Class DataElementStyles

public class DataElementStyles

DataElementStyles class is a class that encapsulates the visual style attributes of the graph's data elements (pie slices, bars, markers). Fill, Line and Marker attributes are stored here. Outline around the data elements and continuous range colors are stored here too.

DataElementStyles are created when a new GraphStyle is created. These styles are applied to the individual charts using the chart's applyGraphStyle(gs) method.

Note: Any visual attributes set on the chart that are also a part of the chart's Graph Style, will be over written with every Graph.applyGraphStyle(gs) method call.


To turn outlines around bars in a bar chart:
 DataElementStyles styles = barChartModel.getDataElementStyles();


The individual charts will retrieve the visual attributes for their data elements from an instance of this class that is stored in the graph style.
This class comes with an apply() method which accepts as a parameter an object of the same class and applies the new settings to the object's attributes.


You will need to override the apply() method.

SAS 9.1
See Also:
GraphStyle, ModelBase, Graph

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void apply(DataElementStyles theOtherObject)
          Utility method to convey properties contained in "theOtherObject" to this object.
 void applyDataElementColors(DataElementColors colors)
          Utility method to apply a new set of data element colors to this object.
 void applyDiscreteFillColorsAlpha(int alpha)
          Utility method to apply an alpha (transparency) to the array of discrete fill colors, which are utilised when the fill, marker and line style arrays are cycled.
 void applyFillStylesAlpha(int alpha)
          Utility method to apply an alpha (transparency) to the array of FillStyles colors, which are used to draw the filled data elements.
 void applyLineStylesAlpha(int alpha)
          Utility method to apply an alpha (transparency) to the array of LineStyles colors, which are used to draw the line data elements.
 void applyMarkerStylesAlpha(int alpha)
          Utility method to apply an alpha (transparency) to the array of MarkerStyles colors, which are used to draw the marker data elements.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
          Determines whether another object is equal to this DataElementStyles.
 FillStyle getActualFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Actual bar.
 FillStyle getBaselineFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Baseline bar.
 FillStyle getBreakTimeFillStyle()
          Returns the fill attributes for displaying BreakTime.
 LineStyle getConnectingLineStyle()
          Returns the line attributes for the element Connecting lines.
 ColorPosition[] getContinuousColorSpectrum()
          Gets the color spectrum, a list of colors with associated positions along a normalized range of 0.0 to 1.0.
 java.awt.Color getContinuousContrastThreeColorEndColor()
          Returns the ending color of a three color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.
 java.awt.Color getContinuousContrastThreeColorNeutralColor()
          Returns the middle color of a three color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.
 java.awt.Color getContinuousContrastThreeColorStartColor()
          Returns the beginning color of a three color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.
 java.awt.Color getContinuousContrastTwoColorEndColor()
          Returns the ending color of a two color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.
 java.awt.Color getContinuousContrastTwoColorStartColor()
          Returns the beginning color of a two color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.
 java.awt.Color getContinuousFillThreeColorEndColor()
          Returns the ending color of a three color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.
 java.awt.Color getContinuousFillThreeColorNeutralColor()
          Returns the middle color of a three color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.
 java.awt.Color getContinuousFillThreeColorStartColor()
          Returns the beginning color of a three color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.
 java.awt.Color getContinuousFillTwoColorEndColor()
          Returns the ending color of a two color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.
 java.awt.Color getContinuousFillTwoColorStartColor()
          Returns the beginning color of a two color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.
 FillStyle getCriticalFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Critical bar.
 FillStyle getCustomSchedule1FillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Custom Schedule 1 bar.
 FillStyle getCustomSchedule2FillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Resource bar.
 java.awt.Color[] getDiscreteFillColors()
          Gets the list of colors to be associated with pie slice and bar data elements in a graph. getDiscreteStyleMapModel()
 FillStyle[] getErrorFillStyles()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Error data elements in the graph.
 StrokeLineStyle[] getErrorLineStyles()
          Returns the Line attributes used to create the Error data elements in the graph.
 MarkerStyle[] getErrorMarkerStyles()
          Returns the Marker attributes used to create the Error data elements in the graph.
 FillStyle[] getFillStyles()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the data elements in the graph.
 FillStyle getFinalFillStyle()
          Returns the fill attributes for "final" elements such as found in the WaterfallChart.
 FillStyle getInitialFillStyle()
          Returns the fill attributes for "initial" elements such as found in the WaterfallChart.
 StrokeLineStyle[] getLineStyles()
          Returns the Line attributes used to create the data elements in the graph.
 FillStyle getLowerThresholdFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the lower Threshold data elements.
 MarkerStyle[] getMarkerStyles()
          Returns the Marker attributes used to create the data elements in the graph.
 MarkerStyle getMilestoneMarkerStyle()
          Returns the milestone MarkerStyle property.
 FillStyle getMissingFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Missing values.
 FillStyle getNormalFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Normal bar.
 FillStyle getOtherFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Other pie slice.
 LineStyle getOutlineLineStyle()
          Returns the line attributes for the element outlines.
 FillStyle getOutOfRangeFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the OutOfRange data elements.
 FillStyle getOverFlowFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the OverFlow data elements.
 FillStyle getResourceFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Resource bar.
 FillStyle getSlackFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Slack bar.
 java.awt.Color getTargetColor()
          Returns the color applied to target indicators.
 MarkerStyle getTargetMarkerStyle()
          Returns the target MarkerStyle property.
 FillStyle getUnderFlowFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the UnderFlow data elements.
 FillStyle getUpperThresholdFillStyle()
          Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the upper Threshold data elements.
 int hashCode()
          Computes the hash code for this DataElementStyles.
 void setActualFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for Actual bar.
 void setBaselineFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for Baseline bar.
 void setBreakTimeFillStyle(FillStyle newBreakTimeFillStyle)
          Sets fill attributes for marking break times.
 void setConnectingLineStyle(LineStyle newConnectingLineStyle)
          Set the line attributes for the element Connecting lines.
 void setContinuousColorSpectrum(ColorPosition[] newColorSpectrum)
          Sets a color spectrum defined as an array of color inflection points mapped to normalized (0.0 to 1.0 inclusive) range.
 void setContinuousContrastThreeColorEndColor(java.awt.Color newColor)
          Sets the ending color of a three color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.
 void setContinuousContrastThreeColorNeutralColor(java.awt.Color newColor)
          Sets the middle color of a three color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.
 void setContinuousContrastThreeColorStartColor(java.awt.Color newColor)
          Sets the beginning color of a three color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.
 void setContinuousContrastTwoColorEndColor(java.awt.Color newColor)
          Sets the ending color of a two color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.
 void setContinuousContrastTwoColorStartColor(java.awt.Color newColor)
          Sets the beginning color of a two color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.
 void setContinuousFillThreeColorEndColor(java.awt.Color newColor)
          Sets the ending color of a three color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.
 void setContinuousFillThreeColorNeutralColor(java.awt.Color newColor)
          Sets the middle color of a three color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.
 void setContinuousFillThreeColorStartColor(java.awt.Color newColor)
          Sets the beginning color of a three color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.
 void setContinuousFillTwoColorEndColor(java.awt.Color newColor)
          Sets the ending color of a two color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.
 void setContinuousFillTwoColorStartColor(java.awt.Color newColor)
          Sets the beginning color of a two color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.
 void setCriticalFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for Critical bar.
 void setCustomSchedule1FillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for Custom Schedule 1 bar.
 void setCustomSchedule2FillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for Custom Schedule 2 bar.
 void setDiscreteFillColors(java.awt.Color[] newColors)
          Sets the list of colors to be associated with pie slice and bar data elements in a graph.
 void setDiscreteStyleMapModel( newStyleMapModel)
 void setErrorFillStyles(FillStyle[] newFillStyles)
          Fill attributes for Error data elements.
 void setErrorLineStyles(StrokeLineStyle[] newLineStyles)
          Line attributes for Error data elements.
 void setErrorMarkerStyles(MarkerStyle[] newMarkerStyles)
          Marker attributes for Error data elements.
 void setFillStyles(FillStyle[] newFillStyles)
          Fill attributes for data elements.
 void setFinalFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Sets the fill attributes for "final" elements such as found in the WaterfallChart.
 void setInitialFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Sets the fill attributes for "initial" elements such as found in the WaterfallChart.
 void setLineStyles(StrokeLineStyle[] newLineStyles)
          Line attributes for data elements.
 void setLowerThresholdFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for data elements that pass below a specified Threshold on a BarChart.
 void setMarkerStyles(MarkerStyle[] newMarkerStyles)
          Marker attributes for data elements.
 void setMilestoneMarkerStyle(MarkerStyle newMarkerStyle)
          Marker display properties for milestone data elements.
 void setMissingFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for Missing values.
 void setNormalFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for Normal bar.
 void setOtherFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for Other pie slice.
 void setOutlineLineStyle(LineStyle newOutlineLineStyle)
          Set the line attributes for the element outlines.
 void setOutOfRangeFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for OutOfRange data elements on a Scatter Plot graph.
 void setOverFlowFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for OverFlow data elements on Spectrum Plot.
 void setResourceFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for Resource bar.
 void setSlackFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for Slack bar.
 void setTargetColor(java.awt.Color newTargetColor)
          Sets the color applied to target indicators.
 void setTargetMarkerStyle(MarkerStyle newMarkerStyle)
          Marker display properties for target markers.
 void setUnderFlowFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for UnderFlow data elements on Spectrum Plot.
 void setUpperThresholdFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
          Fill attributes for data elements that pass above a specified Threshold on a BarChart.
Methods inherited from class
addPropertyChangeListener, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, removePropertyChangeListener, setContainedModel

Constructor Detail


public DataElementStyles()
Method Detail


public void apply(DataElementStyles theOtherObject)
Utility method to convey properties contained in "theOtherObject" to this object.

Note: Contained "models" (i.e. properties that are subclasses of ModelBase) will in turn be called on to convey their properties to the like contained models in the other object. In that respect this can be considered a "tree" type copy.

Also Note: This is a deep copy. Thus after the copy, mutable properties will not be shared by the two instances.

theOtherObject - properties applied to this instance


public void applyDataElementColors(DataElementColors colors)
Utility method to apply a new set of data element colors to this object. No action is taken if a NULL parameter is passed in.

colors - the set of DataElementColors being applied to this instance


public void applyFillStylesAlpha(int alpha)
                          throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Utility method to apply an alpha (transparency) to the array of FillStyles colors, which are used to draw the filled data elements. A new array of Color objects are created with the new alpha that replaces the old array.

alpha - to be applied
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if alpha is less than 0 or alpha greater than 255.


public void applyMarkerStylesAlpha(int alpha)
                            throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Utility method to apply an alpha (transparency) to the array of MarkerStyles colors, which are used to draw the marker data elements. A new array of Color objects are created with the new alpha that replaces the old array.

alpha - to be applied
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if alpha is less than 0 or alpha greater than 255.


public void applyLineStylesAlpha(int alpha)
                          throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Utility method to apply an alpha (transparency) to the array of LineStyles colors, which are used to draw the line data elements. A new array of Color objects are created with the new alpha that replaces the old array.

alpha - to be applied
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if alpha is less than 0 or alpha greater than 255.


public void applyDiscreteFillColorsAlpha(int alpha)
                                  throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Utility method to apply an alpha (transparency) to the array of discrete fill colors, which are utilised when the fill, marker and line style arrays are cycled. For instance if the 15th MarkerStyle is desired but the MarkerStyle array consist of only 12 entries, the 15%12 (i.e. 3rd) MarkerStyle entry is is used but its color will be based upon discreteFillColor[15%discreteFillColor.length]. Each time the colors are cycled the actual color will change but will always be based upon said entry.

alpha - to be applied
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if alpha is less than 0 or alpha greater than 255.


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
Determines whether another object is equal to this DataElementStyles.

The result is true if and only if the argument is not null and is a DataElementStyles object that has the same property values as this object.

equals in class ModelBase
obj - the object to test for equality with this DataElementStyles
true if the objects are the same; false otherwise.


public void setFillStyles(FillStyle[] newFillStyles)
                   throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Fill attributes for data elements. Note: A copy of the array parameter is made when this method is called. Changing the array values of newFillStyles after the set will have no affect on the chart. To effect a change in the chart it will be necessary to call this method again with the appropriate changes.

You can modify the properties of any of the FillStyles that are contained in the array.

newFillStyles - FillStyle array for data element attributes
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newFillStyles is null, null is not a legal argument.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any elements in newFillStyles are null.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, getFillStyles()


public FillStyle[] getFillStyles()
Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the data elements in the graph.

a FillStyle array containing attributes used on data elements in the graph.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, setFillStyles([]), getLineStyles(), getMarkerStyles()


public void setLineStyles(StrokeLineStyle[] newLineStyles)
                   throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Line attributes for data elements. Note: A copy of the array parameter is made when this method is called. Changing the array values of newLineStyles after the set will have no affect on the chart. To effect a change in the chart it will be necessary to call this method again with the appropriate changes.

You can modify the properties of any of the StrokeLineStyles that are contained in the array.

newLineStyles - StrokeLineStyle array for data element attributes
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newLineStyles is null, null is not a legal argument.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any elements in newLineStyles are null.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, getLineStyles(), setFillStyles([]), setMarkerStyles([])


public StrokeLineStyle[] getLineStyles()
Returns the Line attributes used to create the data elements in the graph.

a StrokeLineStyle array containing attributes used on data elements in the graph.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, setLineStyles([]), getFillStyles(), getMarkerStyles()


public void setMarkerStyles(MarkerStyle[] newMarkerStyles)
                     throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Marker attributes for data elements.

Note: A copy of the array parameter is made when this method is called. Changing the array values of newMarkerStyles after the set will have no affect on the chart. To effect a change in the chart it will be necessary to call this method again with the appropriate changes.

You can modify the properties of any of the MarkerStyles that are contained in the array.

newMarkerStyles - MarkerStyle array for data element attributes
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newMarkerStyles is null, null is not a legal argument.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any elements in newMarkerStyles are null.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, getMarkerStyles(), setFillStyles([]), setLineStyles([])


public MarkerStyle[] getMarkerStyles()
Returns the Marker attributes used to create the data elements in the graph.

a MarkerStyle array containing attributes used on data elements in the graph.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, setMarkerStyles([]), getFillStyles(), getLineStyles()


public void setErrorFillStyles(FillStyle[] newFillStyles)
                        throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Fill attributes for Error data elements. Note: A copy of the array parameter is made when this method is called. Changing the array values of newFillStyles after the set will have no affect on the chart. To effect a change in the chart it will be necessary to call this method again with the appropriate changes.

You can modify the properties of any of the FillStyles that are contained in the array.

newFillStyles - FillStyle array for Error data element attributes
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newFillStyles is null, null is not a legal argument.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any elements in newFillStyles are null.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, getErrorFillStyles()


public FillStyle[] getErrorFillStyles()
Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Error data elements in the graph.

a FillStyle array containing attributes used on Error data elements in the graph.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, setErrorFillStyles([]), getErrorLineStyles(), getErrorMarkerStyles()


public void setErrorLineStyles(StrokeLineStyle[] newLineStyles)
                        throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Line attributes for Error data elements. Note: A copy of the array parameter is made when this method is called. Changing the array values of newLineStyles after the set will have no affect on the chart. To effect a change in the chart it will be necessary to call this method again with the appropriate changes.

You can modify the properties of any of the StrokeLineStyles that are contained in the array.

newLineStyles - StrokeLineStyle array for Error data element attributes
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newLineStyles is null, null is not a legal argument.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any elements in newLineStyles are null.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, getErrorLineStyles(), setErrorFillStyles([]), setErrorMarkerStyles([])


public StrokeLineStyle[] getErrorLineStyles()
Returns the Line attributes used to create the Error data elements in the graph.

a StrokeLineStyle array containing attributes used on Error data elements in the graph.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, setErrorLineStyles([]), getErrorFillStyles(), getErrorMarkerStyles()


public void setErrorMarkerStyles(MarkerStyle[] newMarkerStyles)
                          throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Marker attributes for Error data elements.

Note: A copy of the array parameter is made when this method is called. Changing the array values of newMarkerStyles after the set will have no affect on the chart. To effect a change in the chart it will be necessary to call this method again with the appropriate changes.

You can modify the properties of any of the MarkerStyles that are contained in the array.

newMarkerStyles - MarkerStyle array for Error data element attributes
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newMarkerStyles is null, null is not a legal argument.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any elements in newMarkerStyles are null.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, getErrorMarkerStyles(), setErrorFillStyles([]), setErrorLineStyles([])


public MarkerStyle[] getErrorMarkerStyles()
Returns the Marker attributes used to create the Error data elements in the graph.

a MarkerStyle array containing attributes used on Error data elements in the graph.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, setErrorMarkerStyles([]), getErrorFillStyles(), getErrorLineStyles()


public LineStyle getOutlineLineStyle()
Returns the line attributes for the element outlines.

the element outline display properties
See Also:
setOutlineLineStyle(, Graph.applyGraphStyle(


public void setOutlineLineStyle(LineStyle newOutlineLineStyle)
                         throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Set the line attributes for the element outlines.

newOutlineLineStyle - the element outline display properties
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newOutlineLineStyle is null.
See Also:
getOutlineLineStyle(), Graph.applyGraphStyle(


public LineStyle getConnectingLineStyle()
Returns the line attributes for the element Connecting lines.

the element Connecting line display properties
See Also:
setConnectingLineStyle(, Graph.applyGraphStyle(


public void setConnectingLineStyle(LineStyle newConnectingLineStyle)
                            throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Set the line attributes for the element Connecting lines.

newConnectingLineStyle - the element Connecting line display properties
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newConnectingLineStyle is null.
See Also:
getConnectingLineStyle(), Graph.applyGraphStyle(


public void setTargetColor(java.awt.Color newTargetColor)
                    throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Sets the color applied to target indicators.

The default value is java.awt.Color.BLACK.

graph.applyGraphStyle(GraphStyle) must be called before this property setting will appear in a Graph.

newTargetColor - the primary color used to indicate selection.
See Also:


public java.awt.Color getTargetColor()
Returns the color applied to target indicators.

the color applied to target indicators.
See Also:


public void setTargetMarkerStyle(MarkerStyle newMarkerStyle)
                          throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Marker display properties for target markers. Each individual graph determines if this property is applicable and how it is applied. Check chart specific graph documentation.

newMarkerStyle - MarkerStyle for target markers.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newMarkerStyle is null, null is not a legal argument.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, getTargetMarkerStyle()


public MarkerStyle getTargetMarkerStyle()
Returns the target MarkerStyle property.

a MarkerStyle containing display properties applied to target markers.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, setTargetMarkerStyle(


public void setContinuousFillTwoColorStartColor(java.awt.Color newColor)
Sets the beginning color of a two color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.

The two color and three color fill color ranges are mutually exclusive. The two color and three color contrast color ranges are mutually exclusive. All four of these continuous color ranges are available for any of the graphs to use. Each individual chart or plot decides how the data element colors are utilized. Check the chart or plot specific documentation for further details.

newColor - Start color of a data element two color continuous range Fill color.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newColor is null, null is not a legal argument.
See Also:
getContinuousFillTwoColorStartColor(), setContinuousFillThreeColorStartColor(java.awt.Color)


public java.awt.Color getContinuousFillTwoColorStartColor()
Returns the beginning color of a two color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.

See Also:
setContinuousFillTwoColorStartColor(java.awt.Color), getContinuousFillThreeColorStartColor()


public void setContinuousFillTwoColorEndColor(java.awt.Color newColor)
Sets the ending color of a two color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.

The two color and three color fill color ranges are mutually exclusive. The two color and three color contrast color ranges are mutually exclusive. All four of these continuous color ranges are available for any of the graphs to use. Each individual chart or plot decides how the data element colors are utilized. Check the chart or plot specific documentation for further details.

newColor - End color of a data element two color continuous range Fill color.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newColor is null, null is not a legal argument.
See Also:
getContinuousFillTwoColorEndColor(), setContinuousFillThreeColorEndColor(java.awt.Color)


public java.awt.Color getContinuousFillTwoColorEndColor()
Returns the ending color of a two color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.

See Also:
setContinuousFillTwoColorEndColor(java.awt.Color), getContinuousFillThreeColorEndColor()


public void setContinuousFillThreeColorStartColor(java.awt.Color newColor)
Sets the beginning color of a three color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.

The two color and three color fill color ranges are mutually exclusive. The two color and three color contrast color ranges are mutually exclusive. All four of these continuous color ranges are available for any of the graphs to use. Each individual chart or plot decides how the data element colors are utilized. Check the chart or plot specific documentation for further details.

newColor - Start color of a data element three color continuous range Fill color.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newColor is null, null is not a legal argument.
See Also:
getContinuousFillThreeColorStartColor(), setContinuousFillThreeColorNeutralColor(java.awt.Color), setContinuousFillThreeColorEndColor(java.awt.Color), setContinuousFillTwoColorStartColor(java.awt.Color)


public java.awt.Color getContinuousFillThreeColorStartColor()
Returns the beginning color of a three color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.

See Also:
setContinuousFillThreeColorStartColor(java.awt.Color), getContinuousFillThreeColorNeutralColor(), getContinuousFillThreeColorEndColor(), getContinuousFillTwoColorStartColor()


public void setContinuousFillThreeColorEndColor(java.awt.Color newColor)
Sets the ending color of a three color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.

The two color and three color fill color ranges are mutually exclusive. The two color and three color contrast color ranges are mutually exclusive. All four of these continuous color ranges are available for any of the graphs to use. Each individual chart or plot decides how the data element colors are utilized. Check the chart or plot specific documentation for further details.

newColor - End color of a data element three color continuous range Fill color.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newColor is null, null is not a legal argument.
See Also:
getContinuousFillThreeColorEndColor(), setContinuousFillThreeColorStartColor(java.awt.Color), setContinuousFillThreeColorNeutralColor(java.awt.Color), setContinuousFillTwoColorEndColor(java.awt.Color)


public java.awt.Color getContinuousFillThreeColorEndColor()
Returns the ending color of a three color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.

See Also:
setContinuousFillThreeColorEndColor(java.awt.Color), getContinuousFillThreeColorStartColor(), getContinuousFillThreeColorNeutralColor(), getContinuousFillTwoColorEndColor()


public void setContinuousFillThreeColorNeutralColor(java.awt.Color newColor)
Sets the middle color of a three color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.

The two color and three color fill color ranges are mutually exclusive. The two color and three color contrast color ranges are mutually exclusive. All four of these continuous color ranges are available for any of the graphs to use. Each individual chart or plot decides how the data element colors are utilized. Check the chart or plot specific documentation for further details.

newColor - Middle color of a data element three color continuous range Fill color.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newColor is null, null is not a legal argument.
See Also:
getContinuousFillThreeColorNeutralColor(), setContinuousFillThreeColorStartColor(java.awt.Color), setContinuousFillThreeColorEndColor(java.awt.Color), setContinuousFillTwoColorStartColor(java.awt.Color), setContinuousFillTwoColorEndColor(java.awt.Color)


public java.awt.Color getContinuousFillThreeColorNeutralColor()
Returns the middle color of a three color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.

See Also:
setContinuousFillThreeColorNeutralColor(java.awt.Color), getContinuousFillThreeColorStartColor(), getContinuousFillThreeColorEndColor(), getContinuousFillTwoColorStartColor(), getContinuousFillTwoColorEndColor()


public void setContinuousContrastTwoColorStartColor(java.awt.Color newColor)
Sets the beginning color of a two color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.

The two color and three color fill color ranges are mutually exclusive. The two color and three color contrast color ranges are mutually exclusive. All four of these continuous color ranges are available for any of the graphs to use. Each individual chart or plot decides how the data element colors are utilized. Check the chart or plot specific documentation for further details.

newColor - Start color of a data element two color continuous range Contrast color.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newColor is null, null is not a legal argument.
See Also:
getContinuousContrastTwoColorStartColor(), setContinuousContrastThreeColorStartColor(java.awt.Color)


public java.awt.Color getContinuousContrastTwoColorStartColor()
Returns the beginning color of a two color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.

See Also:
setContinuousContrastTwoColorStartColor(java.awt.Color), getContinuousContrastThreeColorStartColor()


public void setContinuousContrastTwoColorEndColor(java.awt.Color newColor)
Sets the ending color of a two color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.

The two color and three color fill color ranges are mutually exclusive. The two color and three color contrast color ranges are mutually exclusive. All four of these continuous color ranges are available for any of the graphs to use. Each individual chart or plot decides how the data element colors are utilized. Check the chart or plot specific documentation for further details.

newColor - End color of a data element two color continuous range Contrast color.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newColor is null, null is not a legal argument.
See Also:
getContinuousContrastTwoColorEndColor(), setContinuousContrastThreeColorEndColor(java.awt.Color)


public java.awt.Color getContinuousContrastTwoColorEndColor()
Returns the ending color of a two color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.

See Also:
setContinuousContrastTwoColorEndColor(java.awt.Color), getContinuousContrastThreeColorEndColor()


public void setContinuousContrastThreeColorStartColor(java.awt.Color newColor)
Sets the beginning color of a three color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.

The two color and three color fill color ranges are mutually exclusive. The two color and three color contrast color ranges are mutually exclusive. All four of these continuous color ranges are available for any of the graphs to use. Each individual chart or plot decides how the data element colors are utilized. Check the chart or plot specific documentation for further details.

newColor - Start color of a data element three color continuous range Contrast color.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newColor is null, null is not a legal argument.
See Also:
getContinuousContrastThreeColorStartColor(), setContinuousContrastThreeColorNeutralColor(java.awt.Color), setContinuousContrastThreeColorEndColor(java.awt.Color), setContinuousContrastTwoColorStartColor(java.awt.Color)


public java.awt.Color getContinuousContrastThreeColorStartColor()
Returns the beginning color of a three color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.

See Also:
setContinuousContrastThreeColorStartColor(java.awt.Color), getContinuousContrastThreeColorNeutralColor(), getContinuousContrastThreeColorEndColor(), getContinuousContrastTwoColorStartColor()


public void setContinuousContrastThreeColorEndColor(java.awt.Color newColor)
Sets the ending color of a three color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.

The two color and three color fill color ranges are mutually exclusive. The two color and three color contrast color ranges are mutually exclusive. All four of these continuous color ranges are available for any of the graphs to use. Each individual chart or plot decides how the data element colors are utilized. Check the chart or plot specific documentation for further details.

newColor - End color of a data element three color continuous range Contrast color.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newColor is null, null is not a legal argument.
See Also:
getContinuousContrastThreeColorEndColor(), setContinuousContrastThreeColorStartColor(java.awt.Color), setContinuousContrastThreeColorNeutralColor(java.awt.Color), setContinuousContrastTwoColorEndColor(java.awt.Color)


public java.awt.Color getContinuousContrastThreeColorEndColor()
Returns the ending color of a three color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.

See Also:
setContinuousContrastThreeColorEndColor(java.awt.Color), getContinuousContrastThreeColorStartColor(), getContinuousContrastThreeColorNeutralColor(), getContinuousContrastTwoColorEndColor()


public void setContinuousContrastThreeColorNeutralColor(java.awt.Color newColor)
Sets the middle color of a three color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.

The two color and three color fill color ranges are mutually exclusive. The two color and three color contrast color ranges are mutually exclusive. All four of these continuous color ranges are available for any of the graphs to use. Each individual chart or plot decides how the data element colors are utilized. Check the chart or plot specific documentation for further details.

newColor - Middle color of a data element three color continuous range Contrast color.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newColor is null, null is not a legal argument.
See Also:
getContinuousContrastThreeColorNeutralColor(), setContinuousContrastThreeColorStartColor(java.awt.Color), setContinuousContrastThreeColorEndColor(java.awt.Color), setContinuousContrastTwoColorStartColor(java.awt.Color), setContinuousContrastTwoColorEndColor(java.awt.Color)


public java.awt.Color getContinuousContrastThreeColorNeutralColor()
Returns the middle color of a three color continuous range spectrum for the data elements.

See Also:
setContinuousContrastThreeColorNeutralColor(java.awt.Color), getContinuousContrastThreeColorStartColor(), getContinuousContrastThreeColorEndColor(), getContinuousContrastTwoColorStartColor(), getContinuousContrastTwoColorEndColor()


public void setDiscreteStyleMapModel( newStyleMapModel)


public getDiscreteStyleMapModel()


public void setOtherFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
                       throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Fill attributes for Other pie slice. However, each individual chart determines how and if it will use these attributes. Check chart specific documentation.

newFillStyle - FillStyle for Other pie slice attributes
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newFillStyle is null, null is not a legal argument.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, getOtherFillStyle()


public FillStyle getOtherFillStyle()
Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Other pie slice.

a FillStyle array contintaining attributes used on Other pie slice.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, setOtherFillStyle(


public void setMissingFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
                         throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Fill attributes for Missing values. However, each individual chart determines how and if it will use these attributes. Check chart specific documentation.

newFillStyle - FillStyle for Missing data values attributes
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newFillStyle is null, null is not a legal argument.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, getMissingFillStyle()


public FillStyle getMissingFillStyle()
Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Missing values.

a FillStyle array contintaining attributes used on Missing data elements.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, setMissingFillStyle(


public void setOutOfRangeFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
                            throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Fill attributes for OutOfRange data elements on a Scatter Plot graph. However, each individual chart determines how and if it will use these attributes. Check chart specific documentation.

newFillStyle - FillStyle for OutOfRange data elements
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newFillStyle is null, null is not a legal argument.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, getOutOfRangeFillStyle()


public FillStyle getOutOfRangeFillStyle()
Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the OutOfRange data elements.

a FillStyle array contintaining attributes used on OutOfRange data elements.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, setOutOfRangeFillStyle(


public void setOverFlowFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
                          throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Fill attributes for OverFlow data elements on Spectrum Plot. However, each individual chart determines how and if it will use these attributes. Check chart specific documentation.

newFillStyle - FillStyle for OverFlow data elements
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newFillStyle is null, null is not a legal argument.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, getOverFlowFillStyle()


public FillStyle getOverFlowFillStyle()
Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the OverFlow data elements.

a FillStyle array contintaining attributes used on OverFlow data elements.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, setOverFlowFillStyle(


public void setUnderFlowFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
                           throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Fill attributes for UnderFlow data elements on Spectrum Plot. However, each individual chart determines how and if it will use these attributes. Check chart specific documentation.

newFillStyle - FillStyle for UnderFlow data elements
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newFillStyle is null, null is not a legal argument.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, getUnderFlowFillStyle()


public FillStyle getUnderFlowFillStyle()
Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the UnderFlow data elements.

a FillStyle array contintaining attributes used on UnderFlow data elements.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, setUnderFlowFillStyle(


public void setUpperThresholdFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
                                throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Fill attributes for data elements that pass above a specified Threshold on a BarChart. However, each individual chart determines how and if it will use these attributes. Check chart specific documentation.

newFillStyle - FillStyle for Threshold data elements.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newFillStyle is null, null is not a legal argument.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, getUpperThresholdFillStyle(), BarChartModel.setResponseAxisLowerThreshold(double), BarChartModel.setResponseAxisUpperThreshold(double), BarChartModel.setResponse2AxisLowerThreshold(double), BarChartModel.setResponse2AxisUpperThreshold(double)


public FillStyle getUpperThresholdFillStyle()
Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the upper Threshold data elements.

a FillStyle array contintaining attributes used on Threshold data elements.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, setUpperThresholdFillStyle(


public void setLowerThresholdFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
                                throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Fill attributes for data elements that pass below a specified Threshold on a BarChart. However, each individual chart determines how and if it will use these attributes. Check chart specific documentation.

newFillStyle - FillStyle for Threshold data elements.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newFillStyle is null, null is not a legal argument.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, getLowerThresholdFillStyle(), BarChartModel.setResponseAxisLowerThreshold(double), BarChartModel.setResponseAxisUpperThreshold(double), BarChartModel.setResponse2AxisLowerThreshold(double), BarChartModel.setResponse2AxisUpperThreshold(double)


public FillStyle getLowerThresholdFillStyle()
Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the lower Threshold data elements.

a FillStyle array contintaining attributes used on Threshold data elements.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, setLowerThresholdFillStyle(


public void setMilestoneMarkerStyle(MarkerStyle newMarkerStyle)
                             throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Marker display properties for milestone data elements. Each individual graph determines if this property is applicable and how it is applied. Check chart specific graph documentation.

newMarkerStyle - MarkerStyle for milestone data elements.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newMarkerStyle is null, null is not a legal argument.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, getMilestoneMarkerStyle()


public MarkerStyle getMilestoneMarkerStyle()
Returns the milestone MarkerStyle property.

a MarkerStyle contintaining display properties applied to milestone data elements.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, setMilestoneMarkerStyle(


public void setNormalFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
                        throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Fill attributes for Normal bar. Usually used for Gantt Chart. However, each individual chart determines how and if it will use these attributes. Check chart specific documentation.

newFillStyle - FillStyle for Normal bar attributes
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newFillStyle is null, null is not a legal argument.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, getNormalFillStyle()


public FillStyle getNormalFillStyle()
Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Normal bar.

a FillStyle contintaining attributes used on the Normal bar.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, setNormalFillStyle(


public void setSlackFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
                       throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Fill attributes for Slack bar. Usually used for Gantt Chart. However, each individual chart determines how and if it will use these attributes. Check chart specific documentation.

newFillStyle - FillStyle for Slack bar attributes
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newFillStyle is null, null is not a legal argument.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, getSlackFillStyle()


public FillStyle getSlackFillStyle()
Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Slack bar.

a FillStyle contintaining attributes used on the Slack bar.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, setSlackFillStyle(


public void setCriticalFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
                          throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Fill attributes for Critical bar. Usually used for Gantt Chart. However, each individual chart determines how and if it will use these attributes. Check chart specific documentation.

newFillStyle - FillStyle for Critical bar attributes
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newFillStyle is null, null is not a legal argument.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, getCriticalFillStyle()


public FillStyle getCriticalFillStyle()
Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Critical bar.

a FillStyle contintaining attributes used on the Critical bar.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, setCriticalFillStyle(


public void setResourceFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
                          throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Fill attributes for Resource bar. Usually used for Gantt Chart. However, each individual chart determines how and if it will use these attributes. Check chart specific documentation.

newFillStyle - FillStyle for Resource bar attributes
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newFillStyle is null, null is not a legal argument.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, getResourceFillStyle()


public FillStyle getResourceFillStyle()
Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Resource bar.

a FillStyle contintaining attributes used on the Resource bar.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, setResourceFillStyle(


public void setCustomSchedule1FillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
                                 throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Fill attributes for Custom Schedule 1 bar. Usually used for Gantt Chart. However, each individual chart determines how and if it will use these attributes. Check chart specific documentation.

newFillStyle - FillStyle for Custom Schedule 1 bar attributes
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newFillStyle is null, null is not a legal argument.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, getCustomSchedule1FillStyle()


public FillStyle getCustomSchedule1FillStyle()
Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Custom Schedule 1 bar.

a FillStyle contintaining attributes used on the Custom Schedule 1 bar.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, setResourceFillStyle(


public void setCustomSchedule2FillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
                                 throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Fill attributes for Custom Schedule 2 bar. Usually used for Gantt Chart. However, each individual chart determines how and if it will use these attributes. Check chart specific documentation.

newFillStyle - FillStyle for Custom Schedule 2 bar attributes
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newFillStyle is null, null is not a legal argument.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, getCustomSchedule2FillStyle()


public FillStyle getCustomSchedule2FillStyle()
Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Resource bar.

a FillStyle contintaining attributes used on the Resource bar.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, setCustomSchedule2FillStyle(


public void setActualFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
                        throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Fill attributes for Actual bar. Usually used for Gantt Chart. However, each individual chart determines how and if it will use these attributes. Check chart specific documentation.

newFillStyle - FillStyle for Actual bar attributes
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newFillStyle is null, null is not a legal argument.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, getActualFillStyle()


public FillStyle getActualFillStyle()
Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Actual bar.

a FillStyle contintaining attributes used on the Actual bar.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, setActualFillStyle(


public void setBaselineFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
                          throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Fill attributes for Baseline bar. Usually used for Gantt Chart. However, each individual chart determines how and if it will use these attributes. Check chart specific documentation.

newFillStyle - FillStyle for Baseline bar attributes
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newFillStyle is null, null is not a legal argument.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, getBaselineFillStyle()


public FillStyle getBaselineFillStyle()
Returns the FillStyle attributes used to create the Baseline bar.

a FillStyle contintaining attributes used on the Baseline bar.
See Also:
Graph.applyGraphStyle(, setBaselineFillStyle(


public void setBreakTimeFillStyle(FillStyle newBreakTimeFillStyle)
Sets fill attributes for marking break times. Set the visibility flag within this FillStyle to mark break times or not.

newBreakTimeFillStyle - attributes for marking BreakTimes, including visibility.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newBreakTimeFillStyle is null.
See Also:


public FillStyle getBreakTimeFillStyle()
Returns the fill attributes for displaying BreakTime. Use the returned FillStyle to set new attributes. The following code fragment sets a solid gray fill:

 // Set a fill style for breaktimes
    FillStyle fill = getBreakTimeFillStyle();

FillStyle containing attributes for denoting BreakTime on the chart.
See Also:


public void setInitialFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
                         throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Sets the fill attributes for "initial" elements such as found in the WaterfallChart. Each graph type determines whether and how it will use this attributes. Check graph specific documentation.

newFillStyle - FillStyle for "initial" elements.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newFillStyle is null, null is not a legal argument.
See Also:


public FillStyle getInitialFillStyle()
Returns the fill attributes for "initial" elements such as found in the WaterfallChart.

a FillStyle for "initial" elements.
See Also:


public void setFinalFillStyle(FillStyle newFillStyle)
                       throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Sets the fill attributes for "final" elements such as found in the WaterfallChart. Each graph type determines whether and how it will use this attributes. Check graph specific documentation.

newFillStyle - FillStyle for "final" elements.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newFillStyle is null, null is not a legal argument.
See Also:


public FillStyle getFinalFillStyle()
Returns the fill attributes for "final" elements such as found in the WaterfallChart.

a FillStyle for "final" elements.
See Also:


public void setDiscreteFillColors(java.awt.Color[] newColors)
Sets the list of colors to be associated with pie slice and bar data elements in a graph. These colors are only used for filled data elements. Markers will usually use the contrast color set. However, each individual chart determines how it will use these colors. Check chart specific documentation.

If newColors is null, this setting is ignored.

newColors - data element Fill color set.
See Also:


public java.awt.Color[] getDiscreteFillColors()
Gets the list of colors to be associated with pie slice and bar data elements in a graph.

data element colors
See Also:


public void setContinuousColorSpectrum(ColorPosition[] newColorSpectrum)
Sets a color spectrum defined as an array of color inflection points mapped to normalized (0.0 to 1.0 inclusive) range. The range must be specified in ascending order. For example to specify a color spectrum where the lower 1/3 gradates from red to orange, the middle 1/3 gradates from orange to yellow and the final 1/3 gradates from yellow to green you should define the color spectrum as follows:
 setContinuousColorSpectrum( new ColorPosition[] {
                             new ColorPosition(, 0.0 ),
                             new ColorPosition(, 0.33 ),
                             new ColorPosition(Color.yellow, 0.67 ),
                             new ColorPosition(, 1.0 )

Special note: duplicate pairs are allowed once for a given value to facilitate the definition of solid color ranges or transition levels between gradating colors. The color of the value corresponding to the exact inflection point value will be mapped to the color of the range containing the inflection point as its starting point.

For example to define a color spectrum where the lower 1/4 is a constant red color, the next 1/4 is orange, the next 1/4 gradates from yellow to blue and the final 1/4 is green you should define the color spectrum as follows:

 setContinuousColorSpectrum( new ColorPosition[] {
                             new ColorPosition(, 0.0 ),
                             new ColorPosition(, 0.25 ),
                             new ColorPosition(, 0.25 ),
                             new ColorPosition(, 0.5 ),
                             new ColorPosition(Color.yellow, 0.5 ),
                             new ColorPosition(, 0.75 ),
                             new ColorPosition(, 0.75 ),
                             new ColorPosition(, 1.0 )

Using a normalized range allows for a color map that is independent from the actual data values. If the actaul data range spand from 35 to 165 then the data value corresponding to the 0.25 inflection point would be ((165-35)*0.25 + 35) = 67.5. So given the last definition the values between 35 and 67.5 not including 67.5 (i.e. [35,65) ) would be colored red while values between 67.5 and ((165-35)*0.5 + 35) (i.e. [67.5,100) ) wold be colored orange etc. Special note: the final range includes both its beginning and ending vlaues (i.e. [0.75,1.0] normalized or [132.5,165] using this example).

newColorSpectrum - an array of color inflection points mapped to normalized (0.0 to 1.0 inclusive) range
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if newColorSpectrum is null.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if the range does not begin with 0.0 or end with 1.0
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if the inflection points within the range ar not specified in ascending order
See Also:


public ColorPosition[] getContinuousColorSpectrum()
Gets the color spectrum, a list of colors with associated positions along a normalized range of 0.0 to 1.0.

color spectrum
See Also:


public int hashCode()
Computes the hash code for this DataElementStyles.

hashCode in class ModelBase
a hash code value for this object.

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