Language Reference


calculates the characteristic roots of the model from AR and MA characteristic functions

CALL VTSROOT( root, phi, theta<, p, q>);

The inputs to the VTSROOT subroutine are as follows:

specifies a km_p x k matrix containing the autoregressive coefficient matrices, where m_p is the number of the elements in the subset of the AR order and k\geq 2 is the number of variables. You must specify either phi or theta.

specifies a km_q x k matrix containing the moving-average coefficient matrices, where m_q is the number of the elements in the subset of the MA order. You must specify either phi or theta.

specifies the subset of the AR order. See the VARMACOV subroutine.

specifies the subset of the MA order. See the VARMACOV subroutine.

The VTSROOT subroutine returns the following value:

is a k(p_{max}+q_{max})x 5 matrix, where p_{max} is the maximum order of the AR characteristic function and q_{max} is the maximum order of the MA characteristic function. The first k p_{max} rows refer to the results of the AR characteristic function; the last k q_{max} rows refer to the results of the MA characteristic function.

The first column contains the real parts, x, of eigenvalues of companion matrix associated with the AR(p_{max}) or MA(q_{max}) characteristic function; the second column contains the imaginary parts, y, of the eigenvalues; the third column contains the moduli of the eigenvalues, \sqrt{x^2+y^2}; the fourth column contains the arguments (\arctan(y/x)) of the eigenvalues, measured in radians from the positive real axis. The fifth column contains the arguments expressed in degrees rather than radians.

Consider the roots of the characteristic functions, \phi(b)=i-\phi b and \theta(b)=i-\theta b, where i is an identity matrix with dimension 2 and
\phi=[\matrix{1.2 & -0.5 \cr    0.6 & 0.3 \cr    }]   \theta=[\matrix{-0.6 & 0.3 \cr    0.3 & 0.6 \cr    }]
To compute these roots, you can use the following statements:
   phi  = { 1.2 -0.5, 0.6 0.3 }; 
   theta= {-0.6  0.3, 0.3 0.6 }; 
   call vtsroot(root, phi, theta);

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