Dictionary of ODS Language Statements |
Opens, manages, or closes the RTF destination, which produces
measured output that is written in Rich Text Format for use with Microsoft
Word 2002.
Valid in: |
Category: |
ODS: Third-Party Formatted
Interaction: |
By default, when you execute a procedure
that uses the FORMCHAR system option (for example, PROC PLOT or PROC CHART),
ODS formats the output in SAS Monospace font. If you are creating output that
will be viewed in an operating environment that does not have SAS software
installed, this output will not be displayed correctly. The SAS Monospace
font is not recognized if SAS is not installed. For the correct display of
your document, include the following statement before your SAS program:
OPTIONS FORMCHAR="|----|+|---+=|-/\<>*";
Tip: |
Microsoft Word 2002 is the current official minimum
level that is supported. However, no problems have been found with Microsoft
Word 2000 and SAS RTF files.
ODS TAGSETS.RTF <(<ID=> identifier)>
ODS TAGSETS.RTF <(<ID=> identifier)>
The following table lists the actions that are available for the ODS
RTF statement and for the ODS TAGSETS.RTF statement. For a complete description,
see Actions in the ODS RTF Statement.
ODS TAGSETS.RTF Action Summary Table
Task |
Action |
Close the RTF destination and the file that is associated with it |
Exclude output objects from the RTF destination |
Select output objects for the RTF destination |
Write to the SAS log the current selection or exclusion list for the
RTF destination |
The following table lists a subset of the options that traditional ODS
RTF statement also supports. For a complete description of these options,
see Options in the ODS RTF Statement.
Note: The BODYTITLE and SAS DATE options are
supported options for the traditional ODS RTF statement. However, they are
not supported options for the ODS TAGSETS.RTF statement because their functionality
is built into the ODS TAGSETS.RTF statement. ![[cautionend]](../../../../common/61991/HTML/default/images/cautend.gif)
Options Supported for ODS RTF and ODS TAGSETS.RTF
Task |
Option |
Specify a unique base name for the anchor tag that identifies each output
object in the current body file |
Specify the text string that identifies the author. This identifier
is inserted into the metadata of a file. |
Specify text to use as the first part of all links and references that
ODS creates in output files |
Specify the number of columns to create on each page of output |
Specify a cascading style sheet to apply to your output |
Specify a device for the RTF output destination |
Override the encoding for input or output processing (transcodes) of
external files |
Open the ODS RTF destination and specify the name of the file to which
to write information |
Control the location where footnotes are printed in the graphics output |
Control the location where titles are printed in the graphics output |
Open multiple instances of the same destination at the same time |
Specify the image resolution for the graphical output |
Control where tables split on a page |
Create a new body file at the specified starting point |
Suppress currently defined footnotes in the graphics file. They appear
in the RTF file instead. |
Suppress currently defined titles in the graphics file. They appear
in the RTF file instead. |
Insert the text that you specify into the metadata of the RTF file |
Specify that the output from the destination be added to an ODS package |
Specify the location of an aggregate storage location or a SAS catalog
for all RTF files |
Specify an alternative character or string to separate lines in the
output file |
Control page breaks |
Specify a style definition to use when writing the RTF files |
Insert text into your RTF output |
Insert the text string that you want as your title into the metadata
of a file |
Specify a translation table to use when transcoding a file for output |
following table lists the options available exclusively for the
ODS TAGSETS.RTF statement. You can use the ODS RTF options and the ODS TAGSETS.RTF
options together.
specifies ODS TAGSETS.RTF specific suboptions and a named
produces a table of contents (TOC) page for RTF documents
that are opened in Microsoft Word. The table of contents page contains a Table
of Contents field that puts all of the contents information that is embedded
in the document into a table of contents. To display the captured TOC data,
you must turn on the TOC_DATA option. To expand the table of contents right-click under
the title in Microsoft Word and select Update Field
from the selection list.
Note: From Microsoft Word, you might need to right-click lower
on the page to get the Update Field value to appear
in the selection list. ![[cautionend]](../../../../common/61991/HTML/default/images/cautend.gif)
adds a table of contents page to the top of the RTF
file. This table of contents page is followed by a page break.
Requirement: |
All values must be enclosed in quotation
marks. |
Tip: |
To go to a specific topic in the document
you can double-click or hold down the CTRL key and click on the topic in the
table of contents. You might have to configure Microsoft Word to use the CTRL-click
method. Select Tools Options Edit and then check Use CTRL
+ Click to follow hyperlink. |
Tip: |
The TOC_DATA option must be set to YES to
capture TOC data. If you specify CONTENTS=YES, but you do not specify TOC_DATA,
no Table of Contents data is captured. The error displayed on the Table of
Contents page is "Error! No table of contents entries found". |
See: |
Suboption TOC_DATA for details on displaying the contents
embedded in the document. |
Featured in: |
Creating a Table of Contents |
provides information about the tagset.
describes the options available for this tagset.
provides generic help and information with a quick reference.
provides the current option settings.
(SECT='rtf_control_string' |
'OFF' | 'NONE')
inserts RTF control words into the section data specifications.
rtf_control_string |
specifies RTF control words used to format the section
data. |
turns off the usage of RTF control words for the
section data and resets the rtf_control_string
to null.
stops new RTF control words from being inserted into
the file for the section data. ODS continues to use the section data information
that was set before the use of NONE until it is reset. |
Requirement: |
All values must be enclosed in quotation
marks. |
Tip: |
To reset the rtf_control_string, assign a different value or use the OFF or NO values. |
See: |
Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification, version
1.6 available on the MSDN home
Web page for information on RTF control words. Simply search for the
document. |
(TABLES_OFF='style_elements' | 'STYLE_ELEMENTS'
| 'OFF' )
determines whether tables will be used. A table can consist
of one cell or many cells. SAS puts all of the text that you create into tables
for RTF output. Use this suboption for tables that are text holders like titles,
footnotes, and TEXT=. You should not use this suboption for tables produced
by reporting procedures.
Note: To view the gridlines of tables in Microsoft
Word, select Show Gridlines from the Table drop-down
menu. ![[cautionend]](../../../../common/61991/HTML/default/images/cautend.gif)
- style_elements
specifies the style element for formatting. For example,
the following statement turns off tables that use the USERTEXT style element.
The text specified by the TEXT= option is not placed in the table..
ods tagsets.rtf options (Tables_OFF='usertext');
ods tagsets.rtf text="Text is not placed in a table");
lists the output style elements in the SAS log.
turns the option off. Therefore, ODS places the information
output next into the RTF file inside a table. This action is the default option.
(TOC_DATA ='ON' | 'OFF')
specifies whether to show the contents data in the RTF file.
instructs ODS not to display the table of contents
data in the RTF file.
ON |
instructs ODS to display the hidden text of the table
of contents in the RTF file.
(TROWD='rtf_control_string' | ' OFF')
inserts raw RTF specifications directly into header descriptions
of the table row.
rtf_control_string |
specifies RTF control words and symbols. |
RTF controls are no longer inserted.
- (TRHDR='rtf_control_string' |
inserts raw tablerow RTF specifications directly into the
header description of the table row.
rtf_control_string |
specifies Microsoft RTF control words or symbols. |
RTF controls are no longer inserted.
| 'OFF')
inserts raw text into the table row cells. If the RTF Reader
does not recognize this text_string, it applies
the raw text to the location where the RTF is being written in the documentation.
Otherwise, the RTF Reader interprets the text_string
as RTF control words.
text_string |
any text specified. |
inserts a null string. Text is no longer inserted.
Requirement: |
The OPTION suboption's must be enclosed
in parentheses. |
specifies the number of panels permitted per page before
ODS inserts a page break.
- n
specifies a positive integer.
Default: |
0 |
Tip: |
Setting the value to 0 resets the action
to the default action. |
specifies that paneling will be handled the way that it
has always been handled by traditional ODS RTF. That is, all of the first
panel is written, then all of the second panel, and so on, until all of the
table information is written.
Default: |
If you do not specify paneling, ODS
tries to fit the full set of panels on a single page. ODS measures the width
of the text and tables (horizontal measurement) and determines what the column
widths should be. ODS then divides the page into panels if it is too wide
to fit on a page.
ODS always determines the column widths and determines whether panels
are required. When there are multiple panels, ODS attempts to place a reasonable
number of rows in each panel. |
Featured in: |
Paneling Using the TABLEROWS and PAGEPANELS Options |
specifies the number of rows in each table before ODS inserts
a page break. If the table is narrow enough to fit on a page, n lines will be written to the table before a page break. If
the table is too wide for a page, the page is broken into panels. In each
panel, n rows will be written. When all the panels
for n rows have been written, a page break is
inserted before the next group of panels is written.
Note: Page breaks
are not forced between panels. ![[cautionend]](../../../../common/61991/HTML/default/images/cautend.gif)
- n
is a positive integer.
ensures uniformity from page to page within a single table
that requires multiple pages. When the UNIFORM option is in effect, ODS reads
the entire table before it starts to print it and determines the column widths
that are necessary to accommodate all of the data. ODS applies these column
widths to all pages of a multiple page table.
Note: With BY-group processing,
SAS writes the results of each BY group to a separate table, so the output
might not be uniform across BY groups. ![[cautionend]](../../../../common/61991/HTML/default/images/cautend.gif)
Default: |
If you do not specify the UNIFORM option,
ODS prints a table one page at a time. This approach ensures that SAS does
not run out of memory while it processes very large tables. However, column
widths might vary from one page to the next. |
Tip: |
After this option is turned on, you cannot
turn it off for that SAS session. |
Tip: |
The UNIFORM option can cause SAS to run
out of memory if you are printing a very large table. If this happens, you
can specify the width of each of the columns in the table. Then print the
table one page at a time. To do so, you must edit the table definition that
you use. For more information, see What You Can Do With a Table Template.
Featured in: |
Repeating Headers Using the UNIFORM Option |
You can modify and open an RTF destination with many ODS TAGSETS.RTF
options. However, the FILE= option automatically closes the open destination
that is referred to by the ODS TAGSETS.RTF statement. The option also closes
any files associated with it and opens a new instance of the destination.
If you use one of the ODS TAGSETS.RTF options, you should close the destination
RTF produces
output for Microsoft Word 2002. Although other applications can read RTF files,
the RTF output might not work successfully with them.
The RTF destination enables you to view and edit the RTF output. ODS
does not define the "vertical measurement," which means that SAS
does not determine the optimal place to position each item on the page. For
example, page breaks are not always fixed because you do not want your RTF
output tables to split at inappropriate places. Your tables can remain intact
on one page, or can have logical breaks where you specify.
Microsoft Word needs to know the widths of table columns, and it cannot
adjust tables if they are too wide for the page. However, ODS measures the
width of the text and tables (horizontal measurement). Therefore, all the
column widths can be set properly by SAS, and the table can be divided into
panels if it is too wide to fit on a single page.
In short, when producing RTF output for input to Microsoft Word, SAS
determines the horizontal measurement and Microsoft Word controls the vertical
measurement. Because Microsoft Word can determine how much room there is on
the page, your tables will display consistently even after you modify your
RTF file.
Note: The creation of complex tables that contain a large
number of observations can reduce system efficiencies and increase processing
time. ![[cautionend]](../../../../common/61991/HTML/default/images/cautend.gif)
The ODS RTF tagset (ODS TAGSETS.RTF), which is also referred to as the measured
tagset, is new for SAS 9.2. This tagset enables users to specify how and where
page breaks occur and when to place titles and footnotes into the body of
a page. Traditional ODS RTF relies on Microsoft Word to make implicit page
breaks for tables that are too long to fit on a single page. Traditional RTF
also places titles and footnotes in the RTF instructions that enable Microsoft
Word to apply them to pages as they are needed. In contrast, the RTF tagset
enables SAS to place titles and footnotes into the body of the document so
that it is outside of the control of Microsoft Word. Therefore, SAS becomes
responsible for the implicit page breaks.
The new "measured"
RTF tagset does the following:
controls page breaks on very large tables
supports RTF readers other than Microsoft
controls titles, footnotes, and other page elements
Multiple-page tables can be a problem for ODS RTF. Like
the ODS PRINTER destinations, SAS determines where to wrap a wide table. But
for a long table, the entire table is loaded into memory before being rendered.
When tables become longer than a physical page, Microsoft Word determines
the page break. Microsoft word re-creates the column heading information
in the table and applies titles and footnotes as needed. If a table is later
edited in Microsoft Word, the information remains valid.
Unfortunately, a lot of information is associated with each cell of
a table. No matter how much memory is added to the system, it is possible
to create a table that can exceed it. Furthermore, an exhausted memory condition
cannot be anticipated because it varies with the machine setup and with the
table that you are creating.
However, with the ODS RTF tagset, SAS determines where to break the
page and puts the titles and footnotes in the body of the document. When the
table is broken into pages and SAS controls the page breaks, approximately
a page of data is needed in memory at any one time. Therefore, a much smaller
memory footprint is consumed and extremely large tables can be created. The
ODS RTF tagset accommodates users who need large tables and users who want
the old style RTF behavior. Both RTF implementations can be supported simultaneously.
Before SAS version 9.2, the traditional RTF architecture
supported only the Microsoft Word RTF. The problem with supporting multiple
readers is that RTF readers interpret the RTF specification in different ways.
Now with the RTF tagset, you can enable subtle changes in one reader without
impacting another RTF reader.
Measured RTF uses a tagset that places the titles and
footnotes on the page as tables instead of as RTF control words that are passed
to Microsoft Word. With traditional RTF, the titles and footnotes are placed
in the RTF header and footer information unless you specify the BODYTITLE
option. Because the headers and footers are automatically placed in the body
of the document with measured RTF, the TAGSET.RTF destination does not need
the BODYTITLE option.
RTF produces output in rich text format, which supports three formats for
graphics that MS Word can read.
Format for Graphics |
Corresponding SAS Graphics Driver |
emfblips |
pngblips |
jpegblips |
When you do not specify a target device, the default target is PNG.
You can also use the ACTIVEX, ACTXIMG, JAVAIMG graphics drivers to generate
graphics in your measured RTF documents. The ACTIVEX driver generates an
ActiveX control. The ACTXIMG and JAVAIMG drivers generate PNG files with
the ACTIVEX Control or JAVA Applets appropriately. For more information about
graphics devices, see
SAS/GRAPH: Reference.
Note: When you specify the JAVA device in the ODS TAGSET.RTF statement,
the JAVAIMG driver is used. ![[cautionend]](../../../../common/61991/HTML/default/images/cautend.gif)
Note: You cannot use UTF-8 encoding with the ACTIVEX device in RTF.
When UTF-8 encoding is used, the ACTXIMG (activex image) device is used.
- ODS features:
ODS TAGSETS.RTF statement:
- Other SAS
OPTIONS statement |
- Data set:
- Format:
The following example
creates a table of contents page that contains embedded table of contents
data for some procedures, but not for others. The insertion of the table of
contents data can be turned on and off in the middle of a program.
proc sort data=Grain_Production;
by year country type;
run; |
ods listing close; |
ods tagsets.rtf file='Grain_Tagset.rtf' options(contents='yes' toc_data='yes'); |
options nobyline;
title 'Leading Grain-Producing Countries';
title2 'for #byval(year)'; |
proc report data=Grain_Production nowindows;
by year;
column country type kilotons;
define country / group width=14 format=$cntry.;
define type / group 'Type of Grain';
define kilotons / format=comma12.;
footnote 'Measurements are in metric tons.';
run; |
options byline;
title2; |
ods tagsets.rtf options(toc_data='no'); |
proc tabulate data=Grain_Production format=comma12.;
class year country type;
var kilotons;
table year,
kilotons*sum=' ' / box=_page_ misstext='No data';
format country $cntry.;
footnote 'Measurements are in metric tons.';
run; |
ods tagsets.rtf options(toc_data='yes'); |
proc print data=Grain_Production;
run; |
ods tagsets.rtf close; |
- ODS features:
ODS TAGSETS.RTF statement:
(DOC="HELP") |
FILE= | | |
- Other SAS
The following example
prints to the SAS log the OPTIONS suboptions and a description of each available
ods tagsets.rtf file='Help.rtf' options (doc="help"); |
proc print data=Sashelp.Class;
run; |
ods _all_ close; |
- ODS features:
ODS TAGSETS.RTF statement:
TEXT= | | |
- Other
SAS features:
The following example
turns on and off the tables in RTF output and applies the style element specified
by the TABLES_OFF suboption.
ods tagsets.rtf file="tablesOff.rtf" options(TABLES_OFF='STYLE_ELEMENTS');
proc print data=sashelp.class(obs=1) ;
ods tagsets.rtf text="TEXT is placed in a table by default" ; |
ods tagsets.rtf options(TABLES_OFF='usertext' );
ods tagsets.rtf text="TEXT is not placed in a table (table is removed when
style element is specified)" ; |
ods tagsets.rtf options(TABLES_OFF='off' );
ods tagsets.rtf text="TEXT is placed in a table (returned to default when
tables_off is set to off)" ; |
ods _all_ close; |
- ODS features:
ODS TAGSETS.RTF statement:
TROWD= | | |
- Other
SAS features:
OPTIONS statement |
The following example
creates an RTF file in which the headers and contents of the row and column
headings are rotated within the table.
options orientation=landscape nodate nonumber;
ods listing close; |
ods tagsets.rtf file='Mrotate.rtf'
OPTIONS (TRHDR="\trrh750"
TROWD="\rtlrow"); |
proc print data=Sashelp.Class(obs=5);
run; |
ods _all_ close; |
- ODS features:
ODS TAGSETS.RTF statement:
- Other SAS
OPTIONS statement |
DATA statement |
The following program
provides various examples of how ODS creates panels when a table is wider
than a page and presents some different choices for controlling the paneling.
option nodate nonumber; |
ods listing close; |
ods tagsets.rtf file="Panel.rtf"; |
data temp;
array values val1-val50;
do j = 1 to 6;
do i = 1 to dim(values);
values(i) = i;
run; |
ods tagsets.rtf;
title "Default Paneling";
proc print data=Temp;
run; |
ods tagsets.rtf tablerows=5 pagepanels=4;
title 'Paneling with TABLEROWS=5 and PAGEPANELS=4';
proc print data=Temp;
run; |
ods tagsets.rtf close;
ods listing; |
![[untitled graphic]](images/mpanelingrow2.gif)
- ODS features:
ODS TAGSETS.RTF statement:
statement |
- Other SAS features:
OPTIONS statement |
statement |
The following example
creates a multi-page table that is uniform across several pages. The row and
column heading labels are also carried over to each page.
options orientation=landscape;
ods rtf file="RtfTab.rtf"; |
ods tagsets.rtf file="MrtfTab.rtf" uniform; |
ods listing close; |
data one;
do a=1 to 2;
do b=1 to 2;
do c=1 to 3;
do d=1 to 3;
do e=1 to 5;
run; |
proc format;
value cars 1='DATSUN 200SX'
value colors 1='RED'
value luxury 1='ALL THE WAY'
value opts 1='POWER STEERING'
value perform 1='VERY SLOW'
run; |
data two (keep=model color luxury options perform);
length model color luxury options perform $ 20;
set one;
run; |
title2 'My Favorite Cars';
title3 '(large data set)'; |
proc tabulate data=two order=data ;
class model color luxury options perform;
table model*color*luxury*options*perform,n / indent=4 condense;
label model='MODEL CAR'
color='COLOR OF CAR'
keylabel n='NUMBER';
run; |
ods _all_ close; |
![[untitled graphic]](images/mrtfuniform2.gif)
![[untitled graphic]](images/rtfuniform2.gif)
Copyright © 2008 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.