Working with Galleries

About Galleries

Galleries are collections or groups of the reports that are generated by SAS IT Resource Management and placed on the SAS Content Server. Creating and working with galleries enables you to identify and group reports based on common variables. Grouping reports into manageable subsets enables you to view, evaluate, and analyze the performance and capacity of your IT infrastructure efficiently. For more information about report filters and the metadata that you can use to filter reports into a gallery, see the chapters about report definitions and the ITRM Gallery task in the SAS IT Resource Management: Reporting Guide.

Create a Gallery

Gallery Details: Step 1 of 4

To create a gallery, perform the following steps:
  1. In the Browse or Gallery pane, click the arrow next to the Action button and select New Gallery. The Create Gallery wizard opens to guide you through the steps that create a new gallery.
  2. On the Gallery Details page, specify the general information about the new gallery.
    Gallery Details Page of the Create Gallery Wizard
    Gallery Details Page of the Create Gallery Wizard
    1. In the Name field, enter a unique name for the gallery. Gallery names must be unique within a gallery folder. The name of a gallery can include no more than 60 characters.
      When you copy a gallery, Gallery Manager creates a copy of the gallery and provides the default name Copy of <name of the original gallery>. If the name of your original gallery uses 60 characters, then the default name for the gallery copy will exceed the maximum character limit. For best results, name your galleries with 50 characters or less to allow for character additions later.
    2. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description of the gallery.
    3. In the Location group box, select the gallery folder where this new gallery is to be stored. If you do not want to use one of the existing folders, then click the new folder icon (New Folder Icon). This action launches the New Gallery Folder dialog box that enables you to create and define a new gallery folder. When you are finished, the wizard returns you to the Create Gallery wizard.
      Note: The Status of the gallery is automatically set to public or private based on the status of the gallery folder that you selected in the Location group box. All components of a gallery folder have the same public or private status as their parent folder.
  3. Click Next to specify the primary filters that are used to subset the reports into the gallery. Continue to Primary Filters: Step 2 of 4.

Primary Filters: Step 2 of 4

After you complete Gallery Details: Step 1 of 4, specify the primary filters.
  1. On the Primary Filters page, select the primary filters that designate the criteria for reports that make up the gallery. Filters limit the number of reports that are in the gallery. For example, you might choose to create a gallery that includes only reports that were defined to run weekly and that are available for a particular machine, adapter data source, or keyword.
    The following example shows the keyword ITRMDomainIntelligence selected as a primary filter for a gallery. This keyword is used to identify the sample reports that Gallery Manager provides.
    Primary Filters Page of the Create Gallery Wizard
    Primary Filters Page of the Create Gallery Wizard
    The groups of primary filters in this wizard are the same as the filter groups that are available from the ITRM Gallery task in SAS Enterprise Guide. An ITRM Gallery task creates a report definition that assigns filter variables to the metadata for a SAS IT Resource Management report. The Gallery Manager uses these filter variables in report metadata to identify, filter, and sort the reports. For more information about working with the ITRM Gallery task and report definitions, see the SAS IT Resource Management: Reporting Guide. To locate the SAS IT Resource Management documentation, use the Products Index at
    Here are the four groups of primary filters that you can use to refine the set of reports in the gallery:
    • Domain Category for the appropriate domain category that is associated with the adapter.
    • Domain Subcategory for the appropriate domain subcategory that is associated with the domain category.
    • Schedule Frequency for the time period on which the reports are run such as daily, weekly, and monthly.
      Note: The Schedule Frequency filter, specified in the ITRM Gallery task, is a report filter in metadata only. It does not schedule report jobs and is not necessarily indicative of the date properties of the corresponding reports. This primary filter also does not correspond directly to the date variables that are available as secondary filters. It is simply a filter value that suggests when the corresponding report job should be run.
    • Keywords for other terms or variables by which you might filter the reports such as “Top 10 CPU usages.”
    Note: A primary filter group does not appear in the list if there are no SAS IT Resource Management reports with a variable that is related to that filter group. For example, if none of your SAS IT Resource Management reports include a domain subcategory variable, then the Domain Subcategory option does not appear on this page of the wizard.
    To select primary filters, perform the following steps:
    1. Click the arrow next to a primary filter group. The primary filters that are available include only the variables that are present for at least one of the reports on the SAS Content Server.
    2. Select one or more filter variables in the Available items box and then use the right arrow button to move the filters to the Selected items box. To deselect a filter, select the filter in the Selected items box and click the left arrow button to move the filter back to the Available items box.
      Note: If you do not select any filters, then all of the SAS IT Resource Management reports on the SAS Content Server are included in the gallery. Likewise, if you do not select a variable in a given primary filter group, then the reports in the gallery can include any of the variables for that primary filter group. If you select at least one variable in a given primary filter group, then the reports in the gallery can include only the variables that you selected for the primary filter group.
  2. Click Next to specify the secondary filters that are used to further subset the reports into the gallery.
    Note: By default, primary filters must reduce the number of reports to no more than 4,000 before you can continue with the next step to subset the reports further with secondary filters. If the primary filters that you specify on this page do not reduce the number of potential reports to 4,000 or less, then an error message appears and you cannot continue to the next page. You must specify more primary filters to reduce the number of potential reports for the gallery. Your system administrator can configure this report limit to a different value for your organization if necessary. For more information, see the SAS IT Resource Management: Reporting Guide.

Secondary Filters: Step 3 of 4

After you complete Primary Filters: Step 2 of 4, specify the secondary filters.
  1. On the Secondary Filters page, select the secondary filters that designate additional criteria for reports that make up the gallery. Secondary filters enable you to further subset the reports that meet the primary filter criteria that you selected on the previous page.
    Secondary Filters Page of the Create Gallery Wizard
    Secondary Filters Page of the Create Gallery Wizard
    This page shows the number of SAS IT Resource Management reports that are on the SAS Content Server and meet the criteria that you specified with the primary filters on the previous page. You can select Finish to accept the default filters for Date, StartOfWeek, and StartOfMonth, or you can continue to reduce the number of reports in the gallery by selecting secondary filters.
    To select secondary filters, perform the following steps:
    1. Select whether you want to include reports with no date property in the gallery. Some reports, such as tile charts, do not have a Date, StartOfWeek, or StartOfMonth BY variable. If you want to include these reports in the gallery, then select Yes for the Include reports with no date property option.
      Note: The current version of tile charts do not support BY variables. If you filter on a BY variable that is not related to a date, such as the BY variables in the Available items box, then tile charts are not included in the gallery. Because tile charts do not have BY variables, they do not meet your filter criteria to include only reports with the BY variables that you select.
    2. Select the date-based reports for which you want to specify the number of occurrences to include in the gallery.
      Reports can include the following date variables:
      • Date specifies that Date is in the BY variable of the report.
      • StartOfWeek specifies that StartOfWeek is in the BY variable of the report.
      • StartOfMonth specifies that StartOfMonth is in the BY variable of the report.
      Note: These options for date variables are filters. Thus, if you deselect the check box for a given time variable, then all of the reports with that time variable are included in the gallery unless other primary and secondary filters disqualify the report. If you do not want to include any reports for a given time variable, then select the time variable and specify 0 Occurrences. For more information, see the next step.
    3. In the Occurrences fields, specify the maximum number of instances (0 to 99) of the date variable that you want to include in the gallery. If a report includes a corresponding BY variable that is within this range, then the report is included in the gallery.
      The range begins with the date of the most recent BY variable for the given time variable (Date, StartOfWeek, StartOfMonth) and includes the next latest dates within the range.
      For example, the following figure shows the date-based reports that are in a single gallery if occurrences are specified for all three date variables Date, StartOfWeek, and StartOfMonth. This figure uses the following conventions to represent reports:
      • A black square (■) indicates that a report for the given date is available on the SAS Content Server and meets the primary filter criteria.
      • A shaded cell indicates that the report is included in the gallery.
      Reports That Are Included in a Gallery Based on Occurrences
      Reports That Are Included in a Gallery Based on Occurrences
    4. Select additional secondary filters to further subset the reports in the gallery. These secondary filters are listed in the Available items box and are based on the primary filters that you selected on the previous page. Use the right arrow button to move selected filter variables to the Selected items box. To deselect a filter variable, select the filter in the Selected items box and click the left arrow button to move the filter back to the Available items box.
      Note: If you do not select a variable in a given secondary filter category, then the reports in the gallery can include any of the variables for that secondary filter category. If you select at least one variable in a secondary filter group, then the reports in the gallery can include only the variables that you selected from the secondary filter group.
  2. Click Next to view a summary of your previous selections.
    Note: By default, a gallery can contain no more than 2,000 SAS IT Resource Management reports. If the secondary filters that you specify on this page do not reduce the number of potential reports in the gallery to 2,000 or less, then an error message appears and you cannot continue to create the gallery. You must specify more primary and secondary filters on the previous pages to reduce the number of reports in the gallery. Your system administrator can configure this report limit to a different value for your organization if necessary. For more information, see the SAS IT Resource Management: Reporting Guide.

Summary: Step 4 of 4

After you complete Secondary Filters: Step 3 of 4, view the summary.
  1. On the Summary page, review your previous selections and ensure that they reflect the results that you expect.
    Summary Page of the Create Gallery Wizard
    Summary Page of the Create Gallery Wizard
    This page provides the number of SAS IT Resource Management reports that are on the SAS Content Server and meet the criteria that you specified with the primary and secondary filters on the previous pages.
    If the gallery includes more reports than you want, click Previous and modify your filter settings to further subset the reports.
  2. Click Finish to create the gallery.

Edit a Gallery

You can change the name, description, location, and filters of existing galleries. However, the galleries that you have permission to edit are based on your user ID. You can edit only your own galleries that you created.
To edit a gallery, perform the following steps:
  1. In the Browse pane, select the gallery that you want to edit.
  2. In the Browse pane, click the arrow next to the Action button and select Edit. The Edit Gallery wizard appears.
    Edit Gallery Wizard
    Edit Gallery Wizard
  3. Modify the values in the Gallery Details, Primary Filters, and Secondary Filters pages as needed. For more information about how to complete the fields on these pages, see Create a Gallery.
  4. Click Finish to save the gallery changes.

Copy a Gallery

To copy a gallery, perform the following steps:
  1. In the Browse or Gallery pane, select the gallery that you want to copy.
    Note: You can select only one gallery at a time in the Browse pane. However, you can hold down the CTRL or SHIFT key and select multiple galleries in the Gallery pane. If you copy multiple galleries at the same time, then the Copy Gallery dialog box does not enable you to change the name and description of the folders. Therefore, you must ensure that the galleries that you copy have names that are unique within the folder where you plan to store them.
  2. In the Browse or Gallery pane, click the arrow next to the Action button and select Copy.
    The Copy Gallery dialog box appears.
    Copy Gallery Dialog Box
    Copy Gallery Dialog Box
  3. In the Name field, enter a unique name for the gallery. The name of a gallery can include no more than 60 characters. The default name is Copy of <name of the original gallery>.
  4. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description of the new gallery.
  5. In the Location group box, select a gallery folder where this gallery is to be copied. The copy inherits the public or private status of the folder where it is located.
  6. Click Save to create the copy of the gallery or Cancel to close the dialog box.

Delete a Gallery

You can delete a gallery to remove it from the Gallery Manager. However, this action does not delete the corresponding reports from the SAS Content Server.
Note: Members of the IT Resource Management User group can delete only the galleries that they created. Members of the IT Resource Management Administrator group can delete any gallery regardless of whether they created it.
To delete a gallery, perform the following steps:
  1. In the Browse or Gallery pane, select the gallery that you want to delete. You can also hold down the CTRL or SHIFT key and select multiple galleries in the Gallery pane.
  2. In the Browse or Gallery pane, click the arrow next to the Action button and select Delete.
  3. Click Yes to delete the gallery folder.