Uses of Class

Packages that use Role Provides utility classes and methods that are used to read information maps and retrieve filter values. The main package that provides modeling for SAS Query Services's two business models (information maps and data selections), which provide a logical layer of metadata modeling above the physical layer model. Provides a set of modeled "step" operations that can be applied, in a particular order, to OLAP data items and business queries in order to filter the data that gets returned when business queries are executed. 

Uses of Role in

Methods in with parameters of type Role
static boolean DataRetrievalUtil.isGrandRole(Role role)
          Checks if the given role is where grand totals will appear for tabular listing queries.

Uses of Role in

Fields in declared as Role
static Role Role.BACKGROUND
          This role is used, when specifying a data item as a result item in a BusinessQuery, to request the result item to be on the BACKGROUND axis in the result set returned by SAS Query Services' data services component when processing the query.
static Role Role.COLUMN
          This role is used, when specifying a data item as a result item in a BusinessQuery, to request a result item to be on the COLUMN axis in the result set returned by SAS Query Services' data services component when processing the query.
static Role Role.HIDDEN
          This role is used, when specifying a data item as a result item in a BusinessQuery, to request the result item to be processed as if it were to be returned as a result item but to not return it in the resultset.
static Role Role.PAGE
          Deprecated. do not use
static Role Role.ROW
          This role is used, when specifying a data item as a result item in a BusinessQuery, to request a result item to be on the ROW axis in the result set returned by SAS Query Services' data services component when processing the query.

Methods in that return Role
static Role Role.consumeValue( attrsHolder, java.lang.String attrName, Role defaultValue)
          IQ-use only -- do not call.
static Role Role.fromPersistedForm(java.lang.String value)
static Role Role.fromPersistentForm(java.lang.String value)
          IQ-use only -- do not call.
static Role Role.fromPersistentForm(java.lang.String value, Role defaultValue)
          IQ-use only -- do not call.
static Role Role.fromPersistentFormV2(java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.String persistentForm)
          IQ-use only -- do not call.
static Role[] Role.getActiveRoles(BusinessQuery query)
          Returns the Roles that will actively affect the results for the query specified.
static Role Role.getInactiveRole(BusinessQuery query)
          Returns the Role (Role.BACKGROUND or Role.HIDDEN) that should be used to inactivate a data item while keeping it in the result items list of the specified query.
 Role BusinessQuery.getResultItemRole(DataItem dataItem)
          Returns the role for the given data item contained in the result item list.
 Role SelectedItem.getRole()
          Returns the role that is associated to the data item.

Methods in with parameters of type Role
 void BusinessQuery.addResultItem(DataItem dataItem, Role role)
          Adds a data item with the specified role to the set of data items contained in this business query that make up the requested results (called the result item list).
 void BusinessQuery.addResultItems(java.util.List dataItems, Role role)
          Adds a list of data items with the specified role to the set of data items contained in this business query that make up the requested results (called the result item list).
 void BusinessQuery.addStep(StepInterface step, Role stepRole)
          This method adds a Step to the ordered list of Steps that will be applied to a business query for a specific role.
static Role Role.consumeValue( attrsHolder, java.lang.String attrName, Role defaultValue)
          IQ-use only -- do not call.
static Role Role.fromPersistentForm(java.lang.String value, Role defaultValue)
          IQ-use only -- do not call.
 java.util.List BusinessQuery.getResultItems(Role withThisRole)
          Returns the list of data items contained in the result item list of this business query that have been assigned the given role.
 java.util.List BusinessQuery.getSelectedItems(Role withThisRole)
          Returns the list of selected items contained in this business query that have been assigned the given role.
 java.util.List BusinessQuery.getSortCriteria(Role businessSortRole)
          This method gets the list of elements that are used to sort (order) on that was applied to this Business Query using the setSortCriteria method.
 BusinessQueryActionType BusinessQuery.getSortDirection(Role businessSortRole)
          This method gets the BusinessQueryActionType that describes the type of sorting that will be applied to this Business Query using the setSortDirection method.
 StepInterface BusinessQuery.getStep(int stepNumber, Role stepRole)
          This method returns the Step (StepInterface) that has been applied for a specific role and step number. null can be returned if the object does not support steps, for example, XMLIntelligentQuery.
 java.util.List<StepInterface> BusinessQuery.getSteps(Role stepRole)
          This method returns an ordered list of steps (StepInterface) that will be applied to a business query for a specific role.
 java.lang.String BusinessQuery.getTotalLabel(Role businessTotalRole, java.lang.String typeOfTotal)
          This method gets the total label used for all totaling rows or columns in a businesss query.
 java.lang.String BusinessQuery.getTotalType(Role businessTotalRole)
          This method gets the type of totaling that has been applied to a business query.
 void BusinessQuery.insertResultItemsAt(DataItem dataItem, Role role, int index)
          Inserts the specified a data item with the specified role to the set of data items contained in this business query that make up the requested results.
static boolean Role.isInactiveRole(BusinessQuery query, Role role)
          Checks the role specified for the query specified to see if that role when assigned to a result item will result in the result item being ignored.
static boolean Role.isOutputResultRole(BusinessQuery query, Role role)
          Returns true if the an item using this role will be displayed as an output result on an axis or in a cell.
 void BusinessQuery.removeStep(int stepNumber, Role stepRole)
          This method removes a Step to the ordered list of Steps that will be applied to a business query for a specific role.
 void BusinessQuery.setResultItemRole(DataItem dataItem, Role role)
          Sets the role for the given data item contained in the result item list.
 void SelectedItem.setRole(Role role)
          Set the role to associate to the data item.
 void BusinessQuery.setSortCriteria(java.util.List sortCriteria, Role businessSortRole)
          This method sets a list that contains the elements that will be used to sort (order) on.
 void BusinessQuery.setSortDirection(BusinessQueryActionType sortDirection, Role businessSortRole)
          This method sets the BusinessQueryActionType that describes the type of sorting that will be applied to this BusinessQuery.
 void BusinessQuery.setSteps(java.util.List<StepInterface> steps, Role stepRole)
          This method sets an ordered list of Steps that will be applied to a business query for a specific role.
 void BusinessQuery.setTotalLabel(java.lang.String totalLabel, Role businessTotalRole, java.lang.String typeOfTotal)
          This method sets a total label for all totaling rows or columns in a businesss query.
 void BusinessQuery.setTotalType(java.lang.String totalingType, Role businessTotalRole)
          This method sets the type of totaling that will be included in the resulting set of members defined as in a row or a column.

Constructors in with parameters of type Role
SelectedItem(DataItem item, Role role)
          Construct a new selected item object with the specified data item and role.
SelectedItem(DataItem item, Role role, int formatType)
          Construct a new selected item object with the specified data item, role, and format type.

Uses of Role in

Methods in with parameters of type Role
 java.lang.String BusinessQueryTupleFilter.getDisplayedText( metadata, Role role, boolean applyPromptValues, java.util.Locale locale)
          Return the displayed text for a step rather than a OLAP type of text.
 java.lang.String BusinessQueryRankFilter.getDisplayedText( metadata, Role role, boolean applyPromptValues, java.util.Locale locale)
          Return the displayed text for a step rather than a OLAP type of text.
 java.lang.String BusinessQueryDataBasedFilter.getDisplayedText( metadata, Role role, boolean applyPromptValues, java.util.Locale locale)
          Return the displayed text for a step rather than a OLAP type of text.

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