***  This class provides Binary Compatibility only, not Source Compatibility  ***

Class URLMetadataSource

All Implemented Interfaces:
MetadataSourceInterface, java.io.Serializable

public final class URLMetadataSource
implements MetadataSourceInterface

URL accessible metadata source for an application's foundation services deployment data.

This class is used to query the metadata XML from a URL accessible source such as a file. Use the Foundation Services Manager plug-in to the SAS Management Console to export an application's foundation services deployment metadata to a UTF-8 encoded XML file which may be used at runtime to deploy services.

Alternatively, one can use the OMRMetadataSource to obtain foundation services deployment metadata from a SAS Metadata Repository.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
URLMetadataSource(java.io.InputStream inputStream, java.lang.String softwareComponentName)
          Constructs an instance with the specified URL metadata source and the SoftwareComponent name.
URLMetadataSource(java.io.InputStream inputStream, java.lang.String softwareComponentName, java.util.Set serviceGroupNames)
          Constructs a metadata source that is capable of reading services deployment metadata from an input stream.
URLMetadataSource(java.io.InputStream inputStream, java.lang.String softwareComponentName, java.lang.String serviceGroupName)
          Constructs an instance with the specified URL metadata source, SoftwareComponent name, and deployment group name.
URLMetadataSource(java.net.URL url)
          Constructs an instance with the specified URL metadata source and the SoftwareComponent name.
URLMetadataSource(java.net.URL url, java.util.Set serviceGroupNames)
          Constructs an instance with the specified URL metadata source, SoftwareComponent name(s), and deployment group name(s).
URLMetadataSource(java.net.URL url, java.lang.String softwareComponentName)
          Constructs an instance with the specified URL metadata source and the SoftwareComponent name.
URLMetadataSource(java.net.URL url, java.lang.String softwareComponentName, java.util.Set serviceGroupNames)
          Constructs an instance with the specified URL metadata source, SoftwareComponent name(s), and deployment group name(s).
URLMetadataSource(java.net.URL url, java.lang.String softwareComponentName, java.lang.String serviceGroupName)
          Constructs an instance with the specified URL metadata source, SoftwareComponent name, and deployment group name.
Method Summary
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object other)
          Determines whether or not the other object equals this object.
protected  java.lang.String getDeployFailureMessage()
          Gets a message describing this metadata source's inability to deploy services.
 java.lang.String getMetadata()
          Gets foundation service deployment metadata from the metadata source.
 java.net.URL getURL()
          Gets the URL.
 int hashCode()
          Gets a hash code for this service attribute.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Gets a string describing this source.
Methods inherited from class com.sas.services.deployment.AbstractMetadataSource
addRMIBinding, addServiceDeploymentName, createMdStore, destroy, getApplicationServiceDeployment, getMdObjectStore, getProperties, getRMIClientSocketFactory, getRMIServerSocketFactory, getServiceDeploymentNames, getSoftwareComponentName, getStringFromInputSource, isServiceDeploymentDeployable, isServiceDeploymentDeployable, lookupServices, removeServiceDeploymentName, setApplicationServiceDeployment, setProperties, setRMIClientSocketFactory, setRMIServerSocketFactory, setServiceDeploymentNames, setSoftwareComponentName
Methods inherited from interface com.sas.services.deployment.MetadataSourceInterface
destroy, getApplicationServiceDeployment, getMdObjectStore, getProperties, getServiceDeploymentNames, isServiceDeploymentDeployable, isServiceDeploymentDeployable, setApplicationServiceDeployment, setProperties

Constructor Detail


public URLMetadataSource(java.net.URL url)
Constructs an instance with the specified URL metadata source and the SoftwareComponent name. The SoftwareComponent name is used to restrict the ServiceComponent elements queried from the OMA metadata to only those that exist under the specified software component. Use this constructor if you want all service deployment groups to be deployed. Use URLMetadataSource(url, softwareComponentName, serviceDeploymentGroup) to deploy one deployment group within the software component or URLMetadataSource(url, softwareComponentName, serviceDeploymentGroups) to deploy multiple deployment groups within the software component, but not any other groups.

url - URL to a source that contains the metadata.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if an invalid URL is specified.


public URLMetadataSource(java.net.URL url,
                         java.lang.String softwareComponentName)
                  throws InitializationException
Constructs an instance with the specified URL metadata source and the SoftwareComponent name. The SoftwareComponent name is used to restrict the ServiceComponent elements queried from the OMA metadata to only those that exist under the specified software component. Use this constructor if you want all service deployment groups to be deployed. Use URLMetadataSource(url, softwareComponentName, serviceDeploymentGroup) to deploy one deployment group within the software component or URLMetadataSource(url, softwareComponentName, serviceDeploymentGroups) to deploy multiple deployment groups within the software component.

url - URL to a source that contains the metadata.
softwareComponentName - SoftwareComponent name.
InitializationException - if a null software component is specified.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if an invalid URL is specified.


public URLMetadataSource(java.io.InputStream inputStream,
                         java.lang.String softwareComponentName)
                  throws InitializationException
Constructs an instance with the specified URL metadata source and the SoftwareComponent name. The SoftwareComponent name is used to restrict the ServiceComponent elements queried from the OMA metadata to only those that exist under the specified software component. Use this constructor if you want all service deployment groups to be deployed. Use URLMetadataSource(inputStream, softwareComponentName, serviceDeploymentGroup) to deploy one deployment group within the software component or URLMetadataSource(inputStream, softwareComponentName, serviceDeploymentGroups) to deploy multiple deployment groups within the software component.

inputStream - Input stream from which service deployment metadata is to be read. The input stream will be closed once it has been read.
softwareComponentName - SoftwareComponent name.
InitializationException - if a null software component is specified.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if an invalid input stream is specified.


public URLMetadataSource(java.net.URL url,
                         java.lang.String softwareComponentName,
                         java.lang.String serviceGroupName)
                  throws InitializationException
Constructs an instance with the specified URL metadata source, SoftwareComponent name, and deployment group name. The SoftwareComponent name is used to restrict the ServiceComponent elements queried from the OMA metadata to only those that exist under the specified software component. Use URLMetadataSource(url, softwareComponentName) to deploy all deployment groups within the software component.

url - URL to a source that contains the metadata.
softwareComponentName - SoftwareComponent name.
serviceGroupName - The name of a service group that is to be deployed. Only services that are defined in this group will be deployed. The service deployment name corresponds to the Name attribute of a metadata Tree that is a subtree of the SoftwareComponent.
InitializationException - if a null software component or deployment group is specified.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if an invalid URL is specified.


public URLMetadataSource(java.io.InputStream inputStream,
                         java.lang.String softwareComponentName,
                         java.lang.String serviceGroupName)
                  throws InitializationException
Constructs an instance with the specified URL metadata source, SoftwareComponent name, and deployment group name. The SoftwareComponent name is used to restrict the ServiceComponent elements queried from the OMA metadata to only those that exist under the specified software component. Use URLMetadataSource(url, softwareComponentName) to deploy all deployment groups within the software component.

inputStream - Input stream from which service deployment metadata is to be read. The input stream will be closed once it has been read.
softwareComponentName - SoftwareComponent name.
serviceGroupName - The name of a service group that is to be deployed. Only services that are defined in this group will be deployed. The service deployment name corresponds to the Name attribute of a metadata Tree that is a subtree of the SoftwareComponent.
InitializationException - if a null software component or deployment group is specified.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if an invalid input stream is specified.


public URLMetadataSource(java.net.URL url,
                         java.util.Set serviceGroupNames)
                  throws InitializationException
Constructs an instance with the specified URL metadata source, SoftwareComponent name(s), and deployment group name(s).

url - URL to a source that contains the metadata.
serviceGroupNames - Set of String names designating the service groups that are to be deployed. Use this parameter if you want to deploy services that belong to specified groups, but not all groups (e.g. services in the "Core" and "Stored Process" groups, but not in any other groups). If a null or empty set is specified, then no filter will be applied. The service deployment name corresponds to the Name attribute of a metadata Tree that is a subtree of the SoftwareComponent.
InitializationException - if a null software component is specified.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if an invalid URL is specified.


public URLMetadataSource(java.net.URL url,
                         java.lang.String softwareComponentName,
                         java.util.Set serviceGroupNames)
                  throws InitializationException
Constructs an instance with the specified URL metadata source, SoftwareComponent name(s), and deployment group name(s).

url - URL to a source that contains the metadata.
softwareComponentName - SoftwareComponent name.
serviceGroupNames - Set of String names designating the service groups that are to be deployed. Use this parameter if you want to deploy services that belong to specified groups, but not all groups (e.g. services in the "Core" and "Stored Process" groups, but not in any other groups). If a null or empty set is specified, then no filter will be applied. The service deployment name corresponds to the Name attribute of a metadata Tree that is a subtree of the SoftwareComponent.
InitializationException - if a null software component is specified.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if an invalid URL is specified.


public URLMetadataSource(java.io.InputStream inputStream,
                         java.lang.String softwareComponentName,
                         java.util.Set serviceGroupNames)
                  throws InitializationException
Constructs a metadata source that is capable of reading services deployment metadata from an input stream.

inputStream - Input stream from which service deployment metadata is to be read. The input stream will be closed once it has been read.
softwareComponentName - SoftwareComponent name.
serviceGroupNames - Set of String names designating the service groups that are to be deployed. Use this parameter if you want to deploy services that belong to specified groups, but not all groups (e.g. services in the "Core" and "Stored Process" groups, but not in any other groups). If a null or empty set is specified, then no filter will be applied. The service deployment name corresponds to the Name attribute of a metadata Tree that is a subtree of the SoftwareComponent.
InitializationException - if a null software component is specified.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if an invalid input stream is specified.
Method Detail


public java.net.URL getURL()
Gets the URL.



public java.lang.String toString()
Gets a string describing this source.

toString in class AbstractMetadataSource
String describing this metadata source.


public java.lang.String getMetadata()
                             throws ServiceException
Gets foundation service deployment metadata from the metadata source.

Specified by:
getMetadata in interface MetadataSourceInterface
Specified by:
getMetadata in class AbstractMetadataSource
Foundation service deployment metadata.
ServiceException - if unable to obtain the foundation service deployment metadata.
See Also:


protected java.lang.String getDeployFailureMessage()
Gets a message describing this metadata source's inability to deploy services.

getDeployFailureMessage in class AbstractMetadataSource
Message describing a failure to deploy services.


public int hashCode()
Gets a hash code for this service attribute. The hash is an XOR of all of this service's fields.

hashCode in class AbstractMetadataSource
Hash code.


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object other)
Determines whether or not the other object equals this object.

equals in class AbstractMetadataSource
other - Other object.
true if the objects are equivalent.

***  This class provides Binary Compatibility only, not Source Compatibility  ***

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