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PROC METAOPERATE <server-connection-arguments>
<OPTIONS = "XML-string">
<OUT = SAS-data-set>;

Task Argument
Connect to the metadata server server-connection-arguments
Specify an action for the metadata server ACTION=
Omit the automatic pause and resume when you pass an action to the metadata server NOAUTOPAUSE
Submit an XML string to the metadata server OPTIONS=
Create an output data set OUT=

Server Connection Arguments

The server connection arguments establish communication with the metadata server. If you omit these arguments, then the values of the system options are used, or the values can be obtained interactively. For more information, see Connection Options.


is the password for the authenticated user ID on the metadata server. If you do not specify PASSWORD=, the value of the METAPASS= system option is used; for more information, see METAPASS= System Option. The maximum length is 512 characters.


is the TCP port that the metadata server listens to for connections. This port number was used to start the metadata server. If you do not specify PORT=, the value of the METAPORT= system option is used; for more information, see METAPORT= System Option. The default for the METAPORT= system option is 8561. The range is 1-65535.

Requirement: Do not enclose the value in quotation marks.

is the network protocol for connecting to the metadata server. If you do not specify PROTOCOL=, the value of the METAPROTOCOL= system option is used; for more information, see METAPROTOCOL= System Option. In this release, the only supported value is BRIDGE, which specifies the SAS Bridge protocol.

Requirement: Do not enclose the value in quotation marks.

is the name of an existing repository. This value is the repository's Name= parameter. The REPOSITORY= argument is required when the action is UNREGISTER, DELETE, or EMPTY. For other actions, if you do not specify REPOSITORY=, the value of the METAREPOSITORY= system option is used; for more information, see METAREPOSITORY= System Option. The default for the METAREPOSITORY= system option is Foundation. The maximum length is 32,000 characters.


is the host name or network IP address of the computer that hosts the metadata server. The value localhost can be used if the SAS session is connecting to the metadata server on the same computer. If you do not specify SERVER=, the value of the METASERVER= system option is used; for more information, see METASERVER= System Option. The maximum length is 256 characters.

Alias: HOST=

is an authenticated user ID on the metadata server. The metadata server supports several authentication providers. For more information about controlling user access to the metadata server, see the SAS Intelligence Platform: Security Administration Guide. If you do not specify USER=, the value of the METAUSER= system option is used; for more information, see METAUSER= System Option. The maximum length is 256 characters.

Alias: ID=

Action Arguments


specifies the action that you want to perform. ACTION is a required argument.

Requirement: You must have the appropriate SAS Administrator role on the metadata server to execute all actions except STATUS. For more information, see the SAS Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide.
Tip: Specifying more than one XML element in a PROC METAOPERATE statement might cause undesired results. Use more than one XML element only when specified in the documentation.
Tip: If you use PROC METAOPERATE to delete, empty, or unregister a project repository, you must first issue an UndoCheckoutMetadata method call with the METADATA procedure to unlock any checked-out objects. Alternatively, you can use SAS Management Console to delete, empty, or unregister a project repository. SAS Management Console unlocks any checked-out objects before it performs the action.


removes the specified repository, and removes the repository's registration from the repository manager. To invoke this action, the user must have access privilege to the repository, the repository must be registered in SAS Management Console as online, and the metadata server cannot be paused offline. The NOAUTOPAUSE argument is required.


removes the metadata records from the specified repository, but does not remove the repository's registration from the repository manager. To invoke this action, the user must have access privilege to the repository, the repository must be registered in SAS Management Console as online, and the metadata server cannot be paused offline. The NOAUTOPAUSE argument is required. For more information, see Submitting ACTION=EMPTY.


limits the availability of the metadata server by setting the metadata server's state to admin or offline. Beginning in SAS 9.2, the PAUSE action affects the metadata server, not an individual repository or the repository manager; for more information, see How PAUSE, REFRESH, and RESUME Affect Repositories.

Issue ACTION=PAUSE and use the OPTIONS= argument to specify a <Server STATE=ADMIN/> or a <Server STATE=OFFLINE/> XML string. The OPTIONS= argument, the <Server/> element, and the STATE= parameter are optional; the default is to pause the metadata server to an offline state, which also sets the repositories to an offline state.

The <PauseComment/> XML element is optional. It enables you to submit free-form text (for example, details about the pause). For more information, see Submitting ACTION=PAUSE with a Pause Comment.

Here are some examples of situations that can require you to pause the metadata server to an admin or offline state:

  • to close repositories while you perform a system backup

  • to troubleshoot system errors

  • to install or upgrade software


affects the metadata server differently, depending on the XML string that you specify in the OPTIONS= argument. Here are the choices:


restores the paused metadata server to the online state. Beginning in SAS 9.2, the RESUME action affects the metadata server, not an individual repository or the repository manager. For more information, see How PAUSE, REFRESH, and RESUME Affect Repositories and Submitting ACTION=RESUME.

Any text that was specified in the <PauseComment/> XML element during the PAUSE action is cleared.


returns the metadata server's SAS version or release number, host operating environment, the user ID that started the metadata server, SAS Metadata Model version number, and whether the metadata server is paused or running. For more information, see Submitting ACTION=STATUS.


stops all client activity and terminates the metadata server. In complex environments, the metadata server shutdown can take a few minutes. Therefore, PROC METAOPERATE might finish executing before the metadata server finishes its shutdown. Metadata in repositories is unavailable until the metadata server is restarted. You cannot restart the metadata server with PROC METAOPERATE.


removes the repository's registration from the repository manager, but does not remove the metadata records from the repository, and does not remove the repository from disk. To invoke this action, the user must have access privilege to the repository, the repository must be registered in SAS Management Console as online, and the metadata server cannot be paused offline. The NOAUTOPAUSE argument is required.


omits the automatic pause and resume of the metadata server when PROC METAOPERATE passes an action to the metadata server. NOAUTOPAUSE is required for the DELETE, EMPTY, and UNREGISTER actions.


specifies a quoted string that contains one or more XML elements. Some of the XML elements specify additional parameters for the actions. The OPTIONS= argument is required for some actions.

Note:   To ensure that the XML string is parsed correctly by the metadata server, you must indicate that quotation marks within the XML element are characters. You can nest single and double quotation marks, or double and double-double quotation marks as follows:

options='<ARM ARMSUBSYS="(ARM_OMA)" ARMLOC="myfileref"/>'
options="<ARM ARMSUBSYS=""(ARM_OMA)"" ARMLOC=""myfileref""/>"

The XML strings include the following:

<ARM parameter-name="parameter-value"/>

is one or more <ARM/> XML elements that specify system options to enable or disable ARM logging. The <Server/> XML element is required. REFRESH is the most appropriate action to specify the <ARM/> XML element, but the PAUSE and RESUME actions can also specify it. If the metadata server is refreshed, or stopped and started, the ARM parameters return to the values in the configuration file. For more information, see Submitting ACTION=REFRESH with ARM Logging and the SAS Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide, as well as the ARMSUBSYS= and ARMLOC= system options in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary. An <ARM/> element can include the following parameters:


enables and disables ARM logging.

ARMLOC="fileref | filename"

specifies a location to which to write the ARM log. If ARM logging is already enabled, specifying ARMLOC= writes the ARM log to a new location. Relative and absolute pathnames are read as different locations.

<OMA JOURNALPATH="filename"/>

when submitted with the REFRESH action, stops writing journal entries to the metadata server journal file in the current location, and resumes writing in a new journal file in the specified physical location. The <Server/> XML element is required. Journaling must be enabled on the metadata server before you submit this parameter. If the metadata server is refreshed, or stopped and started, this parameter returns to the value in the configuration file. For more information, seeSubmitting ACTION=REFRESH with Journaling and the SAS Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide.


when submitted with the PAUSE action, enables you to submit free-form text (for example, details about the pause). Quotation marks are optional around the text. For more information, see Submitting ACTION=PAUSE with a Pause Comment. When you submit the RESUME action, you clear the text in <PauseComment>.


specifies that the action applies to the metadata server. The <Server/> XML element has the following uses:

  • It is required for the REFRESH action, with no parameters. For more information, see Submitting ACTION=REFRESH to Pause and Resume the Metadata Server.

  • It is optional for the PAUSE action, and its STATE= parameter is optional. With the PAUSE action, if you do not specify <Server/> XML element, or if you specify <Server/> without a STATE= parameter, the default is to pause the metadata server to an offline state, which also sets the repositories to an offline state.

For the PAUSE action, STATE= has one of the following values:


allows only users with administrative status to read and write metadata on the metadata server.


disables all read and write access to the metadata server.


names the output data set. This argument is used with the STATUS action. Other actions do not create output.

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