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Performing Pre-migration Tasks

Completing the Pre-migration Checklists

Overview of Completing the Pre-migration Checklists

Later, during the installation and migration step, the SAS Deployment Wizard prompts you for account credentials used to run SAS 9.1.3 (including third-party software) and for ports for SAS servers that are new to SAS 9.2. Complete the following checklists and have them ready to refer to when you run the SAS Deployment Wizard.

Complete the External User Account Checklist

Complete the following checklist to use later, during the installation and migration step, when the SAS Deployment Wizard prompts you for account credentials. In the third maintenance release for SAS 9.2, you have the option of using SAS internal accounts to minimize the number of headless operating system accounts required to deploy SAS. For more information, see Choose to Use SAS Internal Accounts. For migration purposes, the external accounts that you use must be the same operating system accounts that you also used in SAS 9.1.3.

Also, make sure that you review important information in the topic, Important Notes on User Accounts and Authentication.

Note:   This checklist assumes that you are migrating to SAS 9.2 using the same machines that you used to run SAS 9.1.3.

If you are migrating from SAS 9.1.3 to SAS 9.2, and you want to continue using external IDs for your user accounts, you must make sure that these IDs are set up on the corresponding machines in your SAS 9.2 environment. For more information, see "Setting Up Required Users and Groups" in the SAS 9.1.3 Intelligence Platform: Installation Guide, available at  [cautionend]

Pre-migration Checklist for External User Accounts for SAS and Third-Party Software
SAS 9.1.3 or Third-Party Software
SAS 9.2 or Third-Party Software
Examples Actual User ID
SAS Installer SAS Installer1 Windows: my-domain\installer-ID

UNIX and z/OS: sas2

SAS General Server User SAS Spawned Servers account Windows: my-domain\sassrv

UNIX and z/OS: sassrv

SAS Administrator SAS Unrestricted User Windows: my-domain\sasadm

UNIX and z/OS: sasadm

SAS Trusted User SAS Trusted User Windows: my-domain\sastrust

UNIX and z/OS: sastrust

Not applicable SAS Anonymous Web User3 Windows: my-domain\webanon

UNIX and z/OS: webanon

SAS Demo User SAS First User Windows: my-domain\sasdemo

UNIX and z/OS: sasdemo

SAS Guest User Not applicable No longer needed.

SAS Web Administrator Not applicable No longer needed.

In SAS 9.2, the SAS Trusted User is the SAS Information Delivery Portal administrator.

For more information, see the SAS Intelligence Platform: Web Application Administration Guide.

LSF Administrator LSF Administrator Windows: my-domain\lsfadmin

UNIX and z/OS: lsfadmin

LSF User LSF User Windows: my-domain\lsfuser

UNIX and z/OS: lsfuser

J2EE application server administrator Web application server administrator Windows: my-domain\admin

UNIX and z/OS: admin

1 The installer account used for migration must have Read and Write permissions to the SAS installation and configuration directories. On Windows, this account must be a member of the Administrators group.

2 On UNIX, do not use root.

3 The SAS Anonymous Web User is used to grant clients access to applicable SAS Web Infrastructure Platform applications such as SAS BI Web Services and the Stored Process Web Application.

Important Notes on User Accounts and Authentication

Consider the following items when working with user accounts during the migration process:

Complete the New Server Ports Checklist

Complete the following checklist to use later, during the installation and migration step, when the SAS Deployment Wizard prompts you for ports to designate for the new SAS 9.2 servers. The deployment wizard uses the same ports when migrating the SAS 9.1.3 servers.

Note:   This checklist assumes that you are migrating to SAS 9.2 using the same machines that you used to run SAS 9.1.3. (You can change these port assignments in SAS 9.2 with the Port Remap utility. For more information, see Change Ports Used By SAS Products.) If you are using new machines, then you need to make sure that the same ports that you designated for your SAS 9.1.3 servers are available on the new machines. For more information, see "Designating Ports" in the SAS 9.1.3 Intelligence Platform: Installation Guide available at  [cautionend]

The following table lists new servers that have been introduced in SAS 9.2:

Pre-migration Checklist for New Server Ports Introduced in SAS 9.2
Server or Spawner Default Port Actual Port
SAS object spawner: pooled workspace server port bank 1 8801
SAS object spawner: pooled workspace server port bank 2 8811
SAS object spawner: pooled workspace server port bank 3 8821
SAS Pooled Workspace Server 8701
SAS Table Server 2171
Metadata utilities SAS Workspace Server 85911
SAS Deployment Tester server 10021
1 The default port for the workspace server is also 8591. In SAS 9.2, two or more workspace servers can share the same port even if they are running at the same time.

Determine the User ID Associated with Scheduled Flows

After migration, you will need to reschedule all of your SAS flows. (See Reschedule Flows.) To do this you will need to know the user ID under which each flow is scheduled to run.

Follow these steps to determine the user ID associated with scheduled flows:

  1. Log on to Platform Flow Manager.

  2. Select the user ID tab.

  3. For each user ID, note the flows associated with it.

Permission Considerations when User Accounts or Groups Change

The SAS automated migration tools ship with scripts that are used to assign the proper permissions to files and directories under the SAS configuration directory. If you are using required operating system user accounts and group names in SAS 9.2 that are different from the ones on your SAS 9.1.3 system, then you must make sure that the permissions reflect these changes.

During configuration, the SAS Deployment Wizard invokes the levconfig extension (a part of the migration package) which converts certain temporary files into corresponding permission script files (*.bat and *.sh files). The deployment wizard persists these permission script files in the SAS 9.2 configuration directory (under Levn/Temp) and then invokes them during configuration.

You have to do one of the following procedures:

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