The Mixed Integer Linear Programming Solver |
The following application has been adapted from Example 3.14.
The following example illustrates the use of PROC OPTMODEL to generate
a mixed integer linear
program to solve a multicommodity network flow model with fixed charges.
Consider a network with nodes , arcs
, and a set
commodities to be shipped between the nodes.
There is a variable shipping cost
for each of the four
across each of the arcs
. In addition, there is
a fixed charge
for the
use of each arc
. The shipping costs and fixed charges are defined in the
data set arcdata, as follows:
data arcdata; array c c1-c4; input from $ to $ c1 c2 c3 c4 fx; datalines; farm-a Chicago 20 15 17 22 100 farm-b Chicago 15 15 15 30 75 farm-c Chicago 30 30 10 10 100 farm-a StLouis 30 25 27 22 150 farm-c StLouis 10 9 11 10 75 Chicago NY 75 75 75 75 200 StLouis NY 80 80 80 80 200 ; run;
The supply (positive numbers) at each of the nodes and the
demand (negative numbers) at each of the nodes for each
are shown in the data set
nodedata, as follows:
data nodedata; array sd sd1-sd4; input node $ sd1 sd2 sd3 sd4; datalines; farm-a 100 100 40 . farm-b 100 200 50 50 farm-c 40 100 75 100 NY -150 -200 -50 -75 ; run;
Let define the flow of commodity
across arc
if arc
is used, and 0 otherwise. Since the
total flow on an arc
must be less than the total demand
across all nodes
, we can define the trivial upper bound
This model can be represented using the following mixed integer linear program:
Constraint (balance_con) ensures conservation of flow for both supply
and demand. Constraint (fixed_charge_con) models the fixed charge
cost by forcing if
for any commodity
The PROC OPTMODEL code follows.
proc optmodel presolver=none; set COMMODITIES = 1..4; set <str,str> ARCS; set <str> NODES = (setof {<i,j> in ARCS} i) union (setof {<i,j> in ARCS} j); num shipping_cost {ARCS, COMMODITIES}; num fixed_charge {ARCS}; num supply_demand {NODES, COMMODITIES} init 0; num upper_bound {ARCS, comm in COMMODITIES} init sum {i in NODES: supply_demand[i,comm] < 0} (-supply_demand[i,comm]); read data arcdata into ARCS=[from to] {comm in COMMODITIES} <shipping_cost[from,to,comm] = col("c"||comm)> fixed_charge=fx; read data nodedata nomiss into [node] {comm in COMMODITIES} <supply_demand[node,comm] = col("sd"||comm)>; var Flow {<i,j> in ARCS, comm in COMMODITIES} >= 0 <= upper_bound[i,j,comm]; var UseArc {ARCS} binary; /* minimize shipping costs plus fixed charges */ min TotalCost = sum {<i,j> in ARCS, comm in COMMODITIES} shipping_cost[i,j,comm] * Flow[i,j,comm] + sum {<i,j> in ARCS} fixed_charge[i,j] * UseArc[i,j]; /* flow balance constraints: outflow - inflow <= supply_demand */ con balance_con {i in NODES, comm in COMMODITIES}: sum {j in NODES: <i,j> in ARCS} Flow[i,j,comm] - sum {j in NODES: <j,i> in ARCS} Flow[j,i,comm] <= supply_demand[i,comm]; /* fixed charge constraints: if Flow > 0 for some commodity then UseArc = 1 */ con fixed_charge_con {<i,j> in ARCS, comm in COMMODITIES}: Flow[i,j,comm] <= upper_bound[i,j,comm] * UseArc[i,j]; solve with milp; print {<i,j> in ARCS, comm in COMMODITIES: Flow[i,j,comm] > 1.0e-5} Flow; for {<i,j> in ARCS} UseArc[i,j] = round(UseArc[i,j].sol); print UseArc; quit;
The solution summary, as well as the output from the two PRINT statements, are shown in Output 9.2.1.
Output 9.2.1: Multicommodity Transshipment Problem with Fixed Charges Solution Summary
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