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Performing Pre-migration Tasks

Change Ports Used By SAS Products

Topics in this section include:

Change Ports Using the Port Remap Utility

By default, the SAS automated migration tools assume that you will retain the machine ports that you used for your various SAS 9.1.3 products. During a migration, the only ports that the SAS Deployment Wizard prompts for are for products that are new to SAS 9.2, such as the pooled workspace server.

However, SAS does enable you to make changes. The Port Remap utility provides scripts that partially automate the steps required to change ports.

Note:   The Port Remap utility requires the public domain, third-party library xsltproc. Most operating systems already have it installed. If you encounter any problems, a machine that is missing the xsltproc library might be the cause. An alternative to using the utility is to manually change the ports. For more information, see Change Ports Manually.  [cautionend]

To change a port used by a SAS 9.1.3 product that you are migrating, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the deployment plan file that you will use to migrate to SAS 9.2.

    To download the latest SAS 9.2 standard deployment plans, go to http://

  2. Open the plan file, search for "Machine Id", and record the names of your various SAS tiers.

    (If you are using a standard plan, the diagram that accompanies it contains the tier names.) Also, be sure to have a list of the machine names to which you want to migrate. Keep this information handy as you will need to refer to it later in this procedure.

  3. Create a migration package for each tier of your SAS 9.1.3 deployment as described in Create the Migration Package.

    Every machine in your SAS deployment should be able to write to the migration package and also have access to the SAS 9.2 Software Depot.

  4. Log on to a machine in your deployment with the user ID you used to create the migration package, open a command prompt or console, and change to the portremap/operating-system subdirectory under utilities/smu in your SAS 9.2 software depot.

    For example:

    cd \SAS Software Depot\utilities\smu\portremap\win

  5. Run the transform script.

    • Windows:


    • UNIX and z/OS:


  6. When prompted, provide the transform script with the absolute path to your migration package on the current machine. (This is the value of SMU.Output.Dir.)

    The script copies one of the migration package files (template.xml) to a new file (deployment-wizard.xml). Inside deployment-wizard.xml, the script copies the <original-tiers> section and renames this copy <newTiers>. Within the <newTiers> section the script inserts placeholders for the tier and host names. No placeholders are used for ports. But, you can make any port changes that you require.

    For example:

     <tier name="[Insert machine name from plan file here]" 
    host="[Insert host name from plan file here]" configdir="/data1/config913/Lev1" osfamily="Unix" os="s64" primary="true"> <products> <product id="metadatasrv"> <deployments> <deployment singleton="true" URL="1d7dfa85c836c5d1:255b9d6e:11d6954d386:-7fff"> <port URL="sas12:metadatasrv" sdwprop="iomsrv.metadatasrv.port" functionLabel="">8561</port> </deployments> </product> ...

    When the transform script is finished, it writes a file named deployment-wizard.xml to the migration-schemas subdirectory in your migration package.

  7. Open deployment-wizard.xml in a text editor and make the following changes:

    • Replace the string [Insert machine name from plan file here] with the name of the tier.

      Using the information you recorded in Step 2, specify a tier name that matches the machine ID in your deployment plan file (for example, Metadata Tier).

    • Replace the string [Insert host name from plan file here] with the fully qualified name of the target machine.

      For example,

    • Change ports as needed.

    For example:

     <tier name="Metadata Tier" host=""
      configdir="/data1/config913/Lev1" osfamily="Unix" os="s64" primary="true">
        <product id="metadatasrv">
          <deployment singleton="true" 
           <port URL="sas12:metadatasrv" sdwprop="iomsrv.metadatasrv.port" 
    functionLabel="">8560</port> </deployments> </product> ...

    Note:   Review your changes carefully, as the deployment wizard does not validate host names contained in deployment-wizard.xml.  [cautionend]

  8. Load deployment-wizard.xml in a Web browser to verify that your XML edits are well-formed.

  9. Next, run the SAS Deployment Wizard on each machine in your SAS deployment as described in Overview of Installing SAS and Migrating Your Content.

Change Ports Manually

Some operating systems, such as z/OS, do not contain the public third-party library, xsltproc, that is required by the Port Remap utility. The alternative to running the utility is to copy the template.xml file and, using a text editor, change certain property values manually.

To manually change a port used by a SAS 9.1.3 product that you are migrating, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the deployment plan file that you will use to migrate to SAS 9.2.

    To download the latest SAS 9.2 standard deployment plans, go to http://

  2. Open the plan file, search for "Machine Id", and record the names of your various SAS tiers.

    If you are using a standard plan, the diagram that accompanies it contains the tier names. Also, be sure to have a list of the machine names to which you want to migrate. Keep this information handy as you will need to refer to it later in this procedure.

  3. Create a migration package for each tier of your SAS 9.1.3 deployment as described in Create the Migration Package.

    Every machine in your SAS deployment should be able to write to the migration package and also have access to the SAS 9.2 Software Depot.

  4. In the migration-schemas subdirectory of the migration package, copy template.xml to deployment-wizard.xml.

  5. Using a text editor, open deployment-wizard.xml and copy the entire original-tiers section and change the outer tag to newTiers.

  6. In the section you just created, change the value for the name= tag of each tier to match the name given in the plan (for example, "Metadata Tier").

  7. Finally, in the same section, change the port numbers to their new values.

    For example:

     <tier name="Metadata Tier" host=""
      configdir="/data1/config913/Lev1" osfamily="Unix" os="s64" primary="true">
        <product id="metadatasrv">
          <deployment singleton="true" 
           <port URL="sas12:metadatasrv" sdwprop="iomsrv.metadatasrv.port" 
    functionLabel="">8560</port> </deployments> </product> ...

    Note:   Review your changes carefully, as the deployment wizard does not validate host names contained in deployment-wizard.xml.  [cautionend]

  8. Load deployment-wizard.xml in a Web browser to verify that your XML edits are well-formed.

  9. Next, run the SAS Deployment Wizard on each machine in your SAS deployment as described in Overview of Installing SAS and Migrating Your Content.

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