Nonlinear Optimization Examples |
The input argument fun refers to an IML
module that specifies a function that returns ,
a vector of length
for least squares subroutines
or a scalar for other optimization subroutines.
The returned
contains the values of the objective
function (or the least squares functions) at the point
Note that for least squares problems, you must specify the
number of function values,
, with the first element of the
opt argument to allocate memory for the return vector.
All the modules that you can specify as input arguments
("fun," "grd," "hes," "jac,"
"nlc," "jacnlc," and "ptit") accept only
a single input argument,
, which is the parameter vector.
Using the GLOBAL clause, you can provide
more input arguments for these modules.
Refer to the section "Numerical Considerations" for an example.
All the optimization algorithms assume that
is continuous inside the feasible region.
For nonlinearly constrained optimization, this is
also required for points outside the feasible region.
Sometimes the objective function cannot be computed for
all points of the specified feasible region; for example,
the function specification might contain the SQRT or LOG
function, which cannot be evaluated for negative arguments.
You must make sure that the function and
derivatives of the starting point can be evaluated.
There are two ways to prevent large steps into infeasible
regions of the parameter space during the optimization process:
All the optimization techniques except the
NLPNMS subroutine require continuous first-order
derivatives of the objective function .
The NLPTR, NLPNRA, and NLPNRR techniques also
require continuous second-order derivatives.
If you do not provide the derivatives with the IML
modules "grd," "hes," or "jac," they are
automatically approximated by finite-difference formulas.
Approximating first-order derivatives by finite differences
usually requires
additional calls of the function module.
Approximating second-order derivatives by finite differences using
only function calls can be extremely computationally expensive.
Hence, if you decide to use the NLPTR, NLPNRA,
or NLPNRR subroutines, you should specify
at least analytical first-order derivatives.
Then, approximating second-order derivatives
by finite differences requires only
additional calls of the function and gradient modules.
For all input and output arguments, the subroutines assume that
Note: For some difficult applications, the finite-difference approximations of derivatives that are generated by default might not be precise enough to solve the optimization or least squares problem. In such cases, you might be able to specify better derivative approximations by using a better approximation formula. You can submit your own finite-difference approximations by using the IML module "grd," "hes," "jac," or "jacnlc." See Example 11.3 for an illustration.
In many applications, calculations used in the computation of
can help compute derivatives at the same point efficiently.
You can save and reuse such calculations with the GLOBAL clause.
As with many other optimization packages, the subroutines
call the "grd," "hes," or "jac"
modules only after a call of the "fun" module.
The following statements specify modules for the function, gradient, and Hessian matrix of the Rosenbrock problem:
proc iml; start F_ROSEN(x); y1 = 10. * (x[2] - x[1] * x[1]); y2 = 1. - x[1]; f = .5 * (y1 * y1 + y2 * y2); return(f); finish F_ROSEN; start G_ROSEN(x); g = j(1,2,0.); g[1] = -200.*x[1]*(x[2]-x[1]*x[1]) - (1.-x[1]); g[2] = 100.*(x[2]-x[1]*x[1]); return(g); finish G_ROSEN; start H_ROSEN(x); h = j(2,2,0.); h[1,1] = -200.*(x[2] - 3.*x[1]*x[1]) + 1.; h[2,2] = 100.; h[1,2] = -200. * x[1]; h[2,1] = h[1,2]; return(h); finish H_ROSEN;
The following statements specify a module for the Rosenbrock function when considered as a least squares problem. They also specify the Jacobian matrix of the least squares functions.
proc iml; start F_ROSEN(x); y = j(1,2,0.); y[1] = 10. * (x[2] - x[1] * x[1]); y[2] = 1. - x[1]; return(y); finish F_ROSEN; start J_ROSEN(x); jac = j(2,2,0.); jac[1,1] = -20. * x[1]; jac[1,2] = 10.; jac[2,1] = -1.; jac[2,2] = 0.; return(jac); finish J_ROSEN;
In the unconstrained or only boundary constrained case,
the NLPNRA algorithm can take advantage of diagonal or
sparse Hessian matrices submitted by the "hes" module.
If the Hessian matrix of the objective function
has a large proportion of zeros, you can save computer time
and memory by specifying a sparse Hessian of dimension
rather than a dense
Each of the
of the matrix
returned by the sparse Hessian module defines a
nonzero element
of the Hessian matrix.
The row and column location is given by
, and
gives the nonzero value.
During the optimization process, only the values
be changed in each call of the Hessian module "hes;"
the sparsity structure
must be kept the same.
That means that some of the values
can be zero for particular values of
To allocate sufficient memory before the first call of the
Hessian module, you must specify the number of rows,
by setting the ninth element of the opt argument.
Example 22 of Moré, Garbow, and Hillstrom (1981)
illustrates the sparse Hessian module input.
The objective function, which is the Extended Powell's
Singular Function, for is a least squares problem:
start f_nlp22(x); n=ncol(x); f = 0.; do i=1 to n-3 by 4; f1 = x[i] + 10. * x[i+1]; r2 = x[i+2] - x[i+3]; f2 = 5. * r2; r3 = x[i+1] - 2. * x[i+2]; f3 = r3 * r3; r4 = x[i] - x[i+3]; f4 = 10. * r4 * r4; f = f + f1 * f1 + r2 * f2 + f3 * f3 + r4 * r4 * f4; end; f = .5 * f; return(f); finish f_nlp22; start g_nlp22(x); n=ncol(x); g = j(1,n,0.); do i=1 to n-3 by 4; f1 = x[i] + 10. * x[i+1]; f2 = 5. * (x[i+2] - x[i+3]); r3 = x[i+1] - 2. * x[i+2]; f3 = r3 * r3; r4 = x[i] - x[i+3]; f4 = 10. * r4 * r4; g[i] = f1 + 2. * r4 * f4; g[i+1] = 10. * f1 + 2. * r3 * f3; g[i+2] = f2 - 4. * r3 * f3; g[i+3] = -f2 - 2. * r4 * f4; end; return(g); finish g_nlp22;
You can specify the sparse Hessian with the following module:
start hs_nlp22(x); n=ncol(x); nnz = 8 * (n / 4); h = j(nnz,3,0.); j = 0; do i=1 to n-3 by 4; f1 = x[i] + 10. * x[i+1]; f2 = 5. * (x[i+2] - x[i+3]); r3 = x[i+1] - 2. * x[i+2]; f3 = r3 * r3; r4 = x[i] - x[i+3]; f4 = 10. * r4 * r4; j= j + 1; h[j,1] = i; h[j,2] = i; h[j,3] = 1. + 4. * f4; h[j,3] = h[j,3] + 2. * f4; j= j+1; h[j,1] = i; h[j,2] = i+1; h[j,3] = 10.; j= j+1; h[j,1] = i; h[j,2] = i+3; h[j,3] = -4. * f4; h[j,3] = h[j,3] - 2. * f4; j= j+1; h[j,1] = i+1; h[j,2] = i+1; h[j,3] = 100. + 4. * f3; h[j,3] = h[j,3] + 2. * f3; j= j+1; h[j,1] = i+1; h[j,2] = i+2; h[j,3] = -8. * f3; h[j,3] = h[j,3] - 4. * f3; j= j+1; h[j,1] = i+2; h[j,2] = i+2; h[j,3] = 5. + 16. * f3; h[j,3] = h[j,3] + 8. * f3; j= j+1; h[j,1] = i+2; h[j,2] = i+3; h[j,3] = -5.; j= j+1; h[j,1] = i+3; h[j,2] = i+3; h[j,3] = 5. + 4. * f4; h[j,3] = h[j,3] + 2. * f4; end; return(h); finish hs_nlp22; n = 40; x = j(1,n,0.); do i=1 to n-3 by 4; x[i] = 3.; x[i+1] = -1.; x[i+3] = 1.; end; opt = j(1,11,.); opt[2]= 3; opt[9]= 8 * (n / 4); call nlpnra(xr,rc,"f_nlp22",x,opt) grd="g_nlp22" hes="hs_nlp22";
Note: If the sparse form of Hessian defines a
diagonal matrix (that is, in all
rows), the
NLPNRA algorithm stores and processes a diagonal matrix
If you do not specify any general linear constraints,
the NLPNRA subroutine uses only order
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