Getting Started

The Component Control Panel

The Component Control Panel gives you control over individual components in your models. You select components in the Components list box and then press buttons in the window to perform actions. The Components list box shows the highest level of components in the model. Since components can be nested into a hierarchy, there can be multiple levels.

cp1.gif (6448 bytes)

Figure 2.5: The Component Control Panel

If you select a component and press one of the five buttons to the right of the Components list box, the component executes that action. For example, selecting Sampler in the list box and pressing the Start button starts transaction sampling in that sampler.

The two buttons left image and right image are used for navigating into and out of compound components in the Components list box.

Before performing any statistical analysis, data must be collected. The Data Collection check box controls saving the simulation sample path into a SAS data set which is then used for the data analysis.

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