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Dictionary of ODS Language Statements |
Valid: | anywhere |
Category: | ODS: Third-Party Formatted |
Interaction: | If you use the ODS tagset statement in an ODS markup family statement that refers to an open ODS markup destination, then the option will force ODS to close the destination and all files associated with it, and then to open a new instance of the destination. For more information, see Opening and Closing the MARKUP Destination. |
See also: | For additional information about specifying tagsets, see TEMPLATE Procedure: Creating Markup Language Tagsets or ODS MARKUP Statement. |
Syntax |
ODS directory.tagset-name file-specification <option(s)>; |
ODS directory.tagset-name file-specification action; |
The following table lists the actions available for the ODS tagset statement. For complete descriptions of actions see Actions in the ODS MARKUP statement.
Task | Action | |
Close the destination and the file that is associated with it |
Exclude output objects from the destination |
Select output objects for the destination |
Write to the SAS log the current selection or exclusion list for the destination |
The following table lists the options that are available for the ODS Tagset statement, which is part of the markup family of statements. For complete descriptions of these options, see Options in the ODS MARKUP statement.
Task | Option | |
Specify a unique base name for the anchor tag that identifies each output object in the current body file |
Specify which applet to use to view ODS output |
Specify attributes to write between the tags that generate dynamic graphics output |
Specify text to use as the first part of all links and references that ODS creates in output files |
Open a markup family destination and specify the file that contains the primary output that is created by the ODS statement |
Specify the character set to be generated in the META declaration for the output |
Open the tagset destination and specify that the file that contains relevant style information |
Create a file path that can be used by the GOPTIONS devices |
Open the tagset destination and specify the file that contains a table of contents for the output |
Specify a cascading style sheet to apply to your output |
Override the encoding for input or output processing (transcodes) of external files |
Specify an event and the value for event variables that is associated with the event |
Specify the file that integrates the table of contents, the page contents, and the body file |
Control the location where footnotes are printed in the graphics output |
Specify the location for all graphics output that is generated while the destination is open |
Control the location where titles are printed in the graphics output |
Specify markup tags to place between the <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags in all the files that the destination writes to |
Open multiple instances of the same destination at the same time |
ID= |
Specify markup code to use as the <META> tag between the <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags in all the markup files that the destination writes to |
Create a new body file at the specified starting point. Opens a markup family destination and specifies the file that contains a description of each page of the body file, and contains links to the body file |
Open the destination and specify the file that contains a description of each page of the body file, and contains links to the body file |
Write the specified parameters between the tags that generate dynamic graphics output |
Specify the location of an external file or a SAS catalog for all HTML files |
Specify an alternative character or string to separate lines in the output files |
Specify a style definition to use in writing output files |
Open the destination and place style information for output into an external file, or read style sheet information from an existing file |
Insert text into your document |
Insert into the metadata of a file, a text string that you want to specify as the text to appear in the browser window title bar |
Specify a translation table to use when transcoding a file for output |
The following table lists the options that are most useful for the ODS tagset statement. You can use the ODS tagset options and the ODS MARKUP statement options together.
Task | Option | |
Specify tagset-specific options |
Specify a directory where the tagset is stored |
directory |
Specify a tagset |
tagset-name |
specifies ODS tagset-specific sub-options and a named value.
provides information about the specified tagset.
describes the options available for this tagset.
provides generic help and information with a quick reference.
provides the current option settings.
Requirement: | All values must be enclosed in quotation marks. |
specifies one or more suboptions that are valid for the specified tagset. To list suboptions that are valid for a tagset, specify DOC="HELP" or DOC="QUICK" with the OPTIONS option.
Requirement: | The OPTION suboptions must be enclosed in parenthesis. |
Featured in: | Using the DOC Suboption to Get ODS TAGSETS.HTMLPANEL Information |
specifies the directory where the specified tagset is stored. directory can be a directory supplied by SAS, a user- defined entry, or a libref. By default, the tagsets that SAS supplies are located in the directory TAGSETS, which is within the item store SASHELP.TMPLMST.
specifies the name of the tagset. tagset-name can be one of the following:
produces compact, minimal HTML output that does not use style information. It does produce a hierarchical table of contents.
See: | ODS CHTML Statement |
contains a table of Unicode values and mnemonics. Refer to Using Unicode Symbols for a detailed description on using this tagset.
produces tabular output that contains columns of data values that are separated by commas.
Interaction: | The TEXT= option has no affect in the CSV file output. |
Featured in: | Defining a Tagset Using SAS DATA Step Functions. |
produces HTML output containing columns of data values that are separated by commas, and produces tabular output with titles, notes, and bylines.
Interaction: | The TEXT= option has no affect in the CSV file output. |
See also: | ODS CSVALL Statement |
Feature in: | Creating Multiple Markup Output |
produces output with comma-separated values and columns of data that are separated by commas.
Interaction: | The TEXT= option has no affect in the CSV file output. |
produces XML output that conforms to the DocBook DTD by OASIS.
See also: | ODS DOCBOOK Statement |
produces Microsoft spreadsheetML XML. This tagset is used to import data into Excel. Execute the following code to get detailed information on this tagset:
ods tagsets.excelxp file='test.xml' options(doc='help');
produces HTML 4.0 embedded style sheets.
See also: | ODS HTML Statement |
produces HTML output with cascading style sheets that is similar to ODS HTML output.
See also: | ODS HTMLCSS Statement |
creates panels for BY grouped graphs. It also has controls for semi-automatic and manually controlled paneling. This tagset makes it easy to put graphs and tables side-by-side on a page. Also included are controls for titles, footnotes, and bylines.
To get detailed help on this tagset, any of the following three lines of code can be executed:
ods tagsets.htmlpanel file="gbypanel.html" options(doc='help');
ods tagsets.htmlpanel options(doc='quick');
ods tagsets.htmlpanel options(doc='settings');
produces HTML output as a column of output that is separated by lines. This tagset is used by the Japanese telephone service provider NTT.
See also: | ODS IMODE Statement |
produces HTML code for output generated by ODS for Microsoft Office products.
produces URLs within HTML files that are used in the z/OS operating environment.
produces simple HTML output that uses twelve style elements and no class attributes for the presentation. Class attributes are used only for the justification.
See also: | ODS PHTML Statement |
produces PYX, which is a simple, line-oriented notation used by Pyxie to describe the information communicated by an XML parser to an XML application. Pyxie is an Open Source library for processing XML with the Python programming language.
produces measured RTF. This tagset allows the user to specify how and where page breaks occur and when to place titles and footnotes into the body of a page. The RTF tagset enables SAS to place titles and footnotes into the body of the document so that it is outside of the control of Microsoft Word. Therefore, SAS becomes responsible for the implicit page breaks.
Refer to ODS TAGSETS.RTF Statement for details on how to use the RTF tagset.
causes embedded data to be produced in CSV format. SASREPORT11 and SASREPORT12 are the supported tagsets. For more information on how to use this tagset, execute one line of the following code:
ods tagsets.sasreport11 file='test.xml' options(doc='help');
ods tagsets.sasreport12 file='test.xml' options(doc='help');
specifies the tagset that you created using PROC TEMPLATE.
Main discussion: | Creating Custom Tagsets. |
uses the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) to produce a Wireless Markup Language (WML) DTD with a list of URLs as a table of contents.
See also: | ODS WML Statement |
uses the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) to produce a Wireless Markup Language (WML) DTD with an option list for the table of contents. For more information, see Wireless Application Protocol.
produces output in HTML format. For details on using this tagset, execute the following code:
ods tagsets.xhtml file='test.html' options(doc='help');
Note: There are also preproduction tagsets. These tagsets can
be found at http://support.sas.com and are
not supported by SAS.
creates XML output that shows which events are being triggered and which variables are used by an event to send output from a SAS process to an output file. When you run a SAS process with EVENT_MAP, ODS writes XML to an output file that shows all event names and variable names as tags. The output helps you to create your own tagsets.
creates HTML output similar to STYLE_POPUP, but with all the objects labeled as they are when using ODS TRACE.
creates a subset of the XML output that is created by the EVENT_MAP tagset.
creates a sample page of HTML output that is similar to STYLE_POPUP output. The output helps you to create and modify styles.
See also: | STYLE_POPUP |
creates HTML like HTMLCSS, but if you're using Internet Explorer, STYLE_POPUP displays a window that shows the resolved ODS style definition for any item that you select.
creates text output that shows which events are being triggered as ODS handles the output objects.
Tip: | You can use the TEXT_MAP output as an alternative to the output that is created by the EVENT_MAP tagset. |
See also: | EVENT_MAP |
creates HTML output in a bulleted list similar to EVENT_MAP but lists only a subset of the possible attributes.
Tip: | The output helps you to understand tagsets and styles. |
creates XML output similar to EVENT_MAP but lists only a subset of the possible attributes.
Tip: | The output helps you to understand tagsets and styles. |
Details |
A tagset is a type of template that defines how to generate a markup language output type from SAS data. A markup language is a set of tags and format codes that are embedded in text in order to define layout and certain content.
Starting with SAS 8.2 software, you can use the ODS tagset statement to specify a tagset to create markup language output from the Output Delivery System. SAS provides tagset definitions for a variety of markup language output. For example, there are several SAS tagsets for XML output, HTML output, XSL, and so on. In addition to using the tagsets provided by SAS, you can modify the SAS tagsets, and you can create your own. By supplying new tagset definitions, ODS output and XML LIBNAME engine output is user-configurable, generating a wider variety of markup language output. For information on modifying SAS tagsets and creating your own tagsets, see TEMPLATE Procedure: Creating Markup Language Tagsets.
To see a list of available tagsets, issue the following SAS statements or view them in the Templates window.
Templates window:
To display a list of the available tagsets using the SAS Explorer window, follow these steps:
From any window in an interactive SAS session, select
View Results.
In the Results window, select
View Templates.
In the Templates window, select and open Sashelp.tmplmst.
Select and open the Tagsets folder, which contains a list of available tagsets. If you want to view the underlying SAS code for a tagset, then select the tagset and open it.
Operating Environment Information: For information on navigating in the Explorer window without a mouse,
see "Window Controls
and General Navigation" in the SAS documentation for your operating
TEMPLATE procedure:
You can also display a list of the available tagsets by submitting the following PROC TEMPLATE statements:
proc template; list tagsets; quit;
To see the source for a tagset definition, you can either open the tagset in the SAS Explorer window, or use PROC TEMPLATE and specify the two-level name of the tagset. For example, to see the source of the SAS tagset CHTML, issue these SAS statements:
proc template; source tagsets.chtml; quit;
To view the options that are available for a specific tagset, use the OPTIONS (DOC=) option with one of the following specified:
describes the options available for this tagset.
provides generic help and information with a quick reference.
provides the current option settings.
Examples |
The following example prints to the SAS log the OPTIONS suboptions for the HTMLPANEL tagset and a description of each available suboption.
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ods tagsets.htmlpanel file='Help.rtf' options (doc="help"); |
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proc print data=Sashelp.Class; run; |
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ods _all_ close; |
Options Available for the HTMLPANEL Tagset
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See Also |
Statement: | |||
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