SVGHEIGHT= System Option

Specifies the height of the viewport unless the SVG output is embedded in another SVG output; specifies the value of the height attribute of the outermost <svg> element in the SVG file.
Valid in: Configuration file, SAS invocation, OPTIONS statement, SAS System Options window
Category: Log and procedure output control: SVG
Restriction: The SVGHEIGHT= option sets the height attribute only on the outermost <svg> element.
Note: This option can be restricted by a site administrator. For more information, see Restricted Options.


Syntax Description

number-of- units
specifies the height as a number of unit-of-measure.
Requirement:number-of- units must be a positive integer value.
Interaction:If number-of- units is a negative number, the SVG document is not rendered by the browser.
specifies the unit of measurement, which can be one of the following:
% percentage
cm centimeters
em the height of the element's font
ex the height of the letter x
in inches
mm millimeters
pc picas
pt points
px pixels
"" | ''
specifies to reset the height to the default value of 600 pixels.
Requirement:Use two double quotation marks or two single quotation marks with no space between them.


For embedded <svg> elements, the SVGHEIGHT= option specifies the height of the rectangular region into which the <svg> element is placed. The SVG output is scaled to fit the viewBox if SVGHEIGHT="100%".
If the SVGHEIGHT= option is not specified, the height attribute on the <svg> element is not set, which effectively provides full scalability by using a height of 100%.
The value for the SVGHEIGHT= option can be specified using no delimiters, enclosed in single or double quotation marks, or enclosed in parentheses.


The following OPTIONS statement specifies to size the SVG output to portrait letter-sized and to scale the output to 100% of the viewport:
options printerpath=svg orientation=portrait svgheight="100%" svgwidth="100%" 
By using these option values, SAS creates the following <svg> element:
<svg> xmlns="" 
      onload='Init(evt)' version="1.1" 
      width="100%" height="100%" 
      viewBox="-1 -1 817 1057" 
The value of "100%" in the SVGHEIGHT= option specifies to scale the SVG output height to 100% of the viewport, which is based on the value of the PAPERSIZE= option. The paper size is letter in the portrait orientation, which has a height of 11" at 100 dpi.