BARS=, CBARS=, or PBARS= variables, you can specify a list of BARLEGEND= variables. The number of BARLEGEND= variables should be less than or equal to the number of process variables. The lists of variables are matched so that the first BARLEGEND= variable is applied to the first process variable and the first BARS=, CBARS=, or PBARS= variable, the second BARLEGEND= variable is applied to the second process variable and the second BARS=, CBARS=, or PBARS= variable, and so forth. If the list of process variables is longer than the variable-list in the BARLEGEND= option, the charts for the extra process variables will not display a bar legend.


[Traditional Graphics][ODS Graphics] specifies the label displayed to the left of the legend created with the BARLEGEND= option. See Output 13.4.1 for an illustration.

The BARLEGLABEL= option is applicable only in conjunction with BARS=, CBARS=, or PBARS= variables. The label can be up to 16 characters and must be enclosed in quotes.

If no label is specified with the BARLEGLABEL= option, the label associated with the BARLEGEND= variable is displayed (unless the label is longer than 16 characters, in which case the variable name is displayed). If the BARLEGLABEL= option is not specified and no label is associated with the BARLEGEND= variable, no legend label is displayed. If both labels are specified, the BARLEGLABEL= label takes precedence over the variable label.


[Traditional Graphics][ODS Graphics] groups bars of the Pareto chart for display using colors from the current ODS style. The BARS= option should not be used when the NOGSTYLE option is in effect, and you cannot specify the BARS= option in conjunction with the CHIGH or CLOW options. Bars corresponding to the same value of the BARS= variable are filled with the same color from the ODS style.

If you specify more than one process variable, you can specify more than one BARS= variable. The number of BARS= variables should be less than or equal to the number of process variables. The two lists of variables are paired in order of specification. If a BARS= variable is not provided for a process variable, the bars for that chart are filled with the default color from the ODS style.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the width of the bars in percent screen units. By default, the bars are as wide as possible.


[ODS Graphics]specifies whether a category legend is created for ODS Graphics output. The default value is AUTO, which creates a category legend only when the category labels would be too crowded on the horizontal axis. This option is ignored if ODS Graphics is not enabled.


specifies a label for the category legend that is added when there is insufficient space to label the categories along the horizontal axis. The label can be up to 16 characters and must be enclosed in quotes. The default label is Categories:. See Example 13.3 for an illustration. The CATLEGLABEL= option is ignored if it is unnecessary to add the legend.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the color for the axis line and tick marks on the chart. If the NOGSTYLE option is in effect, this color is also used for bar outlines and grid lines, unless overridden by the CBARLINE=, CGRID=, or CGRID2= options.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the color for the tick mark labels and axis label associated with the secondary axis. By default, the color specified with the CTEXT= option (or its default) is used.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the color for bar outlines.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies how the bars of the Pareto chart are to be colored. You can use one of the following approaches:

  • You can specify a single color to be used for all the bars with CBARS=color. You can use this option in conjunction with the CHIGH and CLOW options. See Output 13.2.1 for an illustration.

  • You can specify a distinct color for each bar (or combination of bars) by providing the colors as values of a CBARS= variable. This variable must be a character variable of length eight. You can use the special value 'EMPTY' to indicate that a bar is not to be colored. Note that the variable name must be enclosed in parentheses. You cannot specify a CBARS= variable in conjunction with the CHIGH and CLOW options. See Output 13.3.1 and Output 13.4.1 for examples.

If you specify more than one process variable, you can specify more than one CBARS= variable. The number of CBARS= variables should be less than or equal to the number of process variables. The two lists of variables are paired in order of specification. If a CBARS= variable is not provided for a process variable, the bars for that chart are not colored.

If you specify one or more CBARS= variables, you can also use the BARLEGEND= option to add a legend to the chart that explains the significance of each color. Furthermore, you can use the PBARS= option to specify patterns in conjunction with the CBARS= option. See Output 13.4.1 and Output 13.5.1 for examples.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the color for the line segments connecting the points on the cumulative percent curve. You can specify the color for the points themselves with the COLOR= option in the SYMBOL statement; this is the default color.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the color for filling the area enclosed by the axes and the frame. The CFRAME= option cannot be used in conjunction with the NOFRAME option or the CTILES= option.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies that the legend requested with the NLEGEND option be framed and that the frame be filled with the color indicated. If you specify CFRAMENLEG=EMPTY, a frame is drawn but is not filled with a color. Specify CFRAMENLEG without an argument to fill the frame with a color from the ODS style. See Figure 13.9 for an illustrations.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the color for filling the frame area for the row labels displayed along the left side of a comparative Pareto chart requested with the CLASS= option. If a label is associated with the classification variable, this color is also used to fill the frame area for this label.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the color for filling the frame area for the column labels displayed across the top of a comparative Pareto chart requested with the CLASS= option. If a label is associated with the classification variable, this color is also used to fill the frame area for this label.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the color for grid lines requested with the GRID option. If you specify the CGRID= option, you do not need to specify the GRID option.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the color for grid lines requested with the GRID2 option. If you specify the CGRID2= option, you do not need to specify the GRID2 option.


[Traditional Graphics][ODS Graphics] specifies the color used to fill the bars with the highest values. You cannot use the CHIGH()= option in conjunction with a CBARS= variable, but you can use the CHIGH()= option together with the CLOW()= and CBARS=color options. Use the CHIGH() option without specifying a color to fill the highest bars with a color from the ODS style. See Output 13.3.1 for an illustration.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the color for lines requested with the HREF= option.

CLASS=(variable1 variable2)

creates a comparative Pareto chart using the levels of the variables. You must enclose two variables in parentheses. See Example 13.1 and Example 13.2.

If you specify a single CLASS= variable, the observations in the input data set are classified by the formatted values (levels) of the variable. A Pareto chart is created for the process variable values in each level, and these component charts (referred to as cells) are arranged in an array. The cells are labeled with the levels, and uniform horizontal and vertical axes are used to facilitate comparisons.

If you specify two CLASS= variables, the observations in the input data set are cross-classified by the values (levels) of the variables. A Pareto chart is created for the process variable values in each cell of the cross-classification, and these charts are arranged in a matrix. The levels of the first CLASS= variable label the rows, and the levels of the second CLASS= variable label the columns. Uniform horizontal and vertical axes are used to facilitate comparisons.

Note that the array or matrix comparative Pareto chart is displayed only if you produce traditional graphics or ODS Graphics output. If you produce a line printer chart, the cells are printed separately.

The CLASS= variables can be numeric or character. The maximum length of a character variable is 32. If a format is associated with a CLASS= variable, the formatted values determine the levels. Only the first 32 characters of the formatted value are used to determine the levels. You can specify whether missing values are to be treated as a level with the MISSING1 and MISSING2 options.

If a label is associated with a CLASS= variable, the label is displayed on the chart. In traditional graphics output, the variable label is displayed parallel to the column (or row) labels. On line printer charts the variable label is displayed at the top of the chart.

CLASSKEY=('value1' 'value2')

specifies the key cell in a comparative Pareto chart requested with the CLASS= option. The key cell is defined as the cell in which the Pareto bars are arranged in decreasing order. This order then determines the uniform horizontal axis used for all the cells.

If you specify CLASS=variable, you can specify CLASSKEY='value' to identify the key cell as the level for which variable is equal to value. The value can have up to 32 characters, and you must specify a formatted value. By default, the levels are sorted in the order determined by the ORDER1= option, and the key cell is the level that occurs first in this order. The cells are displayed in this order from top to bottom (or left to right), and consequently the key cell is displayed at the top or at the left. If you specify a different key cell with the CLASSKEY= option, this cell is displayed at the top or at the left unless you also specify the NOKEYMOVE option.

If you specify CLASS=(variable1 variable2), you can specify CLASSKEY=('value1' 'value2') to identify the key cell as the level for which variable1 is equal to value1 and variable2 is equal to value2. Here, value1 and value2 must be formatted values, and they must be enclosed in quotes. By default, the levels of variable1 are sorted in the order determined by the ORDER1= option, and then within each of these levels, the levels of variable2 are sorted in the order determined by the ORDER2= option. The default key cell is the combination of levels of variable1 and variable2 that occurs first in this order. The cells are displayed in order of variable1 from top to bottom and in order of variable2 from left to right. Consequently, the default key cell is displayed in the upper left corner. If you specify a different key cell with the CLASSKEY= option, this cell is displayed in the upper left corner unless you also specify the NOKEYMOVE option.

For an example of the use of the CLASSKEY= option, see Output 13.1.3.


[Traditional Graphics] draws reference lines requested with the HREF= and VREF= options behind the bars on the Pareto chart. When the GSTYLE option is in effect, reference lines are drawn in front of the bars by default.


[Traditional Graphics][ODS Graphics] specifies the color used to fill the bars with the lowest values. You cannot use the CLOW()= option in conjunction with a CBARS=variable, but you can use the CLOW()= option together with the CBARS=color and CHIGH options. See Output 13.3.1 for an illustration of the CHIGH()= option. Use the CLOW() option without specifying a color to fill the lowest bars with a color from the ODS style.


labels points on the cumulative percent curve with their values. By default, the points are not labeled.


[Line Printer] specifies the plot character for line segments that connect points on the cumulative percent curve. The default character is a plus sign ('+').


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the color for the bar defined by the OTHER= option. The COTHER= option is not applicable unless a CBARS=variable is specified.


[Traditional Graphics] requests a proportion-of-frequency bar of the specified color displayed horizontally across the top of each tile in a comparative Pareto chart. Specify CPROP without an argument to create bars filled with a color from the ODS style. The length of the bar relative to the width of the tile indicates the proportion of the total frequency count in the chart that is represented by the tile. You can use the bars to visualize the distribution of frequency count by tile. See Output 13.1.4 for an illustration.

The CPROP= option provides a graphical alternative to the NLEGEND options, which display the actual count. The CPROP= option is applicable only with comparative Pareto charts. Empty bars are displayed if you specify CPROP=EMPTY. Bars are not displayed if the CPROP= option is not specified.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the color for text, such as tick mark labels, axis labels, and legends. The default is the value specified for the CTEXT= option in the GOPTIONS statement.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the color for row labels displayed along the left side of a comparative Pareto chart requested with the CLASS= option. The default color is the color specified with the CTEXT= option in the VBAR statement or the CTEXT= option in the GOPTIONS statement.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the color for column labels displayed across the top of a comparative Pareto chart requested with the CLASS= option. The default color is the color specified with the CTEXT= option in the VBAR statement or the CTEXT= option in the GOPTIONS statement.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies a character variable of length eight whose values are the fill colors for the tiles in a comparative Pareto chart. The CTILES= option generalizes the CFRAME= option, which provides a single color for all of the tiles. The variable must be enclosed in parentheses. The values of the variable must be identical for all observations with the same level of the CLASS= variables. You can use the same color to fill more than one tile. You can use the special value 'EMPTY' to indicate that a tile is not to be filled.

The CTILES= option cannot be used in conjunction with the NOFRAME option or the CFRAME= option. You can use the TILELEGEND= option in conjunction with the CTILES= option to add an explanatory legend for the CTILES= colors at the bottom of the chart. See Output 13.5.1 for an illustration. By default, the tiles are not filled.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the color for lines requested with the VREF= and VREF2= options.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies a description, up to 256 characters long, for the GRSEG catalog entry for a traditional graphics chart.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies a software font for text used in labels and legends. The FONT= option takes precedence over the FTEXT= option in the GOPTIONS statement.


specifies a frequency variable whose value provides the counts (numbers of occurrences) of the values of the process variable. Specifying a FREQ= variable is equivalent to replicating the observations in the input data set. The FREQ= variable must be a numeric variable with nonnegative integer values. See Creating a Pareto Chart Using Frequency Data for an illustration. If you specify more than one process variable in the chart statement, the FREQ= variable values are used with each process variable. If you do not specify a FREQ= variable, each value of the process variable is counted exactly once.


[Traditional Graphics]draws reference lines requested with the HREF= and VREF= options in front of the bars on the Pareto chart. When the NOGSTYLE option is in effect, reference lines are drawn behind the bars by default and can be obscured by them.


adds a grid to the Pareto chart corresponding to the primary vertical axis. Grid lines are horizontal lines positioned at tick marks on the primary vertical axis. The lines are useful for comparing the heights of the bars.


adds a grid to the Pareto chart corresponding to the secondary vertical axis. Grid lines are horizontal lines positioned at tick marks on the secondary vertical axis. The lines are useful for reading the cumulative percent curve.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the height in percent screen units of text for labels and legends. This option should be used only in conjunction with the FONT= option. The HEIGHT= option takes precedence over the HTEXT= option in a GOPTIONS statement.


[Traditional Graphics][ODS Graphics] specifies a label displayed to the left of the legend that is automatically created when you use a combination of the CHIGH, CLOW, PHIGH, and PLOW options. See Output 13.3.1 for an illustration. The label can be up to 16 characters and must be enclosed in quotes. The default label is Bars:.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the length in percent screen units of the offset at both ends of the horizontal axis. You can eliminate the offset by specifying HOFFSET=0.


specifies where reference lines perpendicular to the horizontal (Pareto category) axis are to appear on the chart. Character values can be up to 64 characters and must be enclosed in quotes. The values must be values of the process variable even when the bars are numbered and a category legend is introduced.


[Line Printer] specifies the plot character used to form the lines requested with the HREF= option. The default character is a vertical bar (|).


specifies labels for the lines requested with the HREF= option. The number of labels must equal the number of lines requested. Labels can be up to 16 characters and must be enclosed in quotes.


specifies the vertical position of HREFLABELS= labels, as described in the following table.



along top of chart


staggered from top to bottom of chart


along bottom of chart


staggered from bottom to top of chart

By default, HREFLABPOS=1. Note: HREFLABPOS=2 and HREFLABPOS=4 are not supported for ODS Graphics output.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies a variable whose values create links associated with Pareto bars when traditional graphics output is directed into HTML. You can specify a character variable or formatted numeric variable. The value of the HTML= variable should be the same for each observation with a given value of the process variable.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies a software font for text used inside the frame of the chart, such as sample size legends. The INFONT= option takes precedence over the FONT= option and the FTEXT= option in the GOPTIONS statement.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the height in percent screen units of text used inside the frame of the chart, such as sample size legends and bar labels. This option should be used in conjunction with the INFONT= option.


[Traditional Graphics][Line Printer] specifies the distance in percent screen units between bars on the chart. By default, the bars are contiguous. See Figure 13.9 for an illustration.


[Traditional Graphics][ODS Graphics] specifies the distance in horizontal percent screen units between tiles (cells) in a comparative Pareto chart. By default, the tiles are contiguous. See Output 13.1.3 for an illustration.

LABOTHER= 'other-label'

is used in conjunction with the BARLABEL=(variable) option and specifies a label for the 'other' category that is optionally specified with the OTHER= option.


specifies that the bar corresponding to the category is to be displayed at the right end of the chart regardless of the percent associated with this category. The category must be a formatted value of the process variable and must be enclosed in quotes. The category can be up to 64 characters. See Figure 13.10 for an illustration.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the line type for the grid requested with the GRID option. If you specify the LGRID= option, you do not need to specify the GRID option.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the line type for the grid requested with the GRID2 option. If you specify the LGRID2= option, you do not need to specify the GRID2 option.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the line type for lines requested with the HREF= option.


[Traditional Graphics][ODS Graphics] specifies a label for the bar defined with the OTHER= option. This label appears in the legend created with the BARLEGEND= option. The label must be enclosed in quotes and can be up to 32 characters. The default label is the value specified with the OTHER= option. The LOTHER= option is applicable only when a BARLEGEND= variable is specified.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the line type for lines requested with the VREF= and VREF2= options.


[ODS Graphics] specifies that the points on the cumulative percent curve be plotted with markers in ODS Graphics output. You can use a SYMBOL statement to plot the points in traditional graphics and the SYMBOLCHAR= option to specify the plotting character for a line printer chart.


specifies that only the Pareto categories with the highest frequency counts are to be displayed, where the sum of the corresponding percents is less than or equal to the specified percent. For example, if you specify

proc pareto data=failure;
   vbar cause / maxcmpct = 90;

the chart displays only the most frequently occurring categories that account for no more than 90 percent of the total frequency.

You can use the OTHER= option in conjunction with the MAXCMPCT= option to create and display a new category that combines those categories that are not selected with the MAXCMPCT= option. For example, if you specify

proc pareto data=failure;
   vbar cause / maxcmpct = 90
                other    = 'Others';

the chart displays the categories that account for no more than 90 percent of the total frequency, together with a category labeled Others that merges the remaining categories. The MAXCMPCT= option is an alternative to the MINPCT= and MAXNCAT= options.


specifies that only the Pareto categories with the highest frequencies are to be displayed. For example, if you specify

proc pareto data=failure;
   vbar cause / maxncat = 20;

the chart displays only the categories with the 20 highest frequencies. If the total number of categories is less than 20, all the categories are displayed.

You can use the OTHER= option in conjunction with the MAXNCAT= option to create and display a new category that combines those categories that are not selected with the MAXNCAT= option. For example, if you specify

proc pareto data=failure;
   vbar cause / maxncat = 20
                other= 'Others';

the chart displays the categories with the 19 highest frequencies, together with a category labeled Others that merges the remaining categories. See Figure 13.10 for another illustration.

The MAXNCAT= option is an alternative to the MINPCT= and MAXCMPCT= options.


specifies that only the Pareto categories with frequency percents greater than or equal to the specified percent are to be displayed. For example, if you specify

proc pareto data=failure;
   vbar cause / minpct = 5;

the chart displays only those categories with at least five percent of the total frequency.

You can use the OTHER= option in conjunction with the MINPCT= option to create and display a new category that combines those categories that are not selected with the MINPCT= option. The merged category created by the OTHER= option is displayed even if its total percent is less than the percent specified with the MINPCT= option. For example, if you specify

proc pareto data=failure;
   vbar cause / minpct = 5
                other  = 'Others';

the chart displays the categories with percents greater than or equal to five percent, together with a category labeled Others that merges the remaining categories.

The MINPCT= option is an alternative to the MAXNCAT= and MAXCMPCT= options.


specifies that missing values of the process variable are to be treated as a Pareto category represented with a bar on the chart. If the process variable is a character variable, a missing value is defined as a blank internal (unformatted) value. If the process variable is numeric, a missing value is defined as any of the SAS missing values. If you do not specify the MISSING option, missing values are excluded from the analysis.


specifies that missing values of the first CLASS= variable are to be treated as a level of the CLASS= variable. If the first CLASS= variable is a character variable, a missing value is defined as a blank internal (unformatted) value. If the first CLASS= variable is numeric, a missing value is defined as any of the SAS missing values. If you do not specify MISSING1, observations in the DATA= data set for which the first CLASS= variable is missing are excluded from the analysis.


specifies that missing values of the second CLASS= variable are to be treated as a level of the CLASS= variable. If the second CLASS= variable is a character variable, a missing value is defined as a blank internal (unformatted) value. If the second CLASS= variable is numeric, a missing value is defined as any of the SAS missing values. If you do not specify MISSING2, observations in the DATA= data set for which the second CLASS= variable is missing are excluded from the analysis.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the name of the GRSEG catalog entry for a traditional graphics chart, and the name of the graphics output file if one is created. The name can be up to 256 characters long, but the GRSEG name is truncated to eight characters. The default name is ’PARETO’.


[Traditional Graphics][ODS Graphics] specifies the number of columns in a comparative Pareto chart. You can use the NCOLS= option in conjunction with the NROWS= option. See Output 13.2.3 and Output 13.2.4 for an illustration. By default, NCOLS=1 and NROWS=2 if one CLASS= variable is specified, and NCOLS=2 and NROWS=2 if two CLASS= variables are specified.


requests a sample size legend and specifies its form as follows:

  • If you specify the NLEGEND option, the form is N=n, where is the total count for the Pareto categories. In a comparative Pareto chart, a legend is displayed in each tile, and is the total count for that particular cell. See Output 13.2.1 for an illustration.

  • If you specify the NLEGEND='label' option, the form is label=n, where is the total count for the Pareto categories. The label can be up to 32 characters and must be enclosed in quotes. For an illustration, see Figure 13.9 or Output 13.1.4.

  • If you specify the NLEGEND=(variable) option, the legend is the value of the variable, which must be a variable in the DATA= data set whose formatted length does not exceed 32. If a format is associated with the variable, then the formatted value is displayed. This option is intended for use with comparative Pareto charts and enables you to display a customized legend inside each tile (this legend need not provide total count). It is assumed that the values of the variable are identical for all observations in a particular class.

By default, the legend is placed in the upper-left corner of the chart. If the NOCURVE option is specified, the legend is placed in the upper-right corner of the chart. You can use the CFRAMENLEG= option to frame the sample size legend. No legend is displayed if you do not specify an NLEGEND option.


suppresses the creation of a Pareto chart. This option is useful when you are simply creating an output data set.


suppresses the display of the cumulative percent curve and the secondary vertical axis. Compare Output 13.2.1 and Output 13.2.2 for an illustration.


[Traditional Graphics][Line Printer] suppresses the frame that is drawn around the chart by default. The NOFRAME option cannot be specified in conjunction with the CFRAME= or CTILES= options.


suppresses the label for the horizontal axis. This is useful for avoiding clutter in situations where the meaning of the horizontal axis is apparent from the labels for the Pareto categories. See Output 13.2.2 for an illustration.


suppresses the legend generated by the CHIGH(n)=, CLOW(n)=, PHIGH(n)=, and PLOW(n)= options.


[Traditional Graphics][ODS Graphics] suppresses the rearrangement of cells within a comparative Pareto chart that occurs when you use the CLASSKEY= option. The key cell appears in the top left corner of a comparative Pareto chart unless you use the CLASSKEY= option together with the NOKEYMOVE option.


suppresses the label for the primary vertical axis.


suppresses the label for the secondary vertical axis. This is useful for avoiding clutter on comparative Pareto charts.


suppresses the primary vertical axis label, tick marks, and tick mark labels.


suppresses the secondary vertical axis label, tick marks, and tick mark labels.


[Traditional Graphics][ODS Graphics] specifies the number of rows in a comparative Pareto chart. You can use the NROWS= option in conjunction with the NCOLS= option. See Output 13.2.3 and Output 13.2.4 for an illustration. By default, NROWS=2.


specifies the display order for the values of the first CLASS= variable. The levels of the first CLASS= variable are always constructed using the formatted values of the variable, and the formatted values are always used to label the rows (columns) of a comparative Pareto chart.

If you specify ORDER1=INTERNAL, the rows (columns) are displayed from top to bottom (left to right) in increasing order of the internal, or unformatted, values of the first CLASS= variable. If there are two or more distinct internal values with the same formatted value, the order is determined by the internal value that occurs first in the input data set. For example, suppose that you use a numeric CLASS= variable called DAY (with values 1, 2, and 3) to create a one-way comparative Pareto chart. Suppose also that you use the FORMAT procedure to associate the formatted values 1 = 'Wednesday', 2 = 'Thursday', and 3 = 'Friday' with the variable DAY. If you specify ORDER1=INTERNAL, the rows of the comparative chart will appear in chronological order (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) from top to bottom.

If you specify ORDER1=FORMATTED, the rows (columns) are displayed from top to bottom (left to right) in increasing order of the formatted values of the first CLASS= variable. For instance, in the previous illustration, if you specify ORDER1=FORMATTED, the rows will appear in alphabetical order (Friday, Thursday, Wednesday) from top to bottom.

If you specify ORDER1=DATA, the rows (columns) are displayed from top to bottom (left to right) in the order in which the values of the first CLASS= variable first appear in the input data set.

If you specify ORDER1=FREQ, the rows (columns) are displayed from top to bottom (left to right) in order of decreasing frequency count. If two or more classes have the same frequency count, the order is determined by the formatted values.

By default, ORDER1=INTERNAL.


specifies the display order for the values of the second CLASS= variable. The levels of the second CLASS= variable are always constructed using the formatted values of the variable, and the formatted values are always used to label the columns of a two-way comparative Pareto chart.

The PARETO procedure determines the layout of a two-way comparative Pareto chart by first using the ORDER1= option to obtain the order of the rows from top to bottom (recall that ORDER1=INTERNAL by default). Then the ORDER2= option is applied to the observations corresponding to the first row to obtain the order of the columns from left to right. If any columns remain unordered (that is, the categories are unbalanced), the ORDER2= option is applied to the observations in the second row, and so on until all the columns have been ordered.

The values of the ORDER2= option are interpreted as described for the ORDER1= option. By default, ORDER2=INTERNAL.


specifies a new category that merges all categories not selected with the MAXNCAT=, MINPCT=, or MAXCMPCT= options. See Figure 13.10 for an illustration.

The category should be specified as a formatted value of the process variable. The category can be up to 32 characters and must be enclosed in quotes. If you specify an OUT= data set, you should also specify an internal value corresponding to the category with the OTHERCVAL= option or the OTHERNVAL= option.

The OTHER= option is not applicable unless you specify the MAXNCAT=, MINPCT=, or MAXCMPCT= option. You can use the COTHER=, LOTHER=, POTHER=, OTHERCVAL=, and OTHERNVAL= options with the OTHER= option.


specifies the internal (unformatted) value for a character process variable in the OUT= data set that corresponds to the category created with the OTHER= option. The category can be up to 64 characters and must be enclosed in quotes.

The OTHERCVAL= option is not applicable unless you specify the OTHER= and OUT= options. If you specify the OTHER= option but not the OTHERCVAL= option, the default value is the value specified with the OTHER= option.


specifies the internal (unformatted) value for a numeric process variable in the OUT= data set that corresponds to the category created with the OTHER= option. The OTHERNVAL= option is not applicable unless you specify the OTHER= and OUT= options. If you specify the OTHER= option but not the OTHERNVAL= option, value is assigned a missing value.


creates an output data set that contains the information displayed in the Pareto chart. This is useful if you want to create a report to accompany your chart. See Example 13.8 for an illustration.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies pattern fills for the bars. You can use one of two approaches:

  • You can specify a single pattern to be used for all the bars with the PBARS=pattern option. You can use this option in conjunction with the PHIGH and PLOW options.

  • You can specify a distinct pattern for each bar (or combination of bars) by providing the patterns as values of a PBARS= variable. For example, you might use the solid pattern ('S') to indicate severe problems and the empty pattern ('E') for all other problems. The variable must be a character variable of length eight, and the variable name must be enclosed in parentheses. You cannot specify a PBARS= variable in conjunction with the PHIGH and PLOW options.

If you specify more than one process variable in the chart statement, you can provide more than one PBARS= variable. The number of PBARS= variables should be less than or equal to the number of process variables. The two lists of variables are paired in order of specification. If a PBARS= variable is not provided for a process variable, the bars for that chart are not filled.

If you specify one or more variables with the PBARS= option, you can also use the BARLEGEND= option to add a legend to the chart that explains the significance of each pattern. Furthermore, you can use the CBARS= option to specify colors in conjunction with the PBARS= option.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the pattern used to fill the bars with the highest values. You cannot specify the PHIGH option in conjunction with a PBARS= variable, but you can specify the PHIGH()= option together with the PLOW()= and PBARS=pattern options.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the pattern used to fill the bars with the lowest values. You cannot specify the PLOW option in conjunction with a PBARS= variable, but you can use the PLOW()= option together with the PHIGH()= and PBARS=pattern options.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the pattern used for the bar defined by the OTHER= option. The POTHER= option is not applicable unless a PBARS= variable is specified.


specifies the scale for the primary vertical axis.

If you specify SCALE=PERCENT, the scale is percent of total frequency. If a WEIGHT= variable is used, the scale is percent of total weight.

If you specify SCALE=COUNT, the scale is counts. See Output 13.1.4 for an illustration. This option is not applicable if a WEIGHT= variable is used. You can specify SCALE=FREQUENCY instead of SCALE=COUNT.

If you specify SCALE=WEIGHT, the vertical axis is scaled in the same units as the WEIGHT= variable. This option is not applicable unless you use a WEIGHT= variable.

By default, SCALE=PERCENT. See Output 13.8.1 for an example. Regardless of how SCALE= is specified, the secondary axis is scaled in cumulative percent units.


[Line Printer] specifies the plot character for points on the cumulative percent curve. The default character is an asterisk (*).


[Traditional Graphics] specifies a variable used to add a legend for CTILES= colors. The variable can have a formatted length less than or equal to 32. If a format is associated with the variable, then the formatted value is displayed. The TILELEGEND= option must be used in conjunction with the CTILES= option for filling the tiles in a comparative Pareto chart. If CTILES= is specified and TILELEGEND= is not specified, a color legend is not displayed.

The values of the CTILES= and TILELEGEND= variables should be consistent for all observations with the same level of the CLASS= variables. The value of the TILELEGEND= variable is used to identify the corresponding color value of the CTILES= variable in the legend. See Output 13.5.1 for an illustration.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies a label displayed to the left of the legend that is created when you specify a TILELEGEND= variable. The label can be up to 16 characters and must be enclosed in quotes. The default label is Tiles:. See Output 13.5.1 for an illustration.


[Traditional Graphics] turns and strings out vertically the characters in the labels for the primary and secondary vertical axes.


[ODS Graphics] specifies URLs as values of the specified character variable (or formatted values of a numeric variable). These URLs are associated with bars on the Pareto chart when ODS Graphics output is directed into HTML. The value of the HTML= variable should be the same for each observation with a given value of the process variable.


specifies tick mark values for the primary vertical axis. The values must be equally spaced and in increasing order, and the first value must be zero. You must scale the values in the same units as the bars (see the SCALE= option), and the last value must be greater than or equal to the height of the largest bar.


specifies a label, up to 40 characters, for the primary vertical axis. The default label depends on the value of the SCALE= option, or it is the label associated with the WEIGHT= variable.


specifies tick mark values for the secondary vertical axis. The values must be equally spaced and in increasing order, and the first value must be zero. You must scale the values in percent units, and the last value must be greater than or equal to 100.


specifies a label, up to 40 characters, for the secondary vertical axis. The default label is Cumulative Percent or Cm Pct, depending on the space available.


specifies the length in percent screen units of the offset at the upper end of the primary vertical axis.


specifies where reference lines perpendicular to the primary vertical axis are to appear on the chart. You must specify the values in the same units used to scale the primary axis. By default, the primary axis is scaled in percent units, but you can specify other units with the SCALE= option. See Output 13.2.3 for an illustration.


specifies where reference lines perpendicular to the secondary vertical axis are to appear on the chart. You must specify the values in cumulative percent units.


[Line Printer] specifies the character used to form the lines requested with the VREF= and VREF2= options. The default character is a dash (-).


specifies labels for the lines requested with the VREF= option. The number of labels must equal the number of lines requested. Enclose the labels in quotes. Labels can be up to 16 characters.


specifies labels for the lines requested with the VREF2= option. The number of labels must equal the number of lines requested. Enclose the labels in quotes. Labels can be up to 16 characters.


specifies the vertical positioning of the VREFLABELS= and VREF2LABELS= labels. If you specify VREFLABPOS=1, the labels are positioned at the left of the chart, and if you specify VREFLABPOS=2, the labels are positioned at the right. By default, =1.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the line thickness (in pixels) for the axes and frame. This thickness is also used for bar outlines and grid lines, unless overridden by the WBARLINE=, WGRID=, or WGRID2= options.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the width for bar outlines.


specifies weight variables used to construct weighted Pareto charts. The WEIGHT= variables are paired with the process variables in order of specification. The WEIGHT= variables must be numeric, and their values must be nonnegative (noninteger values are permitted). If a WEIGHT= variable is not provided for a process variable, the weights applied to that process variable are assumed to be one. See Weighted Pareto Charts for computational details.

A WEIGHT= variable is particularly useful for carrying out a Pareto analysis based on cost rather than frequency of occurrence. See Example 13.8 for an illustration.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the width of the primary chart grid lines. If the WGRID= option is specified the GRID option is not required.


[Traditional Graphics] specifies the width of the secondary chart grid lines. If the WGRID2= option is specified the GRID2 option is not required.