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Building a Model with Compound Components

Palettes for Reusing Components

Another powerful feature of compound components is the ability to use them as templates for replication. You do this by simply dragging and dropping them into a palette. Notice the compound component at the bottom of the palette in Figure 6.12. Since this is in the palette and is a template, it can be replicated.

cpcmppal.gif (14747 bytes)

Figure 6.12: The Toolbar with the New "Logic" Button

Now, this icon can be replicated by simply dragging it onto the Simulation window as you would any other component in the palette. You can change the image on the icon by using the pop-up menu on the icon and selecting Graphic Attributes. Furthermore, this icon or template can be saved in a SAS dataset by saving the palette. See Chapter 8, "Saving and Restoring," for details.

Note that it is possible to create compound components and, as a result, templates, that reference components not in the compound component and template itself. For example, you can have a Trigger as a template that references a queue not in that template. When the template is replicated, the Trigger will no longer reference the queue, and its reference to a component in the model will have to be re-established. However, any references to components within the template will be preserved in replicates.

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