Example 5.15 Inset for Goodness-of-Fit Statistics

[See CAPINS3 in the SAS/QC Sample Library]This example fits a normal curve to the torsion strength data used in the section Getting Started: INSET Statement. The following statements fit a normal curve and request an inset summarizing the fitted curve with the mean, the standard deviation, and the Anderson-Darling goodness-of-fit test:

ods graphics off;
title 'Torsion Strength of Copper Wire';
proc capability data=Wire noprint;
   spec lsl=22 usl=38;
   histogram Strength / normal(color=black noprint l=34)
   inset normal(mu sigma ad adpval) / cfill  = ywh
                                      format = 7.2;

The resulting histogram is displayed in Output 5.15.1. The NOCURVELEGEND option in the HISTOGRAM statement suppresses the default legend for curve parameters.

Output 5.15.1 Inset Table with Normal Curve Information
Inset Table with Normal Curve Information