Uses of Interface

Packages that use URLTemplateViewInterface Provides the support classes that define the default areas and actions for components that acquire their Actions via the ActionProviderFramework (APF). Provides classes and interfaces for the Transformation Beans. Provides classes for creating dataselectors, and the menubar classes that provide access to the dataselectors from a data viewer. Provides classes for generating different chart objects. Provides the base classes and interfaces needed to generate a navigation bar for scrolling. Provides classes used to generate an HTML representation of a navigation bar for scrolling. Provides classes for generating different OLAP chart objects. Provides classes and interfaces for viewing OLAP Data. Provides classes and interfaces for Creating an HTML table representing an OLAPTable. Provides the base classes and interfaces used to generate a table of data for a given data model. Provides the classes used to generate a table of data in WML. 

Uses of URLTemplateViewInterface in

Classes in that implement URLTemplateViewInterface
 class HttpViewerSupport
           Provides a common implementation of the HttpActionProviderViewInterface to which components may delegate their own implementations of that interface.

Uses of URLTemplateViewInterface in

Classes in that implement URLTemplateViewInterface

Uses of URLTemplateViewInterface in

Classes in that implement URLTemplateViewInterface
 class ActionProviderMenuBar
          The ActionProviderMenuBar is an abstract TransformationBean™ that provides a menubar representation of the actions defined for an area of a viewer.
 class OLAPMenuBar
          The OLAPMenuBar is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 that is used to display a menubar of available data selectors for an OLAP viewer, such as the OLAPTableView.
 class RelationalMenuBar
          The RelationalMenuBar is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 that is used to display a menubar of available data selectors for a relational viewer, such as the TableView.

Uses of URLTemplateViewInterface in

Classes in that implement URLTemplateViewInterface
 class ESRIMapMenu
          ***WARNING*** This class is an experimental class and is largely untested.

Uses of URLTemplateViewInterface in

Subinterfaces of URLTemplateViewInterface in
 interface BaseNavigationInterface
          Defines the interface to be implemented by a TranformationBean which will use a NavigationBar to navigate through the TranformationBean's model.
 interface ColumnNavigationInterface
          Defines the interface to be implemented by a TranformationBean which will use a NavigationBar to navigate through the columns of the TranformationBean's model.
 interface EditNavigationInterface
          Defines an interface for editing a TransformationBean.
 interface RowNavigationInterface
          Defines the interface to be implemented by a TranformationBean which will use a NavigationBar to navigate through the rows of the TranformationBean's model.

Classes in that implement URLTemplateViewInterface
 class BaseNavigationBarElement
          The abstract Transformation Bean base object for creating elements for navigating through a Transformation Bean's model.

Uses of URLTemplateViewInterface in

Classes in that implement URLTemplateViewInterface
 class NavigationBarColumnScrollingElement
          The NavigationBarColumnScrollingElement is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 and JavaScript to represents the column scrolling actions for a NavigationBar.
 class NavigationBarEditingElement
          The NavigationBarEditingElement is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 and JavaScript to represents the edit actions for a NavigationBar.
 class NavigationBarRowScrollingElement
          The NavigationBarRowScrollingElement is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 and JavaScript to represents the row scrolling actions for a NavigationBar.
 class NavigationBarScrollingElement
          The abstract TransformationBean™ object needed to implement a navigation scrolling element.

Uses of URLTemplateViewInterface in

Classes in that implement URLTemplateViewInterface
 class OLAPESRIMapMenu
          MapMenu is a TransformationBean that subclasses the MenuBar tbean and has the map-related items that appear in the ESRI Map tbean toolbar..

Uses of URLTemplateViewInterface in

Classes in that implement URLTemplateViewInterface
 class BaseOLAPDrillState
          The BaseOLAPDrillState is an abstract TransformationBean™
 class BaseOLAPTableView
          The BaseOLAPTableView is an abstract TransformationBean™

Uses of URLTemplateViewInterface in

Classes in that implement URLTemplateViewInterface
 class OLAPDrillState
          The OLAPDrillState is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 to represent the drill state of the given multidimensional model.
 class OLAPTableView
          The OLAPTableView is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 and JavaScript to represent a table of data from the given multidimensional model.

Uses of URLTemplateViewInterface in

Classes in that implement URLTemplateViewInterface
 class BaseRemoteFileSearch
           The BaseRemoteFileSearch is an abstract TransformationBean™ that provides the methods for setting and returning the components and the models used for the search facility of the RemoteFileSelector.
 class BaseRemoteFileSelector
           The BaseRemoteFileSelector is an abstract TransformationBean™ that provides the methods for setting and returning the components and the model used to create the RemoteFileSelector component.
 class BaseRemoteFileToolBar
           The BaseRemoteFileToolBar is an abstract TransformationBean™ that provides the base function for the RemoteFileToolBar.

Uses of URLTemplateViewInterface in

Classes in that implement URLTemplateViewInterface
 class InformationServicesSearch
           The InformationServicesSearch is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 to represent the default search component for the InformationServicesSelector.
 class InformationServicesSelector
           The InformationServicesSelector is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 and JavaScript to represent a file selector that uses the Information Services interfaces.
 class RemoteFileSearch
           The RemoteFileSearch is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 to represent the search facility of the RemoteFileSelector component.
 class RemoteFileSelector
           The RemoteFileSelector is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 and JavaScript to represent a file selector.
 class RemoteFileToolBar
          The RemoteFileToolBar is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 to represent a ToolBar.

Uses of URLTemplateViewInterface in

Classes in that implement URLTemplateViewInterface
 class AbstractBaseTableView
          The abstract Transformation Bean base object for creating any TableView.
 class BaseTableView
          The base abstract Transformation Bean for creating a 2-dimensional Table.

Uses of URLTemplateViewInterface in

Classes in that implement URLTemplateViewInterface
 class TableView
          The TableView is a TransformationBean™ that generates a WML table with the data from the given model and format the 2-dimensional table.

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