Getting Started

The Command Buttons

commandb.gif (2705 bytes)

Figure 2.4: The Command Panel and Buttons

The command buttons shown in Figure 2.4 initiate global simulation commands. Notice that the stop button is pressed. This means that the simulation is temporarily halted. If the button were pressed again, the simulation would proceed from the point at which it was interrupted. From left to right the command buttons are

clock imageshows the simulation time. By default time is measured in
 dimensionless units, but it can be changed to any unit from
 milliseconds to years using the pull down menu
 Options arrow Clock.... Pressing on this button toggles
 between the simulation time and the clock icon.
start imagestarts the simulation.
stop imagestops the simulation.
reset imageresets the simulation.
animateb imagetoggles transaction animation on and off. When animation is on,
 you can see transactions that originate at Samplers traversing
 the network.
alignmen imagealigns components vertically and horizontally.
debug imageraises the Debug Control Panel.
cpsimula imageraises the Components Control Panel.
viewport imageraises the Viewport Window.
save imagesaves the simulation model.
attribut imageraises the Component Attributes Panel for changing colors,
 fonts, and images.

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