SAS 8.2 Integration Technologies

Release 8.2 Glossary

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

In the Publishing Framework, a result set package that is compressed and saved to a directory file. The archive may also be cataloged in an LDAP directory. The archive contains the contents of a package and metadata that is necessary for extracting the contents. An archive is compressed using ZIP compression and is saved with an SPK extension. The archive is saved to the specified location and remains available to users until you delete the archive. An object server can retrieve the archive upon request. See also Delivery Transport.

The data compression is accomplished using zlib, (c) 1995-1996 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler.

In LDAP, the distinguished name (DN) to use as a starting place for searches. Searches can begin at any point in the directory tree. Beginning the search lower in the tree can dramatically reduce both the search time and spurious results. For example, Base might be specified in SAS options or Workspace Manager parameters as BaseDN or ldapBase.

In the Publishing Framework, a method of delivering result set packages to a set of subscribers of that channel. See also Delivery Transport.

Component Object Model (COM)
Microsoft's specification for developing objects. COM is a language-neutral binary interface specification for Windows objects and a set of run-time functions for instantiating them. With COM, it is possible to build an object using one language, and use that object in another language. Both OLE and ActiveX were developed using COM. See also COM/DCOM Client.

A program that uses Microsoft's Component Object Model or Distributed Component Object Model to make requests to a server. COM/DCOM clients can be written in Visual Basic, C++, Perl, or other languages in the Windows environment.

Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)
A standard for distributed object communication that is created by the Object Management Group. CORBA is the most widely used distributed object standard for connecting operating system platforms from multiple vendors.

Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM)
Microsoft's specification for distributing and using COM objects across systems in a network. See also Component Object Model (COM) and COM/DCOM Client.

Delivery Transport
In the Publishing Framework, the method of delivering a result set package to the consumer. Supported transports include archive, e-mail, message queue, and WebDAV. Although not a true transport, a channel also functions as a delivery mechanism. See also Archive, E-mail, Message Queue, WebDAV, and Channel.

Directory Information Tree (DIT)
In LDAP, the entries that a directory server contains. These entries are stored in a hierarchical, tree-like structure.

Directory Schema
In LDAP, the set of defined attributes and object classes that defines the content of acceptable entries within the directory server.

Distinguished Name (DN)
A unique identifier of an entry in an LDAP Network Directory. In effect, it is the path to the object in the directory information tree.

See Directory Information Tree.

See Distinguished Name.

Domain Name System (DNS) Name
In TCP/IP, the identifier of the TCP/IP host using nomenclature that is meaningful to people. For example, might be the DNS name for the Alpine Airways Web server. The DNS server resolves DNS names to TCP/IP host addresses. For example, the DNS server might resolve to

In the Publishing Framework, a common method for delivering a result set package to recipients whose identities are known to the publisher. See also Delivery Transport.

Entry filter
See Package Entry Type Filter and MIME Type Filter.

In the Publishing Framework, an abstraction that specifies criteria for selecting a result set package or specific package entries for a subsequent operation. Filters are useful in the following contexts: channel subscription properties, viewer file processing, stored processes, and LDAP directory searches. For example, a channel subscriber can define a name/value filter that controls the types of packages that are delivered. The filter keys upon the name/value pair that a publisher has attached to the package that describes the package's content. See also Name/Value Pair, Name/Value Filter, Package Entry Type Filter, and MIME Type Filter.

In the Publishing Framework, a collection of subscribers. Subscribing groups to channels facilitates subscription management, which allows the convenient delivery of information to group members who share a common interest. When a group is subscribed to a channel, each member of the group who has a defined subscriber entry in the Publishing Framework will receive the information that is published to that channel. Only the administrator has the authority to add members to or remove members from a group.

Integrated Object Model (IOM)
The set of object-based interfaces that is surfaced by SAS software when it is run as an object server.

Integrated Object Model (IOM) Server
A SAS object server that is launched to fulfill client requests for IOM services.

IOM Bridge for COM
The software component of SAS Integration Technologies that is used (transparently) when a Windows client accesses an IOM Server on a platform other than Windows. The bridge allows developers to write applications to the Microsoft COM/DCOM specifications that access SAS servers, such as OS/390 and UNIX, that do not support the COM/DCOM specifications.

IOM Bridge for Java
The software component of SAS Integration Technologies that is used (transparently) when a Java client accesses an IOM Server. The bridge allows developers to write applications using Java that access MVA SAS servers.

IP Address
The Internet protocol address of a host.

Java Development Toolkit (JDK)
A Java software development environment that is available from Sun Microsystems, Inc. It includes a Java Runtime Environment (JRE), a compiler, a debugger, and other tools for developing Java applets and applications.

Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
An execution environment for Java applications and applets. The JRE consists of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), the Java platform core classes, and supporting files.

Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
A program that interprets your Java code so that it can be executed on the native operating system of your machine. The JVM can run on either the client or the server. The JVM is the key software component that enables your Java programs to be portable across platforms. A JVM is included with JDKs and JREs from Sun Microsystems, Inc., as well as with most Web browsers.

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
The protocol that is used by applications to store and retrieve information in a network directory (LDAP server). SAS Integration Technologies supports LDAP Version 2, which is specified by RFC 1777.

LDIF (LDAP Data Interchange Format) file
An open standard in which LDAP network directories share data. The LDAP server administrator also uses files in this format to populate the LDAP server.

A keyword that is used to identify the host on which you are executing. If the client uses a sasServer definition with a sasMachineDNSName of localhost, the client connects to the host on which the client is executing.

Logical Name
The name that is used by the Object Spawner Daemon, Workspace Factory, and Workspace Manager that allows for the assignment of a name to Object Server functionality. It is also used by SAS when publishing packages to an LDAP URL.

Message Queue
In application messaging, a place where one program can send messages that will be retrieved by another program. The two programs communicate asynchronously without any knowledge of the location of the other program or even whether the other program is running. See also Delivery Transport.

MIME Type Filter
In the Publishing Framework, it determines which file entries of a specific MIME type are included in packages that are published to that subscriber. MIME is an acronym for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. A MIME file type is identified when the publisher inserts the file entry into the package. Use of a MIME type filter is limited to subscribers who specify a message queue transport in their subscription properties. Examples of MIME types include application/zip, image/jpeg, or text/html. See also Filter.

Name/Value Pair
In the Publishing Framework, an attribute and value that the publisher uses to describe the contents of the package or a package entry. For example, "type=production" might be a name/value pair that is used to describe the entire package contents as production data. Both the entire package and a selected package entry can be assigned one or more site-specific name/value pairs. Subscribers can use name/value pairs as keys upon which to define name/value filters, which control the types of packages that are delivered to them. See also Name/Value Filter, Filter, and Viewer.

Name/Value Filter
In the Publishing Framework, a subscription property that determines which packages are published to that subscriber. A subscriber filter is keyed to the name/value pair that the publisher specifies in the package. See also Name/Value Pair and Filter.

In relation to publishing to WebDAV-enabled servers, a URI that identifies an entry in a WebDAV package. Visit the W3C Web site for more information about namespaces in XML.

Network Directory
Another name for an LDAP server. It is a directory that contains instances of object classes from a directory schema that are manipulated via the LDAP protocol.

Object Class
In LDAP, a definition of a type of object that can be stored in the network directory. Each object class consists of a set of attributes. The attributes can be either mandatory or optional. The complete set of object classes for a directory defines it schema.

Object Management Group (OMG)
A nonprofit industry consortium formed in April 1989 that develops standards for distributed objects. OMG standards include the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) and the Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP).

Object Request Broker (ORB)
In object-oriented programming, a piece of middleware that supports communication between clients and servers. When a client invokes a method that is supported by an object server class, the ORB finds an instance of the server class, invokes the requested method, and returns the results to the requesting client. An ORB allows clients and servers to dynamically discover the other and to communicate with each other across a network.

Object Server
See IOM Server.

Object Spawner
A process spawning service that instantiates object servers that are using the IOM Bridge protocol engine. In effect, it is a daemon on the server that listens for incoming client requests for IOM services. When the daemon receives a request from a new client, it launches an instance of an IOM server to fulfill the request. (Depending upon which incoming TCP/IP port the request was made, the spawner may alternatively initiate the administrator interface or service a request for a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).)

See Object Management Group.

See Object Request Broker.

In the Publishing Framework, a set of subscription properties that are assigned to a single channel. These unique properties override the default properties that a subscriber assigns to all channel subscriptions.

See Result Set Package.

Package Filter
See Name/Value Filter.

Package Entry Type Filter
In the Publishing Framework, it determines the types of package entries to be published to that subscriber. Use of a package entry type filter is limited to subscribers who specify a message queue transport in their subscription properties. Examples of entry types include binary, HTML, and MDDB. See also Name/Value Pair and Filter.

Package Entry MIME Type Filter
See MIME Type Filter.

A number that is used to direct traffic to a particular entity on a TCP/IP host. Servers listen on a specific port number, and the TCP/IP protocol stack on the host delivers traffic to each server based on this number.

In the Publishing Framework, any person, SAS program, or application that distributes information using the Publishing Framework.

See Message Queue.

Result Set Package
In the Publishing Framework, a container for content that was produced by a SAS System program execution or a third-party application. Package content takes these forms
  • SAS file
    • SAS catalog
    • SAS data set
    • SAS database (such as DMDB, FDB, and MDDB)
    • SAS SQL view
  • Binary file (such as Excel, GIF, JPG, PDF, PowerPoint, and Word)
  • HTML file (including ODS output)
  • Reference string (such as a URL)
  • Text file (such as a SAS program)
  • Viewer file (an HTML template that formats SAS file items for viewing in a view-only transport, such as e-mail).

A scheduling algorithm that iterates through all available choices before beginning again with the first choice. For example, if there are three choices, A, B, and C, the scheduler would process A the first time, B the second, and C the third. Then the process would repeat starting with A and so on.

See Directory Schema.

Service Name
In TCP/IP, a port identifier. Service names are defined in your installation's services file. The location of the services file is host dependent, but it is typically located as follows:

For OS/390: The location is site specific. Contact your network administrator.
For UNIX: /etc/services
For Windows NT: c:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\services

Spawner Configuration File
An LDIF file that contains the information that is needed to launch an Object Spawner Daemon.

Java classes that act as interfaces for remote software objects. Stubs are instantiated on the client and are passed method calls, which the stub then repackages for delivery through an ORB to remote software objects. In many distributed object systems, stubs are referred to as proxies.

In the Publishing Framework, a recipient of information that is published to a channel.

In the Publishing Framework, the association of a subscriber or a group to a channel.

Subscription Manager Applet
In the Publishing Framework, a Java applet that enables subscribers to create and manage their own subscriptions.

URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)
It identifies entries in WebDAV packages. URIs are documented in RFC2396.

UUID (Universally Unique Identifier)
Also known as a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID), a 128 bit identifier that is comprised of date/time information and a host's IEEE node address. Its 128 bits represent 1 x 10 * * 39 unique identifiers.

In the Publishing Framework, a custom-written template that contains HTML tags for formatting result set package content for view-only transports, such as e-mail. The viewer file is applied to the package during package publishing. A viewer file is particularly useful for rendering a SAS data set in a tabular format for viewing in e-mail. Also, it is useful for streaming dynamic information in the form of a binary file or a URL for inclusion in an electronic newsletter format.

WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning)
An emerging industry standard that is based on extensions to HTTP 1.1 that enables collaborative development of files and collections of files on remote Web servers. WebDAV is documented in RFC2518. Visit the WebDAV site for more information. See also Delivery Transport.

A SAS Integrated Object Model (IOM) workspace represents a single session with the SAS System. It is also a root object in the IOM object hierarchy. In function, it is similar to the Application object, which is available in many Microsoft products.

XML (Extensible Markup Language)
A subset of SGML that enables generic SGML to be served, received, and processed on the Web in the way that is now possible with HTML. Visit the XML site for more information.