The NLPC Nonlinear Optimization Solver

Example 10.3: Simple Pooling Problem

Consider Example 4.7 in the PROC NLP documentation. In this simple pooling problem, two liquid chemicals, x and y, are produced by the pooling and blending of three input liquid chemicals, a, b, and c. There are three group of constraints: 1) the mass balance constraints, which are linear constraints; 2) the sulfur concentration constraints, which are nonlinear constraints; and 3) the bound constraints. The objective is to maximize the profit.

You can formulate this problem in PROC OPTMODEL as follows:

    proc optmodel;
       num costa = 6, costb = 16, costc = 10, 
           costx = 9, costy = 15; 
       var amountx init 1 >= 0 <= 100,
           amounty init 1 >= 0 <= 200;
       var amounta init 1 >= 0,
           amountb init 1 >= 0,
           amountc init 1 >= 0;
       var pooltox init 1 >= 0,
           pooltoy init 1 >= 0;
       var ctox init 1 >= 0,
           ctoy init 1 >= 0;
       var pools init 1 >=1 <= 3;
       max f = costx*amountx + costy*amounty 
               - costa*amounta - costb*amountb - costc*amountc;
       con mb1: amounta + amountb = pooltox + pooltoy, 
           mb2: pooltox + ctox    = amountx,
           mb3: pooltoy + ctoy    = amounty, 
           mb4: ctox    + ctoy    = amountc; 
       con sc1: 2.5*amountx - pools*pooltox - 2*ctox >= 0,
           sc2: 1.5*amounty - pools*pooltoy - 2*ctoy >= 0,
           sc3: 3*amounta + amountb - pools*(amounta + amountb) = 0;
       solve with nlpc / tech=quanew printfreq=1;
       print amountx amounty amounta amountb amountc;

The quantities amounta, amountb, amountc, amountx, and amounty are the amounts to be determined for the liquid chemicals a, b, c, x, and y, respectively. pooltox, pooltoy, ctox, ctoy, and pools are intermediate decision variables, whose values are not printed in the solution. The constraints mb1 - mb4 are the mass balance constraints, and the constraints sc1 - sc3 are the sulfur concentration constraints. For more information about converting PROC NLP models into PROC OPTMODEL models, see the section "Rewriting NLP Models for PROC OPTMODEL".

To solve the optimization problem, the experimental quasi-Newton method (QUANEW) is invoked. The problem summary is shown in Figure 10.3.1. Figure 10.3.2 displays the iteration log.

Output 10.3.1: Simple Pooling Problem: Problem Summary
Problem Summary
Objective Sense Maximization
Objective Function f
Objective Type Linear
Number of Variables 10
Bounded Above 0
Bounded Below 7
Bounded Below and Above 3
Free 0
Fixed 0
Number of Constraints 7
Linear LE (<=) 0
Linear EQ (=) 4
Linear GE (>=) 0
Linear Range 0
Nonlinear LE (<=) 0
Nonlinear EQ (=) 1
Nonlinear GE (>=) 2
Nonlinear Range 0

Output 10.3.2: Simple Pooling Problem: Iteration Log
Iteration Log: Quasi-Newton Method with BFGS Update
Iter Function
Infeasibility Optimality
0 0 3.8182 0.6818 0.0527 . .
1 1 -2.6893 0.1731 0.2383 1.000 3.0428
2 2 -1.9376 0.0709 0.2202 1.000 4.6944
3 3 1.2603 0.0541 0.0566 1.000 1.5883
4 4 2.4293 0.008492 0.4107 1.000 1.1871
5 5 3.2903 2.107E-10 0.1666 1.000 2.5714
6 6 5.0987 3.161E-10 0.3283 1.000 4.9682
7 7 10.0669 2.107E-10 2.6895 1.000 63.9047
8 9 28.3332 0.4785 8.3364 0.286 115.6
9 10 103.3932 2.0648 31.3704 1.000 112.7
10 11 159.4438 7.105E-15 11.7888 1.000 376.4
11 12 398.1735 2.2676 9.4167 1.000 29.8946
12 13 397.8877 0.006033 0.8947 1.000 0.0901
13 14 397.9164 5.9666E-6 0.9195 1.000 0.2738
14 15 398.1901 0.000719 0.6228 1.000 2.4290
15 16 400.0000 0.0316 0.0123 1.000 0.3795
16 17 400.0000 7.5712E-7 1.8714E-8 1.000 9.867E-6

Note: Optimality criteria (ABSOPTTOL=0.001, RELOPTTOL=1E-6) are satisfied.

Figure 10.3.3 displays the solution summary and the solution. The optimal solution shows that to obtain a maximum profit of 400, 200 units of y should be produced by blending 100 units of b and 100 units of c. Liquid a should not be used for the blending. Further, liquid x should not be produced at all.

Output 10.3.3: Simple Pooling Problem: Solution
Solution Summary
Solver NLPC/Quasi-Newton
Objective Function f
Solution Status Optimal
Objective Value 400.00000471
Iterations 16
Absolute Optimality Error 2.9942469E-7
Relative Optimality Error 1.8714043E-8
Absolute Infeasibility 7.5711695E-7
Relative Infeasibility 7.5711695E-7

amountx amounty amounta amountb amountc
-1.8899E-17 200 -1.0537E-10 100 100

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