The COUNTREG Procedure

Syntax: COUNTREG Procedure

The following statements are available in the COUNTREG procedure:

PROC COUNTREG <options> ;
BOUNDS bound1 < , bound2 …> ;
BY variables ;
CLASS variables ;
DISPMODEL dependent variable $\sim $ <dispersion-related regressors> ;
FREQ variable ;
INIT initvalue1 <, initvalue2 …> ;
MODEL dependent = <regressors></ options> ;
NLOPTIONS <options> ;
OUTPUT <OUT=SAS-data-set><output-options> ;
RESTRICT restriction1 <, restriction2 …> ;
SCORE DATA=SAS-data-set <OUT=SAS-data-set> <output-options> ;
SHOW options ;
STORE <OUT=>item-store-name ;
WEIGHT variable </options> ;
ZEROMODEL dependent variable $\sim $ <zero-inflated regressors> </options> ;

You can specify only one MODEL statement. The CLASS statement must precede the MODEL statement. If you include the ZEROMODEL statement, it must appear after the MODEL statement. If you specify more than one FREQ or WEIGHT statement, the variable that is specified in the first instance is used.