Macro Variable _ORCLPEAS_

When the EVALACTSEL= option is enabled in order to evaluate activity selection strategies for a scheduling problem, the CLP procedure defines a macro variable named _ORCLPEAS_. This variable contains a character string that describes the solution attempt made with each selection strategy. The macro variable contains four terms for each selection strategy that is evaluated; these terms are interpreted as follows.


indicates the activity selection strategy being evaluated.


indicates the amount of time taken to evaluate the activity selection strategy. By default, the time reported is CPU time; see the TIMETYPE= option for more information.


indicates the index of the solution in the output data set, provided a solution has been found. Otherwise, the value NOT_FOUND appears, followed by the reason a solution was not found (either TIME_LIMIT_REACHED or RESTART_LIMIT_REACHED).


indicates the maximum number of activities selected within the evaluation time.