***  This class is subject to change.  ***

Class TimeShiftDirection


public class TimeShiftDirection

Models the direction shifting of dates in a AbstractRelativeTimeValueExpression. Either current, future, or past time is represented as CURRENT, PREVIOUS, or NEXT time values.

Field Summary
static TimeShiftDirection CURRENT
          The "current" type representing the current time/date/timestamp.
static TimeShiftDirection NEXT
          The "next" type representing the future in time/date/timestamps.
static TimeShiftDirection PREVIOUS
          The "previous" type representing the past in time/date/timestamps.
Method Summary
 int getValue()
          Return the integer representation of the Type.
static java.util.List getValues()
          Get this list of supported types.

Field Detail

***  This field is subject to change.  ***


public static final TimeShiftDirection CURRENT
The "current" type representing the current time/date/timestamp.

***  This field is subject to change.  ***


public static final TimeShiftDirection NEXT
The "next" type representing the future in time/date/timestamps.

***  This field is subject to change.  ***


public static final TimeShiftDirection PREVIOUS
The "previous" type representing the past in time/date/timestamps.

Method Detail
***  This method is subject to change.  ***


public int getValue()
Return the integer representation of the Type.

int 0,1,-1 where each represents current, next, previous

***  This method is subject to change.  ***


public static java.util.List getValues()
Get this list of supported types.

copy (modifyable) of the internal list of types.

***  This class is subject to change.  ***

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