ASEXPORT Procedure


Exports or migrates DataFlux Authentication Server content.


Optional Arguments


Server connection arguments establish communication with SAS Metadata Server. The metadata system options are used in place of omitted attributes.


is the set of filter strings used to retrieve the working set of SAS Metadata Server objects using a templated GetMetadataObjects query with a XMLSelect search criteria. There is one filter per object type. If a filter is “*” or is omitted, then no subsetting is done when retrieving the objects and all objects of the associated metadata type are retrieved.

METACON uses the following filter strings:


specifies a valid XMLSelect search= string used to match objects of type AuthenticationDomain.


specifies a valid XMLSelect search= string used to match objects of type Person.


specifies a valid XMLSelect search= string used to match objects of type IdentityGroup.

Restriction The GROUPS option is not supported for SAS Business Data Network.


specifies the search criteria used to match objects of type Login. The filter is the value of the Search= attribute of the Logins association specified in the query template.


is the password for the authenticated user ID on SAS Metadata Server.

Alias PW= or METAPASS=


is the TCP port that SAS Metadata Server listens to for requests. This port number was used to start the SAS Metadata Server.

Requirement Do not enclose the port number in quotation marks.


is the name of the repository to use for all SAS Metadata Server requests. The repository name must be foundation.



is the host name or network IP address of the computer that hosts SAS Metadata Server. The value LOCALHOST can be used if the SAS session is connecting to SAS Metadata Server on the same computer.



is an authenticated user ID on SAS Metadata Server. SAS Metadata Server supports several authentication providers.

Alias META=


server connection arguments establish communication with DataFlux Authentication Server.


is the set of filter strings used to retrieve the working set of DataFlux Authentication Server objects. Filter strings are simple name and value pairs or value lists where values are ODBC pattern strings or constants. There is one filter per object type. If a filter is “*” or is omitted, then no subsetting is done when retrieving the objects and all objects of the associated type are retrieved.

ASCON uses the following filter strings:


specifies a valid domain search filter. The following filter columns are supported :

caseSensitivity=TRUE|T|YES|1|FALSE|F|NO|0 specifies to select domains with principal identities matching the specified case sensitivity Boolean. The specified value is compared as case insensitive.
description=domain-description specifies to select domains that pass the specified description pattern. The specified value is compared as case insensitive and should be quoted.
domain=domain-name | (domain-name1, domain-name2 …) specifies to select domains that meet the specified pattern. Values are compared as case insensitive and can be quoted.
partOfLogin=TRUE|T|YES|1|FALSE|F|NO|0 Specifies to select domains that match the specified part of login Boolean. The specified value is compared as case insensitive.
isUPN=TRUE|T|YES|1|FALSE|F|NO|0 specifies to select domains that match the specified is UPN Boolean. The specified value is compared as case insensitive.


specifies a valid user search filter. The following filter columns are supported:

subject=user-name | (user-name1, user-name2 …) specifies to select users that match the specified names. Values are compared case insensitive and can be quoted.
identifier=user-identifier | (user-identifier1, user-identifier2 …) specifies to select users that match the unique user identifiers. Values are compared as case insensitive.
description=user-description specifies to select users that pass the specified user description pattern. Values are compared as case insensitive and should be quoted.
enabled=TRUE|T|YES|1|FALSE|F|NO|0 specifies to TRUE if the user is enabled.


specifies a valid group search filter. The following filter columns are supported:

group=group-name | (group-name1, group-name2 …) specifies the name of group. Values are compared as case insensitive and can be quoted.
identifier=group-identifier | (group-identifier1, group-identifier2 …) specifies to select groups that match the unique group identifiers. Values are compared as case insensitive.
description=group-description specifies to select groups that pass the specified group description pattern. Values are compared as case insensitive and should be quoted.
ownerName=group-owner-name specifies the name of group’s user owner. The value is compared as case insensitive and can be quoted.
Restriction The GROUPS option is not supported for SAS Business Data Network.


specifies a valid user login search filter. The filter is the value of the Search= attribute of the Logins association specified in the query template. The select filter is a domain name or list of domain names, specified as follows:

domain-name | (domain-name1, domain-name2 …)


is the password for the authenticated user ID on DataFlux Authentication Server.

Alias PW=


is the TCP port that DataFlux Authentication Server listens to for requests. This port number was used to start the DataFlux Authentication Server.

Requirement Do not enclose the port number in quotation marks.


is the host name or network IP address of the computer that hosts DataFlux Authentication Server. The value LOCALHOST can be used if the SAS session is connecting to DataFlux Authentication Server on the same computer.

Alias HOST= or IPADDR=


is the complete IOM uri specification of DataFlux Authentication Server. A URI can be specified instead of the server and port.


is an authenticated user ID on DataFlux Authentication Server. DataFlux Authentication Server supports several authentication providers.

Alias ID= or USERID=


specifies an XML file used by the EXPORT statement to store either the output result returned by SAS Metadata Server or the input that would have been submitted to SAS Metadata Server when exported using the NOFORWARD option. The value must be a fileref, not a pathname. Therefore, you must first submit a FILENAME statement to assign a fileref to a pathname. In most cases, the output XML string is identical to the input XML string, with the addition of the requested values within the XML elements.

If the OUT= argument is omitted and the VERBOSE option is specified, PROC ASEXPORT output is written to the SAS log.
Note: PROC ASEXPORT can generate large XML output. You might need to specify a large LRECL value or RECFM=N (streaming output) to avoid truncation of long output lines.
Note: Under z/OS, fixed-length records in the XML method call are not supported by PROC METADATA. Specify RECFM=V (or RECFM=N as suggested above) when you create the XML method call.
Restriction SAS Business Data Network does not support z/OS connections.


specifies whether to include an XML header in the output FILE= and OUT= XML files. The declaration specifies the character-set encoding for web browsers and XML parsers to use when processing national language characters in the output XML file.


omits an encoding declaration. Web browsers and parsers might not handle national language characters appropriately.


inserts an XML header that specifies the XML version number: This is the default value when the HEADER= argument is not specified.


inserts an XML declaration that represents the encoding that was specified when creating the output XML file. The source for the encoding varies, depending on the operating environment. In general, the encoding value is taken from the ENCODING= option specified in the FILENAME statement, or from the ENCODING= system option.

SAS attempts to use that encoding for the output XML file (and in the XML header). The encoding can vary. A single encoding can have multiple names or aliases that can appear in the XML header. These names might not be valid or recognized in all XML parsers. When generating the encoding attribute in the XML header, SAS attempts to use an alias that will be recognized by Internet Explorer. If the alias is not found, SAS attempts to use a name that will be recognized by Java XML parsers. If the name is not found, SAS uses an alias by which SAS will recognize the encoding. For information about encoding and transcoding, see SAS National Language Support (NLS): Reference Guide


specifies to print input or output XML strings to the SAS log.