Uses of Class

Packages that use FillStyle Provides swing components for producing a variety of graph types.

Tile Chart component and its related models. Waterfall Chart component and its related models. 

Uses of FillStyle in

Methods in that return FillStyle
 FillStyle DataElementStyles.getActualFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Actual bar.
 FillStyle LegendModel.getBackgroundFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle used by the legend's background.
 FillStyle GraphStyle.getBackgroundFillStyle()
          Return the background fill attributes.
 FillStyle GraphModel.getBackgroundFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle that holds the attributes for the background of the graph.
 FillStyle DataElementStyles.getBaselineFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Baseline bar.
 FillStyle DataElementStyles.getBreakTimeFillStyle()
          Returns the fill attributes for displaying BreakTime.
 FillStyle DataElementStyles.getCriticalFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Critical bar.
 FillStyle DataElementStyles.getCustomSchedule1FillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Custom Schedule 1 bar.
 FillStyle DataElementStyles.getCustomSchedule2FillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Resource bar.
 FillStyle[] DataElementStyles.getErrorFillStyles()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Error data elements in the graph.
 FillStyle ReferenceBandModel.getFillStyle()
          Returns the fill style attributes.
 FillStyle[] DataElementStyles.getFillStyles()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the data elements in the graph.
 FillStyle DataElementStyles.getFinalFillStyle()
          Returns the fill attributes for "final" elements such as found in the WaterfallChart.
 FillStyle GraphStyle.getFloorFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used for the chart floor.
 FillStyle AxisWallModel.getFloorFillStyle()
          Returns the fill attributes for the axis floor.
 FillStyle DataElementStyles.getInitialFillStyle()
          Returns the fill attributes for "initial" elements such as found in the WaterfallChart.
 FillStyle GraphStyle.getLegendBackgroundFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used on legend background.
 FillStyle DataElementStyles.getLowerThresholdFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the lower Threshold data elements.
 FillStyle DataElementStyles.getMissingFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Missing values.
 FillStyle DataElementStyles.getNormalFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Normal bar.
 FillStyle DataElementStyles.getOtherFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Other pie slice.
 FillStyle DataElementStyles.getOutOfRangeFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the OutOfRange data elements.
 FillStyle DataElementStyles.getOverFlowFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the OverFlow data elements.
 FillStyle DataElementStyles.getResourceFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Resource bar.
 FillStyle DataElementStyles.getSlackFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Slack bar.
 FillStyle DataElementStyles.getUnderFlowFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the UnderFlow data elements.
 FillStyle DataElementStyles.getUpperThresholdFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the upper Threshold data elements.
 FillStyle GraphStyle.getWallFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used for the axis walls.
 FillStyle AxisWallModel.getWallFillStyle()
          Returns the fill attributes for the axis walls.
 FillStyle GraphStyle.getWeekendBandFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used for the weekend bands.

Methods in with parameters of type FillStyle
 void FillStyle.apply(FillStyle theOtherObject)
          Utility method to convey properties contained in theOtherObject to this object.
 void DataElementStyles.setActualFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for Actual bar.
 void LegendModel.setBackgroundFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Set the legend's background fill properties.
 void GraphStyle.setBackgroundFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Set the background fill attributes.
 void GraphModel.setBackgroundFillStyle(FillStyle newStyle)
          Set the FillStyle that holds the attributes for the background of the graph.
 void DataElementStyles.setBaselineFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for Baseline bar.
 void DataElementStyles.setBreakTimeFillStyle(FillStyle newBreakTimeFillStyle)
          Sets fill attributes for marking break times.
 void DataElementStyles.setCriticalFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for Critical bar.
 void DataElementStyles.setCustomSchedule1FillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for Custom Schedule 1 bar.
 void DataElementStyles.setCustomSchedule2FillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for Custom Schedule 2 bar.
 void DataElementStyles.setErrorFillStyles(FillStyle[] newFillStyles)
          Fill attributes for Error data elements.
 void ReferenceBandModel.setFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Sets the fill style attributes.
 void DataElementStyles.setFillStyles(FillStyle[] newFillStyles)
          Fill attributes for data elements.
 void DataElementStyles.setFinalFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Sets the fill attributes for "final" elements such as found in the WaterfallChart.
 void GraphStyle.setFloorFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Set the FillStyle attributes used for the chart floor.
 void AxisWallModel.setFloorFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Set the fill attributes for the axis floor.
 void DataElementStyles.setInitialFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Sets the fill attributes for "initial" elements such as found in the WaterfallChart.
 void GraphStyle.setLegendBackgroundFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Set the FillStyle attributes used on legend background.
 void DataElementStyles.setLowerThresholdFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for data elements that pass below a specified Threshold on a BarChart.
 void DataElementStyles.setMissingFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for Missing values.
 void DataElementStyles.setNormalFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for Normal bar.
 void DataElementStyles.setOtherFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for Other pie slice.
 void DataElementStyles.setOutOfRangeFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for OutOfRange data elements on a Scatter Plot graph.
 void DataElementStyles.setOverFlowFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for OverFlow data elements on Spectrum Plot.
 void DataElementStyles.setResourceFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for Resource bar.
 void DataElementStyles.setSlackFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for Slack bar.
 void DataElementStyles.setUnderFlowFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for UnderFlow data elements on Spectrum Plot.
 void DataElementStyles.setUpperThresholdFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for data elements that pass above a specified Threshold on a BarChart.
 void GraphStyle.setWallFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Set the FillStyle attributes used for the axis walls.
 void AxisWallModel.setWallFillStyle(FillStyle newWallFillStyle)
          Set the fill attributes for the axis walls.
 void GraphStyle.setWeekendBandFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Set the FillStyle attributes used for weekend bands.

Constructors in with parameters of type FillStyle
ReferenceBandModel(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Constructor with a defined FillStyle.
ReferenceBandModel(FillStyle newFillStyle, ReferenceLineModel newBegin, ReferenceLineModel newEnd)
          Constructor with a defined FillStyle and begin/end ReferenceLineModels.

Uses of FillStyle in

Methods in that return FillStyle
 FillStyle TileChartHighlightModel.getBackground()

Methods in with parameters of type FillStyle
 void TileChartHighlightModel.setBackground(FillStyle newBackground)

Uses of FillStyle in

Methods in that return FillStyle
 FillStyle WaterfallChartModel.getFinalBarFillStyle()
          Deprecated. use getDataElementStyles().getFinalFillStyle();
 FillStyle WaterfallChartModel.getInitialBarFillStyle()
          Deprecated. use getDataElementStyles().getInitialFillStyle();

Methods in with parameters of type FillStyle
 void WaterfallChartModel.setFinalBarFillStyle(FillStyle finalFillStyle)
          Deprecated. use getDataElementStyles().setFinalFillStyle(finalFillStyle);
 void WaterfallChartModel.setInitialBarFillStyle(FillStyle initialFillStyle)
          Deprecated. use getDataElementStyles().setInitialFillStyle(initialFillStyle);

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