The Projman Application

Node Options

Text Height

When text height is specified as h, all text drawn on the network diagram (excluding titles and footnotes) is h times the value of the global text height option, which is specified in the Report Options window.

Note that this option is ignored unless the report Resolution option is set for graphics-quality output.

Center Id Values

When this check box is selected, all values of variables in the Identifier list are centered within each node in the network diagram. By default, character valued variables are left justified and numeric valued variables are right justified within each node. Note that this option is ignored unless the report Resolution option is set for graphics-quality output.

Show Default Vars

When this check box is selected, values of the default variables are displayed within each node. These values include the activity name and any project schedule dates or float amounts. If this check box is cleared, only values appearing in the Identifier list are displayed.

Label Variables

When this check box is selected, short (3-character) labels are displayed in front of the values that are listed within each node of the network diagram. By default, there are no labels.

Show Duration

When this check box is selected, the duration of each activity is listed within the corresponding node in the network diagram.

Show Progress

When this check box is selected, the current status (completed, in-progress, or pending) is indicated within each node of the network diagram. If the network diagram is created with lineprinter or fullscreen resolution, activities in progress are outlined with the letter P and completed activities are outlined with the letter F; in graphics-quality resolution, in-progress activities are marked with a diagonal line across the node from the bottom left to the top right corner, while completed activities are marked with two diagonal lines. Pending activities are drawn in the default manner.

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