Example 15.2 Illustration of ODS Graphics

This example illustrates the use of ODS graphics with PROC EXPAND.

The graphical displays are requested by specifying the PLOTS= option in the PROC EXPAND statement. For information about the graphics available in the EXPAND procedure, see the section ODS Graphics.

The following statements utilize the SASHELP.WORKERS data set to convert the time series of electrical workers from monthly to quarterly frequency and display ODS graphics plots. The PLOTS=ALL option is specified to request the plots of the input series, the transformed input series, the converted series, and the transformed output series. Figure 15.2.1 through Figure 15.2.4 show these plots.

proc expand data=sashelp.workers out=out
            from=month to=qtr
   id date;
   convert electric=eout / method=spline
                           transformin=(movmed 4)
                           transformout=(movave 3);

Output 15.2.1 Input Series Plot
Input Series Plot

Output 15.2.2 Transformed Input Series Plot—Four-Period Moving Median
Transformed Input Series Plot—Four-Period Moving Median

Output 15.2.3 Converted Plot of Transformed Input Series
Converted Plot of Transformed Input Series

Output 15.2.4 Transformed Output Series Plot—Three-Period Moving Average
Transformed Output Series Plot—Three-Period Moving Average