Exports the working set of export mappings and clears the mapping tables, which areX.DOMAIN_MAP, X.USER_MAP and X.GROUP_MAP. EXPORT has three options, NOFORWARD, VERBOSE, and NOVERBOSE.
prevents forwarding of generated XML to the metadata server. When NOFORWARD is specified, the OUT= file will contain SAS Metadata Server input XML. Otherwise, it will contain output response XML.
specifies to print generated input or output response XML to the SAS log. The VERBOSE option is ignored if the NOVERBOSE is also specified. The VERBOSE option is implied if the procedure’s OUT= option is omitted because the log becomes the destination for generated or response XML.
specifies to not print generated input or output response XML to the SAS log. The NOVERBOSE option overrides the VERBOSE option of the procedure and EXPORT statements. The NOVERBOSE option is ignored if the procedure’s OUT= option is omitted.