GKPI Procedure

Overview: GKPI Procedure

About KPI Charts and the GKPI Procedure

The GKPI procedure creates graphical key performance indicator (KPI) charts. KPIs are metrics that help a business monitor its performance and measure its progress toward specific goals. The procedure produces five KPI chart types:
  • slider (vertical or horizontal)
  • bullet graph (vertical or horizontal)
  • dial
  • speedometer
  • traffic light (vertical or horizontal)
The GKPI procedure produces a KPI chart based on a series of qualitative range boundaries and an actual KPI value that you specify. If you specify a target value, the KPI chart also displays the target value. The procedure uses a set of default colors for the KPI chart, but you can specify your own colors.
Note: The only device supported for the GKPI procedure is JAVAIMG. If you do not specify DEVICE=JAVAIMG, then SAS/GRAPH sets the DEVICE option to JAVAIMG.
Note: To use output from the GKPI procedure in a dashboard generated with the GREPLAY procedure, you must first create a GRSEG containing the GKPI procedure output. You can use the IBACK=”gkpiImage.png” option in the GOPTIONS statement with the GSLIDE or GANNO procedures to generate the GRSEG.

Slider KPI Charts

Slider KPI charts display a bar divided into qualitative ranges according to the boundary values that you specify. The actual value of the KPI is indicated with a triangle pointer the left (for a vertical slider) or on the top (for a horizontal slider). This actual value indicator is the same color as the range that contains the actual KPI value. The target value, if it is specified, is displayed as a smaller triangle on the right side (or bottom) of the slider.
Sliders showing actual and target indicators

Bullet Graph KPI Charts

Bullet graphs display a bar divided into qualitative ranges according to the boundary values that you specify. The actual value of the KPI is indicated with a black line, or bullet, down the center of the graph. The target value, if it is specified, is displayed as a vertical line (in a horizontal bullet graph) or a horizontal line (in a vertical bullet graph) across the graph.
Bullet graphs showing actual and target indicators

Dial KPI Charts

Dial KPI charts display a dial divided into qualitative ranges according to the boundary values. The actual value of the KPI is indicated with a large, white triangle pointer. The target value, if it is specified, is displayed as a small, black triangle. The center of the dial is the same color as the range that contains the actual KPI value.
dial showing actual and target pointers

Speedometer KPI Charts

Speedometer KPI charts display a speedometer with the tick marks evenly spaced around the dial and colored ranges that correspond to the range boundaries that you specify. Speedometers can be displayed as a full speedometer, as a half speedometer, or as a quarter speedometer. The actual value of the KPI is indicated by a long pointer. The target value, if it is specified, is displayed as a small, black triangle.
full, half, and quarter speedometers
In each display type, tick marks are evenly spaced but do not correspond to colored range boundaries. The numbered band in the full speedometer is always divided into ten sections (using 11 tick marks). The numbered band in the half speedometer is divided into five sections (six tick marks), and the quarter speedometer is divided into three sections (four tick marks).

Traffic Light KPI Charts

Traffic light KPI charts display a traffic light that contains one light for each qualitative range. The range that contains the actual value is displayed in color. The remaining ranges are gray. In other words, only one “light” is “turned on” at a time. Traffic lights do not display target values.
traffic lights KPI charts