When working in an
interactive environment such as Windows, the default LISTING destination
is the
GRAPH window.
Use the ODS destination statement at the beginning and end of the
SAS program to open and close the LISTING destination, respectively.
The following example
is a simple GCHART program that produces the output shown in LISTING Destination Output Using the LISTING Style (Shown in the GRAPH Window). ods html close;
ods listing;
goptions reset=all border hsize=6 vsize=4.5;
title "US Electric Power - Revenue and Generation Sources";
proc gchart data=sashelp.electric (where=(year >= 2000)) ;
vbar year / discrete sumvar=Revenue subgroup=Customer;
ods listing close;
LISTING Destination Output Using the LISTING Style (Shown in
the GRAPH Window)
The default style applied
to output sent to the LISTING destination is
LISTING in a Display Manager Session and in batch mode. When you send
output to the LISTING destination,
SAS/GRAPH uses a default device driver that generates output
for the
GRAPH window. This device driver
does not write an image file to disk. For the LISTING destination, the default
device driver varies by operating environment. In a Display Manager
Session, the default device driver on Windows systems is WIN. On UNIX
systems, the default device driver is XCOLOR, and on
z/OS systems,
the default device driver is IBMPCGX.