The GANTT Procedure

Full-Screen Version

You can invoke PROC GANTT in full-screen mode by specifying FS (or FULLSCREEN) in the PROC GANTT statement. The full-screen mode offers you a convenient way to browse the Gantt chart for the project. For large projects, where the chart could span several pages, the full-screen mode is especially convenient because you can scroll around the output using commands on the command line, pull-down menus, or function keys. You can scroll vertically to a given job on the task axis by specifying a job number or scroll horizontally to a given point in time along the time axis by specifying a date. You can optionally display the title and the legend.

The specifications for the full-screen version of PROC GANTT and the output format are the same as those for the line-printer version. The following is a list of the few minor differences:

  • The FILL option is not relevant in this case because all of the activities are plotted on one logical page.

  • The NOLEGEND option is not effective. The screen always displays only the body of the chart along with the ID columns. To see what the symbols mean, you can use the SHOW LEGEND command, which causes the legend to be displayed at the bottom of the chart. To delete the legend, use the DELETE LEGEND command.

  • The SUMMARY option is not supported in full-screen mode.

  • The SCALE= option works the same way as in the line-printer version, except for its default behavior. The default value is always 1, unlike in the line-printer case where, if the time axis fits on less than one page, the default value is chosen so that the time axis fills as much of the page as possible.

Output Format

The output format is similar to the line-printer version of PROC GANTT. When PROC GANTT is invoked with the FS option, the screen is filled with a display of the Gantt chart. The display consists of column headings at the top and ID values (if an ID statement is used to specify ID variables) at the left. The body of the chart occupies the bottom right portion of the display. The column headings can be scrolled left or right, the ID values can be scrolled up or down, and the body of the chart can scroll along both directions. The display does not include the TITLES or LEGEND.

In addition to using the symbols and join characters as described for the line-printer version of PROC GANTT, the full-screen version also uses different colors to distinguish the types of activities and their associated bars.

You can use the FIND command to locate a particular job (by job number) or a particular time along the time axis. The format of the FIND command is FIND JOB n or FIND TIME t. All the commands that are specific to PROC GANTT are described as follows.

Local Commands

Table 8.6 lists the commands that can be used in the full-screen version of PROC GANTT.

Table 8.6 Full-Screen Commands and Their Purpose


Controlling Display





















scrolls towards the top of the Gantt chart by the VSCROLL amount. A specification of BACKWARD MAX scrolls to the top of the chart. You can also specify the vertical scroll amount for the current command as BACKWARD PAGE | HALF | n. Note that during vertical scrolling, the column headings are not scrolled.


scrolls to the bottom of the Gantt chart.


deletes the legend or the title from the screen. A specification of DELETE LEGEND deletes the legend from the current display; DELETE TITLE deletes the current title (titles) from the current display.


ends the current invocation of the procedure.


scrolls to the specified position on the chart. The format of the command is FIND JOB n or FIND TIME t.

A specification of FIND JOB n scrolls backward or forward, as necessary, in order to position the activity with job number n on the screen. The specified activity is positioned at the top of the screen, unless this would result in blank space at the bottom of the screen. In this instance, the chart is scrolled down to fit as many jobs as space permits.

A specification of FIND TIME t scrolls left or right, as necessary, in order to position the time t on the time axis to appear on the screen. The specified time is positioned at the left boundary of the displayed chart area unless this would result in blank space at the right of the screen. In this instance, the chart is scrolled to the right to fit as much of the time axis as space permits.


scrolls towards the bottom of the Gantt chart by the VSCROLL amount. A specification of FORWARD MAX scrolls to the bottom of the chart. You can also specify the vertical scroll amount for the current command as FORWARD PAGE | HALF | n. Note that during vertical scrolling, the column headings are not scrolled.


displays a HELP screen listing all the full-screen commands specific to PROC GANTT.


moves the cursor to the command line.


sets the amount of information that scrolls horizontally when you execute the LEFT or RIGHT command. The format is HSCROLL PAGE | HALF | n. The specification is assumed to be in number of columns. A specification of HSCROLL PAGE sets the scroll amount to be the number of columns in the part of the screen displaying the plot of the schedules. A specification of HSCROLL HALF is half that amount; HSCROLL n sets the horizontal scroll amount to n columns. The default setting is PAGE.


displays current function key settings.


scrolls towards the left boundary of the Gantt chart by the HSCROLL amount. A specification of LEFT MAX scrolls to the left boundary. You can also specify the horizontal scroll amount for the current command as LEFT PAGE | HALF | n. Note that during horizontal scrolling, the ID columns are not scrolled.


scrolls towards the right boundary of the Gantt chart by the HSCROLL amount. A specification of RIGHT MAX scrolls to the right boundary. You can also specify the horizontal scroll amount for the current command as RIGHT PAGE | HALF | n. Note that during horizontal scrolling, the ID columns are not scrolled.


displays the legend or the title on the screen. A specification of SHOW LEGEND displays the legend in the bottom portion of the current display; SHOW TITLE displays the current title (titles) in the top portion of the current display.


scrolls to the top of the Gantt chart.


sets the amount of information that scrolls vertically when you execute the
BACKWARD or FORWARD command. The format is VSCROLL PAGE | HALF | n. The specification is assumed to be in number of rows. A specification of VSCROLL PAGE sets the scroll amount to be the number of rows in the part of the screen displaying the plot of the schedules. A specification of VSCROLL HALF is half that amount; VSCROLL n sets the vertical scroll amount to n rows. The default setting is PAGE.

Global Commands

Most of the global commands used in SAS/FSP software are also valid with PROC GANTT. Some of the commands used for printing screens are described below.

SAS/FSP software provides you with a set of printing commands that enable you to take pictures of windows and to route those pictures to a printer or a file. Whether you choose to route these items directly to a printer queue or to a print file, SAS/FSP software provides you with a means of specifying printing instructions. The following is an overview of these related commands and their functions:


releases all items in the print queue to the printer. This includes pictures taken with the SPRINTcommand as well as items sent to the print queue with the SEND command. All items in the print queue are also automatically sent to the printer when you exit the procedure, send an item that uses a different form, or send an item to a print file. Items are also sent automatically when internal buffers have been filled.

Items sent to a file:

If you have routed pictures taken with the SPRINT command to a file rather than to a printer, the file is closed when you execute a FREE command. It is also closed when you send an item that uses a different form, send items to a different print file or to the print queue, or exit the procedure.

Note: Any items sent to the same print file after it has been closed will replace the current contents.

PRTFILE 'filename'
PRTFILE fileref

specifies a file to which the procedure sends pictures taken with the SPRINT command instead of sending them to the default printer. You can specify an actual filename or a previously assigned fileref.

Using a filename:

To specify a file named destination-file, execute

prtfile 'destination-file'

where destination-file follows your system’s conventions. Note that quotes are required when you specify a filename rather than a fileref.

Using a fileref:

You can also specify a previously assigned fileref.

Using the default:

Specify PRTFILE CLEAR to prompt the procedure to route information once again to the queue for the default printer.

Identify the current print file:

Specify PRTFILE to prompt the procedure to identify the current print file.


takes a picture of the current window exactly as you see it, including window contents, border, and command line. By default, the picture is sent to the queue for the default printer.

Border and command line:

By default, both the window border and command line are included in the picture you take with the SPRINT command. You can capture a picture of the window contents that excludes either the window border, the command line, or both. Specify the NOBORDER option to exclude the border and the NOCMD option to exclude the command line. Taking a picture of the window contents without the border and command line is a convenient way to print text for a report.


The destination of the picture captured with the SPRINT command is determined by the PRTFILE command. By default, the picture goes to the default printer. Use the PRTFILE command if you want it sent to a file instead. Each time you execute the SPRINT command, the picture you take is appended to the current print file; it does not write over the current file. See the PRTFILE command for further explanation.