***  This class is subject to change.  ***

Class OMRMetadataSource

All Implemented Interfaces:
MetadataSourceInterface, java.io.Serializable

public final class OMRMetadataSource
implements MetadataSourceInterface

SAS Metadata Repository metadata source from which a foundation services deployment can be queried.

A connection will be opened to the SAS Metadata Server when this object is constructed. The creator of this object is responsible for invoking the destroy() method to ensure that this object is destroyed and its connection to the server closed.

Use the OMRMetadataSource(String, String, Set, String, String, String, String, Environment) constructor to create an instance that uses single sign-on specifying the desired service principal name and the security package list.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
          Specifies use of a template that retrieves all services.
          Specifies use of a template that retrieves only remote discovery services.
Constructor Summary
OMRMetadataSource(com.sas.meta.SASOMI.IOMI omi, java.lang.String repositoryNameOrID, java.lang.String softwareComponentName, java.util.Set serviceGroupNames, Environment environment)
          Constructs an instance with the specified SAS Metadata Server host, port, identity and password, and Set of String elements representing the foundation service deployments that are to be deployed.
OMRMetadataSource(java.lang.String repositoryNameOrID, java.lang.String softwareComponentName, java.util.Set serviceGroupNames, java.lang.String omrHost, java.lang.String omrPort, java.lang.String secSPN, java.lang.String secPackageList, Environment environment)
          Constructs an instance which will open a single sign-on connection to the specified SAS Metadata Server.
OMRMetadataSource(java.lang.String omrHost, java.lang.String omrPort, java.lang.String omrIdentity, java.lang.String omrIdentityPassword, java.lang.String repositoryName, java.lang.String softwareComponentName)
          Constructs an instance with the specified SAS Metadata Server host, port, identity and password, and name of the foundation service deployment that is to be deployed.
OMRMetadataSource(java.lang.String omrHost, java.lang.String omrPort, java.lang.String omrIdentity, java.lang.String omrIdentityPassword, java.lang.String repositoryNameOrID, java.lang.String softwareComponentName, java.util.Set serviceGroupNames)
          Constructs an instance with the specified SAS Metadata Server host, port, identity and password, and Set of String elements representing the foundation service deployments that are to be deployed.
OMRMetadataSource(java.lang.String omrHost, java.lang.String omrPort, java.lang.String omrIdentity, java.lang.String omrIdentityPassword, java.lang.String repositoryNameOrID, java.lang.String softwareComponentName, java.util.Set serviceGroupNames, Environment environment)
          Constructs an instance with the specified SAS Metadata Server host, port, identity and password, and Set of String elements representing the foundation service deployments that are to be deployed.
OMRMetadataSource(java.lang.String omrHost, java.lang.String omrPort, java.lang.String omrIdentity, java.lang.String omrIdentityPassword, java.lang.String repositoryNameOrID, java.lang.String softwareComponentName, java.lang.String serviceGroupName)
          Constructs an instance with the specified SAS Metadata Server host, port, identity and password, and name of the foundation service deployment that is to be deployed.
Method Summary
 void destroy()
          Destroys the metadata source.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object other)
          Determines whether or not the other object equals this object.
protected  java.lang.String getDeployFailureMessage()
          Gets a message describing this metadata source's inability to deploy services.
 java.lang.String getMetadata()
          Gets metadata representing a foundation services deployment queried from a SAS Metadata Repository.
 java.lang.String getRepositoryId()
          Gets SAS Metadata Server repository ID.
 int hashCode()
          Gets a hash code for this service attribute.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Gets a string representation of this SAS Metadata Server metadata source which includes its host and port.
Methods inherited from class com.sas.services.deployment.AbstractMetadataSource
addRMIBinding, addServiceDeploymentName, createMdStore, getApplicationServiceDeployment, getMdObjectStore, getProperties, getRMIClientSocketFactory, getRMIServerSocketFactory, getServiceDeploymentNames, getSoftwareComponentName, getStringFromInputSource, isServiceDeploymentDeployable, isServiceDeploymentDeployable, lookupServices, removeServiceDeploymentName, setApplicationServiceDeployment, setProperties, setRMIClientSocketFactory, setRMIServerSocketFactory, setServiceDeploymentNames, setSoftwareComponentName
Methods inherited from interface com.sas.services.deployment.MetadataSourceInterface
getApplicationServiceDeployment, getMdObjectStore, getProperties, getServiceDeploymentNames, isServiceDeploymentDeployable, isServiceDeploymentDeployable, setApplicationServiceDeployment, setProperties

Field Detail


public static final short TEMPLATE_ALL_SERVICES
Specifies use of a template that retrieves all services. It is intended for use in deploying a set of services.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


Specifies use of a template that retrieves only remote discovery services. This is used in the case where one is not deploying any services, but relying upon them to have already been deployed. This template is used to obtain handles to any remote discovery services.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public OMRMetadataSource(java.lang.String omrHost,
                         java.lang.String omrPort,
                         java.lang.String omrIdentity,
                         java.lang.String omrIdentityPassword,
                         java.lang.String repositoryName,
                         java.lang.String softwareComponentName)
                  throws InitializationException
Constructs an instance with the specified SAS Metadata Server host, port, identity and password, and name of the foundation service deployment that is to be deployed.

Use this constructor if you want the ServiceLoader utility to obtain its own metadata connection to SAS Metadata Server.

Use this constructor if you want to deploy all services that are defined in the service deployment.

If you want to only deploy certain groups of services, then either use either OMRMetadataSource(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) to only deploy services in the specified group or use OMRMetadataSource(String, String, String, String, String, String, Set) if you have multiple groups of services, and wish to deploy services in some, but not all groups (e.g. only deploy services in "Core" and "Stored Process" groups, but not any other group).

A connection will be opened to the metadata server. Invoke the destroy() method when this metadata source is no longer needed in order to close the connection to the metadata server.

omrHost - SAS Metadata Server host.
omrPort - SAS Metadata Server port.
omrIdentity - SAS Metadata Server logon identity.
omrIdentityPassword - SAS Metadata Server logon identity's password. The password should be encoded using SasPasswordString, but unencoded passwords are also supported. If an encoded password is desired then the password should be encoded using the following method. com.sas.util.SasPasswordString.encode(String unencodedPassword).
repositoryName - Name of the SAS Metadata Server repository that contains the service deployment.
softwareComponentName - The name of the metadata SoftwareComponent that serves as the root of the service deployment hierarchy.
InitializationException - if unable to construct an instance.


public OMRMetadataSource(java.lang.String omrHost,
                         java.lang.String omrPort,
                         java.lang.String omrIdentity,
                         java.lang.String omrIdentityPassword,
                         java.lang.String repositoryNameOrID,
                         java.lang.String softwareComponentName,
                         java.lang.String serviceGroupName)
                  throws InitializationException
Constructs an instance with the specified SAS Metadata Server host, port, identity and password, and name of the foundation service deployment that is to be deployed.

Use this constructor if you want the ServiceLoader utility to obtain its own metadata connection to SAS Metadata Server.

Use OMRMetadataSource(String, String, String, String, String, String, Set) if more than one service deployment is to be deployed.

A connection will be opened to the metadata server. Invoke the destroy() method when this metadata source is no longer needed in order to close the connection to the metadata server.

omrHost - SAS Metadata Server host.
omrPort - SAS Metadata Server port.
omrIdentity - SAS Metadata Server logon identity.
omrIdentityPassword - SAS Metadata Server logon identity's password. The password should be encoded using SasPasswordString, but unencoded passwords are also supported. If an encoded password is desired then the password should be encoded using com.sas.util.SasPasswordString.encode(String unencodedPassword).
repositoryNameOrID - Name or ID of the SAS Metadata Server repository that contains the service deployment.
softwareComponentName - The name of the metadata SoftwareComponent that serves as the root of the service deployment hierarchy.
serviceGroupName - The name of a service group that is to be deployed. Only services that are defined in this group will be deployed. The service deployment name corresponds to the Name attribute of a metadata Tree that is a subtree of the SoftwareComponent.
InitializationException - if unable to construct an instance.


public OMRMetadataSource(java.lang.String omrHost,
                         java.lang.String omrPort,
                         java.lang.String omrIdentity,
                         java.lang.String omrIdentityPassword,
                         java.lang.String repositoryNameOrID,
                         java.lang.String softwareComponentName,
                         java.util.Set serviceGroupNames)
                  throws InitializationException
Constructs an instance with the specified SAS Metadata Server host, port, identity and password, and Set of String elements representing the foundation service deployments that are to be deployed.

Use this constructor if you want the ServiceLoader utility to obtain its own metadata connection to SAS Metadata Server.

Use OMRMetadataSource(String, String, String, String, String, String) if deploying a single service deployment.

A connection will be opened to the metadata server. Invoke the destroy() method when this metadata source is no longer needed in order to close the connection to the metadata server.

omrHost - SAS Metadata Server host.
omrPort - SAS Metadata Server port.
omrIdentity - SAS Metadata Server logon identity.
omrIdentityPassword - SAS Metadata Server logon identity's password. The password should be encoded using SasPasswordString, but unencoded passwords are also supported. If an encoded password is desired then the password should be encoded using the following method. com.sas.util.SasPasswordString.encode(String unencodedPassword).
repositoryNameOrID - Name or ID of the SAS Metadata Server repository that contains the service deployment.
softwareComponentName - The name of the metadata SoftwareComponent that serves as the root of the service deployment hierarchy.
serviceGroupNames - Set of String names designating the service groups that are to be deployed. Use this parameter if you want to deploy services that belong to specified groups, but not all groups (e.g. services in the "Core" and "Stored Process" groups, but not in any other groups). If a null or empty set is specified, then no filter will be applied. The service deployment name corresponds to the Name attribute of a metadata Tree that is a subtree of the SoftwareComponent.
InitializationException - if unable to construct an instance.


public OMRMetadataSource(java.lang.String omrHost,
                         java.lang.String omrPort,
                         java.lang.String omrIdentity,
                         java.lang.String omrIdentityPassword,
                         java.lang.String repositoryNameOrID,
                         java.lang.String softwareComponentName,
                         java.util.Set serviceGroupNames,
                         Environment environment)
                  throws InitializationException
Constructs an instance with the specified SAS Metadata Server host, port, identity and password, and Set of String elements representing the foundation service deployments that are to be deployed.

Use this constructor if you want the ServiceLoader utility to obtain its own metadata connection to SAS Metadata Server.

Use OMRMetadataSource(String, String, String, String, String, String) if deploying a single service deployment.

A connection will be opened to the metadata server. Invoke the destroy() method when this metadata source is no longer needed in order to close the connection to the metadata server.

omrHost - SAS Metadata Server host.
omrPort - SAS Metadata Server port.
omrIdentity - SAS Metadata Server logon identity.
omrIdentityPassword - SAS Metadata Server logon identity's password. The password should be encoded using SasPasswordString, but unencoded passwords are also supported. If an encoded password is desired then the password should be encoded using the following method. com.sas.util.SasPasswordString.encode(String unencodedPassword).
repositoryNameOrID - Name or ID of the SAS Metadata Server repository that contains the service deployment.
softwareComponentName - The name of the metadata SoftwareComponent that serves as the root of the service deployment hierarchy.
serviceGroupNames - Set of String names designating the service groups that are to be deployed. Use this parameter if you want to deploy services that belong to specified groups, but not all groups (e.g. services in the "Core" and "Stored Process" groups, but not in any other groups). If a null or empty set is specified, then no filter will be applied. The service deployment name corresponds to the Name attribute of a metadata Tree that is a subtree of the SoftwareComponent.
environment - The environment encapsulates resources provided by the container or null if a container environment is not applicable.
InitializationException - if unable to construct an instance.


public OMRMetadataSource(java.lang.String repositoryNameOrID,
                         java.lang.String softwareComponentName,
                         java.util.Set serviceGroupNames,
                         java.lang.String omrHost,
                         java.lang.String omrPort,
                         java.lang.String secSPN,
                         java.lang.String secPackageList,
                         Environment environment)
                  throws ServiceException
Constructs an instance which will open a single sign-on connection to the specified SAS Metadata Server.

Single sign-on uses Microsoft's Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI), so one both the client and the metadata server must be running on the Windows platform.

Invoke the destroy() method when this metadata source is no longer needed in order to release resources such as the connection to the metadata server.

repositoryNameOrID - Name or ID of the SAS Metadata Server repository that contains the service deployment.
softwareComponentName - The name of the metadata SoftwareComponent that serves as the root of the service deployment hierarchy.
serviceGroupNames - Set of String names designating the service groups that are to be deployed. Use this parameter if you want to deploy services that belong to specified groups, but not all groups (e.g. services in the "Core" and "Stored Process" groups, but not in any other groups). If a null or empty set is specified, then no filter will be applied causing all services to be deployed regardless of their group. The service group name corresponds to the Name attribute of a metadata Tree that is a subtree of the SoftwareComponent.
omrHost - SAS Metadata Server host.
omrPort - SAS Metadata Server port.
secSPN - Single sign-on service principal name.
secPackageList - Single sign-on security packages, e.g. "Kerberos,NTLM", (or null for default).
environment - The environment encapsulates resources provided by the container or null if a container environment is not applicable.
ServiceException - if unable to construct an instance.
See Also:
MdOMRConnection.makeOMRConnectionUsingSecurityPackage(String, String, String, String)


public OMRMetadataSource(com.sas.meta.SASOMI.IOMI omi,
                         java.lang.String repositoryNameOrID,
                         java.lang.String softwareComponentName,
                         java.util.Set serviceGroupNames,
                         Environment environment)
                  throws InitializationException
Constructs an instance with the specified SAS Metadata Server host, port, identity and password, and Set of String elements representing the foundation service deployments that are to be deployed.

Use this constructor if you want the ServiceLoader utility to obtain its own metadata connection to SAS Metadata Server.

Use OMRMetadataSource(String, String, String, String, String, String) if deploying a single service deployment.

This metadata source will use the connection provided by the OMI object.

omi - SAS Metadata Server OMI.
repositoryNameOrID - Name or ID of the SAS Metadata Server repository that contains the service deployment.
softwareComponentName - The name of the metadata SoftwareComponent that serves as the root of the service deployment hierarchy.
serviceGroupNames - Set of String names designating the service groups that are to be deployed. Use this parameter if you want to deploy services that belong to specified groups, but not all groups (e.g. services in the "Core" and "Stored Process" groups, but not in any other groups). If a null or empty set is specified, then no filter will be applied. The service deployment name corresponds to the Name attribute of a metadata Tree that is a subtree of the SoftwareComponent.
environment - The environment encapsulates resources provided by the container or null if a container environment is not applicable.
InitializationException - if unable to construct an instance.
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getRepositoryId()
Gets SAS Metadata Server repository ID.

SAS Metadata Server repository ID or null if it is undefined.


public java.lang.String getMetadata()
                             throws ServiceException
Gets metadata representing a foundation services deployment queried from a SAS Metadata Repository.

Specified by:
getMetadata in interface MetadataSourceInterface
Specified by:
getMetadata in class AbstractMetadataSource
Foundation services deployment metadata. The return value will be non-null.
ServiceException - if unable to obtain metadata describing a foundation services deployment from a SAS Metadata Repository.
See Also:


public void destroy()
Destroys the metadata source.

If a connection was passed into this object, then it will be cleared from the metadata factory's connection.

Specified by:
destroy in interface MetadataSourceInterface
destroy in class AbstractMetadataSource


protected java.lang.String getDeployFailureMessage()
Gets a message describing this metadata source's inability to deploy services.

getDeployFailureMessage in class AbstractMetadataSource
Message describing a failure to deploy services. The return value will be non-null.


public java.lang.String toString()
Gets a string representation of this SAS Metadata Server metadata source which includes its host and port.

toString in class AbstractMetadataSource
String representation of this instance. The return value will be non-null.


public int hashCode()
Gets a hash code for this service attribute. The hash is an XOR of all of this service's fields.

hashCode in class AbstractMetadataSource
Hash code.


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object other)
Determines whether or not the other object equals this object.

equals in class AbstractMetadataSource
other - Other object.
true if the objects are equivalent.

***  This class is subject to change.  ***

Copyright © 2009 SAS Institute Inc. All Rights Reserved.