SAS 9.1.3 Integration Technologies » Administrator's Guide (LDAP Version)

Using the Integration Technologies (IT) Administrator
Installation and Startup
How It Works
About the IT Administrator Interface
Directory Information
Adding Objects
Modifying Objects
Deleting Objects
Searching for Objects
Reloading Information
Getting Started

Modifying Objects with IT Administrator

To modify an object in the LDAP directory:

  1. Open IT Administrator.

  2. In the manager bar, select the administration area in which you would like to modify an object: Publish Framework, SAS Configuration, SAS Archiving, Applications, or SAS Data Sources.

  3. In the tree view, find the folder for the type of object you would like to modify. Then click the plus sign to open the folder. (For example, to modify a table object, you would open the Tables folder under SAS Data Sources.)

  4. Select the object that you wish to modify. The object's current properties will be displayed in the property view in the right portion of the window.

  5. Select the appropriate tabs, and enter the necessary changes. For a description of the properties, select the Help button; or select the appropriate topic on the Integration Technologies Administration index page.

  6. When you are finished, select the Save icon (Save) on the toolbar; or select File Save from the menu bar. (If you skip this step, IT Administrator will prompt you to save your changes when you attempt to navigate to another object.)