Uses of Interface

Packages that use ExpressionInterface Provides utility classes and methods that are used to read information maps and retrieve filter values. The main package that provides modeling for SAS Query Services's two business models (information maps and data selections), which provide a logical layer of metadata modeling above the physical layer model. Provides a set of modeled "step" operations that can be applied, in a particular order, to OLAP data items and business queries in order to filter the data that gets returned when business queries are executed. Provides classes that are used to model expressions, which are used to compose data items and filters. Provides classes used to define OLAP expressions usable within a business model for defining portions of an OLAP business query. Provides classes that are used to model relational database expressions which are typically used when defining the expression portion of filters. Provides specific information (via a ServerProperties object) about the capabilities of the server, such as operators and recognized functions. Utility classes that SAS Query Services makes available for use with its models. 

Uses of ExpressionInterface in

Methods in with parameters of type ExpressionInterface
 void IQDataServices.verify(BusinessModel businessModel, ExpressionInterface expression)
          This convenience method can be used to verify expressions that may be used in a query.

Uses of ExpressionInterface in

Subinterfaces of ExpressionInterface in
 interface DataItem
          Provides support for the mapping of physical data to a single unit of business data.
 interface DataItemReference
          Specifies a reference to a DataItem object along with some set of overridden attributes of the base data item.
 interface Prompt
          Enables you to specify portions of a business query at the time a query is run.

Methods in that return ExpressionInterface
 ExpressionInterface FilterItem.getExpression()
          Gets the filter's conditional expression.
 ExpressionInterface DataItem.getExpression()
          Returns the expression describing what the DataItem's value is composed of.
 ExpressionInterface CascadableFilter.getExpression()
          Returns the ExpressionInterface for this CascadableFilter.

Methods in with parameters of type ExpressionInterface
 void FilterItem.setExpression(ExpressionInterface condExpr)
          Sets the filter's conditional expression to be the given expression.
 void DataItem.setExpression(ExpressionInterface expression)
          Deprecated. use RootDataItem.setExpression(ExpressionInterface)

Uses of ExpressionInterface in

Methods in that return ExpressionInterface
 ExpressionInterface DataItemTimeRangeFilter.getEndMember()
          Get end date
 ExpressionInterface DataItemTimeNParallelPeriodsFilter.getLevel()
          Get level name.
 ExpressionInterface DataItemTimeFirstLastPeriodsFilter.getLevel()
          Get level name.
 ExpressionInterface DataItemNavigationFilter.getLevel()
          This method defines the name of the level to be used when navigating to a particular branch of a Level.
 ExpressionInterface DataItemTimeNPeriodsFilter.getMember()
          Get date member
 ExpressionInterface DataItemTimeNParallelPeriodsFilter.getMember()
          Get date member
 ExpressionInterface DataItemTimeFilter.getPeriods()
          Get number of periods
 ExpressionInterface DataItemTimeRangeFilter.getStartMember()
          Get start date
protected  ExpressionInterface BaseFilter.singleReplaceResources(ExpressionInterface prevExpr, BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
          This is a convenience method for the subclasses

Methods in with parameters of type ExpressionInterface
 void DataItemTimeRangeFilter.setEndMember(ExpressionInterface endDateMember)
          Set end daten member
 void DataItemTimeNParallelPeriodsFilter.setLevel(ExpressionInterface level)
          Set level name.
 void DataItemTimeFirstLastPeriodsFilter.setLevel(ExpressionInterface level)
          Set level name.
 void DataItemNavigationFilter.setLevel(ExpressionInterface level)
          This method defines the level to be used when navigating to a particular branch of a Level.
 void DataItemTimeNPeriodsFilter.setMember(ExpressionInterface date)
          Set date member
 void DataItemTimeNParallelPeriodsFilter.setMember(ExpressionInterface date)
          Set date member
 void DataItemTimeFilter.setPeriods(ExpressionInterface periods)
          Set number of periods to return (negative values are not allowed)
 void DataItemTimeRangeFilter.setStartMember(ExpressionInterface startDateMember)
          Set start date member
protected  ExpressionInterface BaseFilter.singleReplaceResources(ExpressionInterface prevExpr, BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)
          This is a convenience method for the subclasses

Constructors in with parameters of type ExpressionInterface
DataItemNavigationFilter(int navigationFilterType, java.lang.String navigationName, ExpressionInterface level)
          This constructor defines a step to create a MDX string that will navigate a cube.
DataItemTimeFirstLastPeriodsFilter(ExpressionInterface periods, java.lang.String searchDirection, ExpressionInterface level)
          Create a filter to return First/Last n periods.
DataItemTimeNParallelPeriodsFilter(ExpressionInterface periods, java.lang.String searchDirection, ExpressionInterface level, ExpressionInterface dateMember)
          Create a filter to return n parallel periods.
DataItemTimeNPeriodsFilter(ExpressionInterface periods, java.lang.String searchDirection, ExpressionInterface dateMember)
          Create a filter to return n contiguous or parallel periods.
DataItemTimeRangeFilter(ExpressionInterface startDateMember, ExpressionInterface endDateMember)
          Create a filter to return a specific range of members.

Uses of ExpressionInterface in

Subinterfaces of ExpressionInterface in
 interface DataItemContainerExpression
           Specifies ExpressionInterface classes that can (potentially) contain a data item as part of their expression.

Classes in that implement ExpressionInterface
 class AbstractTimeValueExpression
          Specifies objects that implement the ExpressionInterface in order to store time-values that are based on the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) time zone.
 class CompoundConditionalExpression
          Models a conditional expression that is made up of one or two sub-conditional expressions adjoined by an AND or OR relation, and optionally negated.
 class ConditionalExpression
          Specifies the abstract base class for all conditional expression classes.
 class ConstantExpression
          Specifies a constant value modeled as a string with an expression type.
 class DateValueExpression
          Models date values while fitting into the SAS Query Services expression model by implementing the ExpressionInterface.
 class FractionOfTotalExpression
          Models a numeric expression that represents a fraction of a total value in a business query.
 class FunctionCall
          Models a call to a function that is specified by a given function definition and some, possibly empty, set of arguments that meets the requirements of a FunctionSignature that is associated with the given Function.
 class MultipleConditionalExpression
          Models a conditional expression that is a combination of one or more Boolean subexpressions.
 class ResourceAwareStringExpression
          Specifies a "string form" of an expression that provides support for identifying certain resources within the string syntax.
 class StringExpression
          Models expressions that are not modeled in more detail by other classes.
 class TimestampValueExpression
          Models timestamp values while fitting into the SAS Query Services' expression model by implementing the ExpressionInterface.
 class TimeValueExpression
          Models time values while fitting into the SAS Query Services' expression model by implementing the ExpressionInterface.

Methods in that return ExpressionInterface
 ExpressionInterface MultipleConditionalExpression.getExpression()
 ExpressionInterface CompoundConditionalExpression.getExpression()
 ExpressionInterface MultipleConditionalExpression.getExpression(int index)
          Gets the expression in the list at the index
 ExpressionInterface[] MultipleConditionalExpression.getExpressions()
          Gets an array of all the expressions in the order they are in the list
 ExpressionInterface CompoundConditionalExpression.getLeftExpression()
          Returns left portion of condition expression.
 ExpressionInterface CompoundConditionalExpression.getRightExpression()
          Returns right portion of condition expression.
abstract  ExpressionInterface StringExpressionUtil.newExpression(BusinessModel businessModel, java.lang.String expr)
          Create a new ExpressionInterface with numeric expression type.
abstract  ExpressionInterface StringExpressionUtil.newExpression(BusinessModel businessModel, java.lang.String expr, int expressionType)
          Create a new ExpressionInterface.
abstract  ExpressionInterface StringExpressionUtil.newExpression(BusinessModel businessModel, java.lang.String expr, int expressionType, ResourceScope scope)
          Create a new ExpressionInterface.
protected  ExpressionInterface ConditionalExpression.singleReplaceResources(ExpressionInterface prevExpr, BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ExpressionInterface
 java.util.List<ExpressionInterface> FunctionCall.getArguments()
          Returns a (possibly empty) list of arguments that have been set on this function call.
 java.util.List<ExpressionInterface> FunctionCall.getLeafDataItems()

Methods in with parameters of type ExpressionInterface
 void MultipleConditionalExpression.addExpression(ExpressionInterface condExpr)
          Appends the expression in the list
 void MultipleConditionalExpression.addExpression(int index, ExpressionInterface condExpr)
          Inserts the expression in the list at the index and shifts the current item at that index down
abstract  java.lang.String StringExpressionUtil.getReadableText(ExpressionInterface expr)
          Get the human readable String for this expression for example, <> or <> The output may be similar to getText() but not the same since this is intended to be used as a human readable description.
static java.lang.String OLAPStringExpressionUtil.getReadableText(ExpressionInterface expr)
          Get the String for this expression to be used in an OLAP query, for example, <<DEALERS.DEALERS.DEALER>>.MEMBERS or <<Measures.SALES_SUM>> The output is the same as getText().
abstract  java.lang.String StringExpressionUtil.getReadableText(ExpressionInterface expr, java.util.Locale locale)
abstract  java.lang.String StringExpressionUtil.getReadableText(ExpressionInterface expr, java.lang.String sasFormat)
          Get the human readable String for this expression applying the specified SAS format string to constant values as needed.
static java.lang.String OLAPStringExpressionUtil.getReadableText(ExpressionInterface expr, java.lang.String startingLevelName)
          Get the String for this expression to be used in an OLAP query, for example, <<DEALERS.DEALERS.DEALER>>.MEMBERS or <<Measures.SALES_SUM>> The output is the same as getText().
abstract  java.lang.String StringExpressionUtil.getReadableText(ExpressionInterface expr, java.lang.String sasFormat, java.util.Locale locale)
abstract  java.lang.String StringExpressionUtil.getReadableText(ExpressionInterface expr, java.lang.String sasFormat, java.util.TimeZone timezone)
          Get the human readable String for this expression applying the specified SAS format string to constant values as needed.
abstract  java.lang.String StringExpressionUtil.getReadableText(ExpressionInterface expr, java.lang.String sasFormat, java.util.TimeZone timezone, java.util.Locale locale)
abstract  java.lang.String StringExpressionUtil.getReadableText(ExpressionInterface expr, java.util.TimeZone timezone)
          Get the human readable String for this expression for example, <> or <> The output may be similar to getText() but not the same since this is intended to be used as a human readable description.
abstract  java.lang.String StringExpressionUtil.getReadableText(ExpressionInterface expr, java.util.TimeZone timezone, java.util.Locale locale)
protected  java.util.List ConditionalExpression.getReasonsExprIsUnusableAsExpressionArg(ExpressionInterface expr, java.lang.String msgidIfNull)
abstract  java.lang.String StringExpressionUtil.getText(ExpressionInterface expr)
          Get the Expression String, for example, << MapID.DataItemID >>.
abstract  java.lang.String StringExpressionUtil.getText(ExpressionInterface expr, ResourceScope scope, BusinessModel businessModel)
          Get the Expression String
 void MultipleConditionalExpression.setExpression(int index, ExpressionInterface condExpr)
          Sets the expression in the list at the index.
 void CompoundConditionalExpression.setLeftExpression(ExpressionInterface condExpr)
          Sets the left expression
 void CompoundConditionalExpression.setRightExpression(ExpressionInterface condExpr)
          Sets the right expression
protected  ExpressionInterface ConditionalExpression.singleReplaceResources(ExpressionInterface prevExpr, BusinessModelResource oldResource, BusinessModelResource newResource, BusinessModel model, boolean recursive)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type ExpressionInterface
 void FunctionCall.setArguments(java.util.List<ExpressionInterface> arguments)
          Set the arguments on this function call

Constructors in with parameters of type ExpressionInterface
FunctionCall(Function function, ExpressionInterface arg1)
          Instantiates a new FunctionCall object with the input function and one argument.
FunctionCall(Function function, ExpressionInterface arg1, ExpressionInterface arg2)
          Instantiates a new FunctionCall object with the input function and two arguments.
FunctionCall(Function function, ExpressionInterface arg1, ExpressionInterface arg2, ExpressionInterface arg3)
          Instantiates a new FunctionCall object with the input function and three arguments.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type ExpressionInterface
FunctionCall(Function function, java.util.List<ExpressionInterface> arguments)
          Instantiates a new FunctionCall object with the input function and list of arguments.

Uses of ExpressionInterface in

Classes in that implement ExpressionInterface
 class BaseFilterExpression
          Handles rudimentary modeling that is equivalent to the MemberFilter Step.
 class BusinessGroupMemberFilterExpression
          This constructor is a filter has been applied as a part of BusinessGroup (elastic filter).
 class DataBasedFilterExpression
          Models the "comparison" simple conditional expression.
 class DataBasedFilterExpression_Between
          Models the "between" simple conditional expression.
 class MemberFilterExpression
          This class does handle the basis of its modeling equivalently to the MemberFilter Step.
 class TimeExpressionMeasure
          Models an expression to create a relative time-based calculated measure.
 class TimeFilterExpression
          Models an expression that filters a data item based on time members and time function arguments submitted.
 class TimeFilterFirstLastPeriodsExpression
          Models an expression that filters a data item to reflect requests for the first or last specified number of members at a level.
 class TimeFilterNParallelPeriodsExpression
          Models an expression that filters a data item to reflect N periods parallel to a given date member.
 class TimeFilterNPeriodsExpression
          Models an expression that filters a data item to reflect requests for the first or last N members at a level.
 class TimeRangeFilterExpression
          Models an expression that filters a data item based on start and end date period or can filter based where either the start or end (or both) members are relative.

Fields in declared as ExpressionInterface
protected  ExpressionInterface DataBasedFilterExpression_Between.whatToFilter
          Expression definition of what is being filtered.

Methods in that return ExpressionInterface
 ExpressionInterface TimeFilterNPeriodsExpression.getDate()
          Get date member
 ExpressionInterface TimeFilterNParallelPeriodsExpression.getDate()
          Get date member
 ExpressionInterface TimeRangeFilterExpression.getEndMember()
          Get end date
 ExpressionInterface TimeFilterNParallelPeriodsExpression.getLevel()
          Get level name.
 ExpressionInterface TimeFilterFirstLastPeriodsExpression.getLevel()
          Get level name.
 ExpressionInterface TimeFilterExpression.getPeriods()
          Get number of periods
 ExpressionInterface TimeRangeFilterExpression.getStartMember()
          Get start date
 ExpressionInterface BaseFilterExpression.getWhatToCompare()
          Returns expression of what is being compared.
 ExpressionInterface DataBasedFilterExpression_Between.getWhatToFilter()
 ExpressionInterface DataBasedFilterExpression.getWhatToFilter()
          Gets the value of what is being filtered.

Methods in with parameters of type ExpressionInterface
protected  void TimeRangeFilterExpression.fixDateTuple(ExpressionInterface expression)
          Fix the date tuple root level.
protected  void TimeFilterExpression.fixDateTuple(ExpressionInterface expression)
          Fix the date tuple root level if it has not been set yet.
 void TimeFilterNPeriodsExpression.setDate(ExpressionInterface date)
          Set date member
 void TimeFilterNParallelPeriodsExpression.setDate(ExpressionInterface date)
          Set date member
 void TimeRangeFilterExpression.setEndMember(ExpressionInterface endDateMember)
          Set end date member
 void TimeFilterNParallelPeriodsExpression.setLevel(ExpressionInterface level)
          Set level name.
 void TimeFilterFirstLastPeriodsExpression.setLevel(ExpressionInterface level)
          Set level name.
 void TimeFilterExpression.setPeriods(ExpressionInterface periods)
          Set number of periods to return (negative values are not allowed)
 void TimeRangeFilterExpression.setStartMember(ExpressionInterface startDateMember)
          Set start date member
 void DataBasedFilterExpression.setWhatToCompare(ExpressionInterface expr)
          Sets the value of what will be filtered.
 void BaseFilterExpression.setWhatToCompare(ExpressionInterface expr)
          Sets the value of what is being compared.
 void DataBasedFilterExpression_Between.setWhatToFilter(ExpressionInterface expr)
          Sets the value of what will be filtered.
 void DataBasedFilterExpression.setWhatToFilter(ExpressionInterface expr)
          Sets the value of what will be filtered.

Uses of ExpressionInterface in

Classes in that implement ExpressionInterface
 class AbstractRelativeTimeValueExpression
          Base class used to model relative time-oriented value used within filter sub-expressions.
 class RelationalConditionalExpression
          Specifies an abstract class for code that is common to all the relational conditional expressions
 class RelativeDateValueExpression
          Models relative date-oriented values used within filter sub-expressions.
 class RelativeTimestampValueExpression
          Models relative timestamp-oriented values used within filter sub-expressions.
 class SimpleConditionalExpression_Between
          Models the BETWEEN simple conditional expression, which has the following abstract form:
       <WhatToCompare> [NOT] BETWEEN <LeftExpression> AND <RightExpression>
 class SimpleConditionalExpression_Comparison
          Models the comparison simple conditional expression, which has the following abstract form:
       <LeftExpression> <ComparisonOperator> <RightExpression>
 class SimpleConditionalExpression_Contains
          Models the CONTAINS simple conditional expression, which has the following abstract form:
       <WhatToCompare> CONTAINS <WhatToContain>
 class SimpleConditionalExpression_In
          Models the IN simple conditional expression, which has the following abstract form:
       <WhatToCompare> [NOT] IN (<ComparisonList>) .
 class SimpleConditionalExpression_Like
          Models the LIKE simple conditional expression, which has the following abstract form:
       <WhatToCompare> [NOT] LIKE <patternExpression>
 class SimpleConditionalExpression_TestForNull
          Models the testing for the NULL simple conditional expression, which has the following abstract form:
       <WhatToCompare> IS [NOT] NULL

Methods in that return ExpressionInterface
 ExpressionInterface RelationalConditionalExpression.getExpression()
 ExpressionInterface SimpleConditionalExpression_Comparison.getLeftExpression()
          Gets the left expression for this conditional expression.
 ExpressionInterface SimpleConditionalExpression_Between.getLeftExpression()
          Returns the expression to the left of the keyword AND.
 ExpressionInterface SimpleConditionalExpression_Like.getPatternExpression()
          Gets the pattern expression for this LIKE expression.
 ExpressionInterface SimpleConditionalExpression_Comparison.getRightExpression()
          Gets the right expression for this conditional expression.
 ExpressionInterface SimpleConditionalExpression_Between.getRightExpression()
          Returns the expression to the right of the keyword AND.
 ExpressionInterface AbstractRelativeTimeValueExpression.getShiftingFrom()
          Get the starting point for this shift.
 ExpressionInterface SimpleConditionalExpression_TestForNull.getWhatToCompare()
          Returns the expression that is tested for NULL.
 ExpressionInterface SimpleConditionalExpression_Like.getWhatToCompare()
          Gets the expression being tested for the pattern
 ExpressionInterface SimpleConditionalExpression_In.getWhatToCompare()
          Gets the expression being tested by the list of values.
 ExpressionInterface SimpleConditionalExpression_Contains.getWhatToCompare()
          Gets the left expression for this conditional expression.
 ExpressionInterface SimpleConditionalExpression_Between.getWhatToCompare()
          Gets the expression being tested by the range of values.
 ExpressionInterface SimpleConditionalExpression_Contains.getWhatToContain()
          Gets the right expression for this conditional expression.

Methods in with parameters of type ExpressionInterface
protected  boolean RelativeTimestampValueExpression.isValidShiftFrom(ExpressionInterface exp)
protected  boolean RelativeDateValueExpression.isValidShiftFrom(ExpressionInterface exp)
protected abstract  boolean AbstractRelativeTimeValueExpression.isValidShiftFrom(ExpressionInterface exp)
          Validate current shift from for this object type.
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_Comparison.setLeftExpression(ExpressionInterface expr)
          Sets the left expression portion of the conditional expression.
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_Between.setLeftExpression(ExpressionInterface expr)
          Sets the expression to the left of the keyword AND.
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_Like.setPatternExpression(ExpressionInterface expr)
          Sets the pattern expression portion of the LIKE expression.
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_Comparison.setRightExpression(ExpressionInterface expr)
          Sets the right expression portion of the conditional expression.
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_Between.setRightExpression(ExpressionInterface expr)
          Sets the expression to the right of the keyword AND.
 void RelativeTimestampValueExpression.setShiftingFrom(ExpressionInterface exp)
 void RelativeDateValueExpression.setShiftingFrom(ExpressionInterface exp)
 void AbstractRelativeTimeValueExpression.setShiftingFrom(ExpressionInterface exp)
          Set the date/time to shift from.
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_TestForNull.setWhatToCompare(ExpressionInterface expr)
          Sets the expression that is to be tested for NULL.
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_Like.setWhatToCompare(ExpressionInterface expr)
          Sets the expression for what the pattern is to be tested against (<whatToCompare> [NOT] LIKE <pattern>).
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_In.setWhatToCompare(ExpressionInterface expr)
          Sets the expression for what the list of values will be compared to.
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_Contains.setWhatToCompare(ExpressionInterface expr)
          Sets the left expression portion of the conditional expression.
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_Between.setWhatToCompare(ExpressionInterface expr)
          Sets the expression for what the range of values will be compared to.
 void SimpleConditionalExpression_Contains.setWhatToContain(ExpressionInterface expr)
          Sets the right expression portion of the conditional expression.

Constructors in with parameters of type ExpressionInterface
AbstractRelativeTimeValueExpression(ExpressionInterface exp, TimeShiftUnit unitValue, TimeShiftDirection directionValue, int multiplierValue, TimeShiftAlignment alignmentValue, boolean isConstant)
          Constructor used to set values internally.
RelativeDateValueExpression(ExpressionInterface shiftFrom, TimeShiftUnit unitValue, TimeShiftDirection directionValue, int multiplierValue, TimeShiftAlignment alignmentValue)
          Create a RelativeDateValueExpression setting all values using input.
RelativeTimestampValueExpression(ExpressionInterface shiftFrom, TimeShiftUnit unitValue, TimeShiftDirection directionValue, int multiplierValue, TimeShiftAlignment alignmentValue)
          Create a RelativeTimestampValueExpression setting all values using input.

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