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The MDC Procedure

Example 17.5 Choice of Time for Work Trips: Nested Logit Analysis

This example uses sample data of 527 automobile commuters in the San Francisco Bay Area to demonstrate the use of nested logit model.

Brownstone and Small (1989) analyzed a two-level nested logit model displayed in Output 17.5.1. The probability of choosing at level 2 is written as


where is an inclusive value and is computed as


The probability of choosing an alternative is denoted as


The full information maximum likelihood (FIML) method maximizes the following log-likelihood function:


where if a decision maker chooses , and 0 otherwise.

Output 17.5.1 Decision Tree for Two-Level Nested Logit
Decision Tree for Two-Level Nested Logit

Sample data of 527 automobile commuters in the San Francisco Bay Area have been analyzed by Small (1982) and Brownstone and Small (1989). The regular time of arrival is recorded as between 42.5 minutes early and 17.5 minutes late, and indexed by 12 alternatives, using five-minute interval groups. Refer to Small (1982) for more details on these data.

The following statements estimate the two-level nested logit model:

   /*-- Two-level Nested Logit --*/
   proc mdc data=small maxit=200 outest=a;
      model decision = r15 r10 ttime ttime_cp sde sde_cp
                       sdl sdlx d2l /
      id id;
      utility u(1, ) = r15 r10 ttime ttime_cp sde sde_cp
                       sdl sdlx d2l;
      nest level(1) = (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 @ 1, 9 @ 2, 10 11 12 @ 3),
           level(2) = (1 2 3 @ 1);

The estimation summary, discrete response profile, and the FIML estimates are displayed in Output 17.5.2 through Output 17.5.4.

Output 17.5.2 Nested Logit Estimation Summary
The MDC Procedure
Nested Logit Estimates

Model Fit Summary
Dependent Variable decision
Number of Observations 527
Number of Cases 6324
Log Likelihood -990.81912
Log Likelihood Null (LogL(0)) -1310
Maximum Absolute Gradient 4.93868E-6
Number of Iterations 18
Optimization Method Newton-Raphson
AIC 2006
Schwarz Criterion 2057

Output 17.5.3 Discrete Choice Characteristics
Discrete Response Profile
Index alt Frequency Percent
0 1 6 1.14
1 2 10 1.90
2 3 61 11.57
3 4 15 2.85
4 5 27 5.12
5 6 80 15.18
6 7 55 10.44
7 8 64 12.14
8 9 187 35.48
9 10 13 2.47
10 11 8 1.52
11 12 1 0.19

Output 17.5.4 Nested Logit Estimates
The MDC Procedure
Nested Logit Estimates

Parameter Estimates
Parameter DF Estimate Standard
t Value Approx
Pr > |t|
r15_L1 1 1.1034 0.1221 9.04 <.0001
r10_L1 1 0.3931 0.1194 3.29 0.0010
ttime_L1 1 -0.0465 0.0235 -1.98 0.0474
ttime_cp_L1 1 -0.0498 0.0305 -1.63 0.1028
sde_L1 1 -0.6618 0.0833 -7.95 <.0001
sde_cp_L1 1 0.0519 0.1278 0.41 0.6850
sdl_L1 1 -2.1006 0.5062 -4.15 <.0001
sdlx_L1 1 -3.5240 1.5346 -2.30 0.0217
d2l_L1 1 -1.0941 0.3273 -3.34 0.0008
INC_L2G1C1 1 0.6762 0.2754 2.46 0.0141
INC_L2G1C2 1 1.0906 0.3090 3.53 0.0004
INC_L2G1C3 1 0.7622 0.1649 4.62 <.0001

Brownstone and Small (1989) also estimate the two-level nested logit model with equal scale parameter constraints, . Replication of their model estimation is listed in the following program, and the results are displayed in Output 17.5.5 and Output 17.5.6. The parameter estimates and standard errors are almost identical to those in Brownstone and Small (1989, p. 69).

   /*-- Nested Logit with Equal Dissimilarity Parameters --*/
   proc mdc data=small maxit=200 outest=a;
      model decision = r15 r10 ttime ttime_cp sde sde_cp
                       sdl sdlx d2l /
      id id;
      utility u(1, ) = r15 r10 ttime ttime_cp sde sde_cp
                       sdl sdlx d2l;
      nest level(1) = (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 @ 1, 9 @ 2, 10 11 12 @ 3),
           level(2) = (1 2 3 @ 1);

Output 17.5.5 Nested Logit Estimation Summary with Equal Dissimilarity Parameters
The MDC Procedure
Nested Logit Estimates

Model Fit Summary
Dependent Variable decision
Number of Observations 527
Number of Cases 6324
Log Likelihood -994.39402
Log Likelihood Null (LogL(0)) -1310
Maximum Absolute Gradient 2.97172E-6
Number of Iterations 16
Optimization Method Newton-Raphson
AIC 2009
Schwarz Criterion 2051

Output 17.5.6 Nested Logit Estimates with Equal Dissimilarity Parameters
The MDC Procedure
Nested Logit Estimates

Parameter Estimates
Parameter DF Estimate Standard
t Value Approx
Pr > |t|
r15_L1 1 1.1345 0.1092 10.39 <.0001
r10_L1 1 0.4194 0.1081 3.88 0.0001
ttime_L1 1 -0.1626 0.0609 -2.67 0.0076
ttime_cp_L1 1 0.1285 0.0853 1.51 0.1319
sde_L1 1 -0.7548 0.0669 -11.28 <.0001
sde_cp_L1 1 0.2292 0.0981 2.34 0.0195
sdl_L1 1 -2.0719 0.4860 -4.26 <.0001
sdlx_L1 1 -2.8216 1.2560 -2.25 0.0247
d2l_L1 1 -1.3164 0.3474 -3.79 0.0002
INC_L2G1 1 0.8059 0.1705 4.73 <.0001

However, the test statistic for rejects the null hypothesis at the significance level since . The -value is computed in the following program and is equal to .

   data _null_;
      /*-- test for H0: tau1 = tau2 = tau3 --*/
      /*   ln L(max) = -990.8191             */
      /*   ln L(0)   = -994.3940             */
      stat = -2 * ( -994.3940 + 990.8191 );
      df = 2;
      p_value = 1 - probchi(stat, df);
      put stat= p_value=;
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