The PROC MVPMONITOR statement invokes the MVPMONITOR procedure and specifies various input data sets, depending on whether the analysis is used for Phase I or Phase II.

You can specify the following options with the PROC MVPMONITOR statement:


specifies an input SAS data set that contains process measurement data for a Phase II analysis. You cannot specify both a DATA= data set and a HISTORY= data set. See the section DATA= Data Set for details about DATA= data sets.


specifies an input SAS data set that contains process variable data augmented with principal component scores, multivariate summary statistics, and other calculated values. This data set is used for a Phase I analysis. Normally, a HISTORY= data set is created as an OUT= data set from the MVPMODEL procedure. You cannot specify both a DATA= and a HISTORY= data set. See the section HISTORY= Data Set for details about HISTORY= data sets.


specifies an input SAS data set that contains eigenvalues and principal component loadings, which are used to compute principal component scores and multivariate summary statistics for a Phase II analysis. Normally, the LOADINGS= data set is produced by the MVPMODEL procedure as an OUTLOADINGS= data set. See the section LOADINGS= Data Set for details about LOADINGS= data sets.


specifies how observations with missing process variable values in the DATA= data set are to be handled. The default is MISSING=NONE, for which observations with missing values for any of the process variables are excluded from the analysis. The option MISSING=AVG specifies that missing values for a given variable be replaced by the average of the nonmissing values for that variable.


suppresses centering of the process variables that are read from a DATA= data set for Phase II analysis. This is useful if the process variables are already centered and scaled. See the section Centering and Scaling for more information.


suppresses scaling of the process variables before that are read from a DATA= data set for Phase II analysis. This is useful if the process variables are already centered and scaled. See the section Centering and Scaling for more information.


specifies the prefix used to identify variables that contain principal component scores in the HISTORY= data set. For example, if you specify PREFIX=ABC, the procedure attempts to read score variables ABC1, ABC2, ABC3, and so on. The default PREFIX= value is Prin, which is the default score variable prefix the MVPMODEL procedure uses when it creates an OUT= data set. If you are using an OUT= data set from MVPMODEL as a HISTORY= data set, the PREFIX= value must match the PROC MVPMODEL PREFIX= value specified when the OUT= data set was created.

Note: The number of characters in the prefix plus the number of digits required to designate the variables must not exceed the current name length defined by the VALIDVARNAME= system option.


specifies the prefix used to identify variables that contain residuals in the HISTORY= data set. Residual variable names are formed by appending process variable names to the prefix. The default RPREFIX= value is R_, which is the default residual variable prefix the MVPMODEL procedure uses when creating an OUT= data set. If you are using an OUT= data set from MVPMODEL as a HISTORY= data set, the RPREFIX= value must match the PROC MVPMODEL RPREFIX= value specified when the OUT= data set was created.

Note: The number of characters in the prefix plus the maximum length of the variable names must not exceed the current name length defined by the VALIDVARNAME= system option.

Note: This procedure is experimental.