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CORBA Interface IFileService

A service for manipulating files and filerefs in a SAS Workspace.



IFileService Description

This component provides access to the files and filerefs that are accessible to a SAS Workspace. Each workspace has a single file service, which can be found in its FileService attribute.

The FileService and the related Fileref, FileInfo, BinaryStream and TextStream interfaces are implemented by the underlying Multi-Vendor Architecture of the SAS System so that the same interfaces can be supported on different host platforms. If you avoid host-specific assumptions in your code, you can write client applications that will operate correctly across different types of host filesystems.

While you can list and manage files and filerefs through this interface, you use the Fileref interface to read or write the data itself. Furthermore, there are no interfaces that manipulate physical files directly. In order to read from or write to a file, you must first create a fileref.

Users of the FileService should be familiar with SAS files and filerefs. Note that an "Access Method" and a "Device" are synonymous; the FileService uses the term "Access Method."

CORBA Definitions
 enum ListFilesMode  Indicates the type of directory list to be performed by the ListFiles operation.
 enum AssignmentContext  Indicates how a fileref assignment was made.
 enum TypeCategory  Describes how to interpret the type name that is returned by the ListFiles operation.
 enum ListFilesIndex  Indices to the fieldInclusionMask array parameter of the ListFiles operation.
 enum ListFilerefsIndex  Indices to the fieldInclusionMask array parameter to the ListFileref operation.
 attribute Parent  The workspace containing this file service.
 method ListFiles  Lists all files in a directory.
 method DeleteFile  Deletes a file or directory.
 method MakeDirectory  Creates a new directory.
 method RenameFile  Renames an existing file or directory.
 method FullName  Returns the full pathname given a file name and directory name.
 method SplitName  Breaks a pathname into a directory and member. Useful for creating a libname.
 method ListFilerefs  Returns a list of all assigned filerefs on the current SAS Workspace.
 method AssignFileref  Assign a SAS fileref.
 method DeassignFileref  Deassigns a fileref.
 method UseFileref  Obtains the fileref component for the specified fileref name.

Java Classes
 IFileServiceHelper  Used to manipulate the IFileService type
 IFileServiceHolder  Used to process the IFileService type as an out parameter
 ListFilesMode  Indicates the type of directory list to be performed by the ListFiles operation.
 ListFilesModeHelper  Used to manipulate the ListFilesMode type
 ListFilesModeHolder  Used to process the ListFilesMode type as an out parameter
 ListFilesModeSeqHelper  Used to manipulate one dimensional arrays of the ListFilesMode type
 ListFilesModeSeqHolder  Used to process one dimensional arrays of the ListFilesMode type as an out parameter
 VariableArray2dOfListFilesModeHelper  Used to manipulate two dimensional arrays of the ListFilesMode type
 VariableArray2dOfListFilesModeHolder  Used to process two dimensional arrays of the ListFilesMode type
 AssignmentContext  Indicates how a fileref assignment was made.
 AssignmentContextHelper  Used to manipulate the AssignmentContext type
 AssignmentContextHolder  Used to process the AssignmentContext type as an out parameter
 AssignmentContextSeqHelper  Used to manipulate one dimensional arrays of the AssignmentContext type
 AssignmentContextSeqHolder  Used to process one dimensional arrays of the AssignmentContext type as an out parameter
 VariableArray2dOfAssignmentContextHelper  Used to manipulate two dimensional arrays of the AssignmentContext type
 VariableArray2dOfAssignmentContextHolder  Used to process two dimensional arrays of the AssignmentContext type
 TypeCategory  Describes how to interpret the type name that is returned by the ListFiles operation.
 TypeCategoryHelper  Used to manipulate the TypeCategory type
 TypeCategoryHolder  Used to process the TypeCategory type as an out parameter
 TypeCategorySeqHelper  Used to manipulate one dimensional arrays of the TypeCategory type
 TypeCategorySeqHolder  Used to process one dimensional arrays of the TypeCategory type as an out parameter
 VariableArray2dOfTypeCategoryHelper  Used to manipulate two dimensional arrays of the TypeCategory type
 VariableArray2dOfTypeCategoryHolder  Used to process two dimensional arrays of the TypeCategory type
 ListFilesIndex  Indices to the fieldInclusionMask array parameter of the ListFiles operation.
 ListFilesIndexHelper  Used to manipulate the ListFilesIndex type
 ListFilesIndexHolder  Used to process the ListFilesIndex type as an out parameter
 ListFilesIndexSeqHelper  Used to manipulate one dimensional arrays of the ListFilesIndex type
 ListFilesIndexSeqHolder  Used to process one dimensional arrays of the ListFilesIndex type as an out parameter
 VariableArray2dOfListFilesIndexHelper  Used to manipulate two dimensional arrays of the ListFilesIndex type
 VariableArray2dOfListFilesIndexHolder  Used to process two dimensional arrays of the ListFilesIndex type
 ListFilerefsIndex  Indices to the fieldInclusionMask array parameter to the ListFileref operation.
 ListFilerefsIndexHelper  Used to manipulate the ListFilerefsIndex type
 ListFilerefsIndexHolder  Used to process the ListFilerefsIndex type as an out parameter
 ListFilerefsIndexSeqHelper  Used to manipulate one dimensional arrays of the ListFilerefsIndex type
 ListFilerefsIndexSeqHolder  Used to process one dimensional arrays of the ListFilerefsIndex type as an out parameter
 VariableArray2dOfListFilerefsIndexHelper  Used to manipulate two dimensional arrays of the ListFilerefsIndex type
 VariableArray2dOfListFilerefsIndexHolder  Used to process two dimensional arrays of the ListFilerefsIndex type

Java Interfaces
 IFileService  A service for manipulating files and filerefs in a SAS Workspace.

Java Interface IFileService

A service for manipulating files and filerefs in a SAS Workspace.


IFileService Description
This component provides access to the files and filerefs that are accessible to a SAS Workspace. Each workspace has a single file service, which can be found in its FileService attribute.

The FileService and the related Fileref, FileInfo, BinaryStream and TextStream interfaces are implemented by the underlying Multi-Vendor Architecture of the SAS System so that the same interfaces can be supported on different host platforms. If you avoid host-specific assumptions in your code, you can write client applications that will operate correctly across different types of host filesystems.

While you can list and manage files and filerefs through this interface, you use the Fileref interface to read or write the data itself. Furthermore, there are no interfaces that manipulate physical files directly. In order to read from or write to a file, you must first create a fileref.

Users of the FileService should be familiar with SAS files and filerefs. Note that an "Access Method" and a "Device" are synonymous; the FileService uses the term "Access Method."

public interface IFileService
extends org.omg.CORBA.Object

Method Summary

 void ListFiles ( java.lang.String path , ListFilesMode mode , boolean[] fieldInclusionMask , org.omg.CORBA.StringHolder listedPath , StringSeqHolder names , StringSeqHolder typenames , TypeCategorySeqHolder typeCategories , IntSeqHolder sizes , LongSeqHolder modtimes , StringSeqHolder engines )
throws ( InvalidFieldMask, GenericError );

Lists all files in a directory.

 void DeleteFile ( java.lang.String path )
throws ( GenericError );

Deletes a file or directory.

 java.lang.String MakeDirectory ( java.lang.String parentDirectory , java.lang.String directoryName )
throws ( GenericError );

Creates a new directory.

 void RenameFile ( java.lang.String oldPath , java.lang.String newPath )
throws ( GenericError );

Renames an existing file or directory.

 java.lang.String FullName ( java.lang.String shortName , java.lang.String parentName )
throws ( GenericError );

Returns the full pathname given a file name and directory name.

 void SplitName ( java.lang.String path , org.omg.CORBA.StringHolder shortName , org.omg.CORBA.StringHolder parentName )
throws ( GenericError );

Breaks a pathname into a directory and member. Useful for creating a libname.

 void ListFilerefs ( boolean[] fieldInclusionMask , StringSeqHolder names , AssignmentContextSeqHolder assignmentContexts , StringSeqHolder paths , StringSeqHolder accessMethods )
throws ( InvalidFieldMask, GenericError );

Returns a list of all assigned filerefs on the current SAS Workspace.

 IFileref AssignFileref ( java.lang.String requestedName , java.lang.String accessMethodOrDevice , java.lang.String externalFile , java.lang.String hostOptions , org.omg.CORBA.StringHolder assignedName )
throws ( GenericError );

Assign a SAS fileref.

 void DeassignFileref ( java.lang.String name )
throws ( GenericError );

Deassigns a fileref.

 IFileref UseFileref ( java.lang.String name )
throws ( GenericError );

Obtains the fileref component for the specified fileref name.

CORBA Enum ListFilesMode

Indicates the type of directory list to be performed by the ListFiles operation.

This enumeration indicates the type of directory list to be performed by the ListFiles operation. It determines whether or not the ListFiles::path parameter is used and how it is interpreted.


Member Description
ListFilesModeRoot  The ListFiles operation will list the host-specific system root directory. The ListFiles::path parameter is ignored.  
ListFilesModeUser  The ListFiles operation will list the host-specific user home directory. The ListFiles::path parameter is ignored.  
ListFilesModePath  The ListFiles operation will list the directory specified in the path parameter.  
ListFilesModeParentOfPath  The ListFiles operation will list the directory that is the parent of the directory specified in path.  

Java Class ListFilesMode

public class ListFilesMode


CORBA Enum AssignmentContext

Indicates how a fileref assignment was made.

This enumeration indicates how a fileref assignment was made.


Member Description
AssignmentContextRegular  A user created the name and assignment. Filerefs created by the FILENAME statement are in this category, as are ones created by the AssignFileref operation when you pass a non-empty AssignFileref::requestedName parameter.  
AssignmentContextTemporary  The fileref name was generated by the system; often as a result of a user action.

Since temporary filerefs are programming mechanisms, not user-chosen logical names, it often better to suppress them when presenting lists of filerefs back to a user.  

AssignmentContextSystem  The SAS System created this fileref through a host-specific mechanism such as a DD statement under OS/390 or an environment variable on Unix.  

Java Class AssignmentContext

public class AssignmentContext


CORBA Enum TypeCategory

Describes how to interpret the type name that is returned by the ListFiles operation.

This enumeration describes how to interpret the type name that is returned by the ListFiles operation.


Member Description
TypeCategoryDirectory  The type name should be ignored; the filename is a directory.  
TypeCategorySASType  SAS has recognized the file as being of a well-known type. The type name is a standard file type name in the SAS System and is portable across hosts.  
TypeCategoryExtension  SAS has not recognized the file as being of one of its well-known types. The type name is the file name's extension or it is blank if the file name has no extension.  

Java Class TypeCategory

public class TypeCategory


CORBA Enum ListFilesIndex

Indices to the fieldInclusionMask array parameter of the ListFiles operation.

This enumeration defines indices to the ListFiles::fieldInclusionMask array parameter. When passed, this mask indicates whether or not each of the corresponding output parameters should be filled.


Member Description
ListFilesIndexNames  The mask element which corresponds to the array of file names (ListFiles::names).  
ListFilesIndexTypeNames  The mask element which corresponds to the array of type names (ListFiles::typenames).  
ListFilesIndexTypeCategories  The mask element which corresponds to the array of type categories (ListFiles::typeCategories).  
ListFilesIndexSizes  The mask element which corresponds to the array of file sizes (ListFiles::sizes).  
ListFilesIndexModTimes  The mask element which corresponds to the array of last-modified times (ListFiles::modtimes).  
ListFilesIndexEngines  The mask element which corresponds to the array of engine names (ListFiles::engines).  
ListFilesIndexNumIndices  The number of elements in the field inclusion mask for the ListFiles operation.  

Java Class ListFilesIndex

public class ListFilesIndex


CORBA Enum ListFilerefsIndex

Indices to the fieldInclusionMask array parameter to the ListFileref operation.

This enumeration defines indices to the ListFilerefs::fieldInclusionMask array parameter. When passed, this mask indicates whether or not each of the corresponding output parameters should be filled.


Member Description
ListFilerefsIndexNames  The mask element which corresponds to the array of fileref names (ListFilerefs::names).  
ListFilerefsIndexAssignmentContexts  The mask element which corresponds to the array of fileref assignment contexts (ListFilerefs::assignmentContexts).  
ListFilerefsIndexPaths  The mask element which corresponds to the array of fileref physical file paths (ListFilerefs::paths).  
ListFilerefsIndexAccessMethods  The mask element which corresponds to the array of fileref access method names (ListFilerefs::accessMethods).  
ListFilerefsIndexNumIndices  The number of elements in the field inclusion mask for the ListFilerefs operation.  

Java Class ListFilerefsIndex

public class ListFilerefsIndex


CORBA Attribute Parent (readonly)

The workspace containing this file service.

This attribute allows you to navigate back to the Workspace of this FileService component. All files and filerefs accessed through this service are those visible in the parent workspace.


Java Method Parent

public IWorkspace Parent ();

CORBA Method ListFiles

Lists all files in a directory.

This operation lists all files in the specified directory. It returns six output arrays. The ListFiles::fieldInclusionMask parameter indicates which of the individual output arrays are filled by the call. A filled output array contains one element for each file in the directory. Thus, all the filled output arrays are the same size and the complete information about a particular file in the directoy is available from the corresponding (same index) elements of each array. When an output array is not filled, it contains zero elements on return from the call.

The semantics of this operation are based on the model of a hierarchical, directory-based filesystem as popularized by Unix and adopted by PC operating systems. For some host filesystems, notably mainframes, the native filesystems do not conform to this model. In these cases, the SAS System provides an emulation of a hierarchical, directory-based system.

For the SAS System under OS/390, this method has only experimental status. Its behaviour may change in future releases.


Java Method ListFiles

void ListFiles (

    java.lang.String path ,
    ListFilesMode mode ,
    boolean[] fieldInclusionMask ,
    org.omg.CORBA.StringHolder listedPath ,
    StringSeqHolder names ,
    StringSeqHolder typenames ,
    TypeCategorySeqHolder typeCategories ,
    IntSeqHolder sizes ,
    LongSeqHolder modtimes ,
    StringSeqHolder engines 
    throws (

Parameter Details

Parameter Direction Type Description
path  in  java.lang.String  This parameter is used together with the ListFiles::mode parameter to determine which directory is listed.  
mode  in  ListFilesMode  One of the ListFilesMode enumeration values.  
fieldInclusionMask  in  boolean[]  This input parameter determines which of the six array output parameters are filled by the call. You must supply an array of either zero or six (ListFilesIndexNumIndices) elements.

The simplest approach is to supply a zero-element array for the mask. If you do this, then all of the output arrays will be filled.

You can make the call more efficient by indicating which output parameters need to be filled and which don't. The potential efficiency improvement is partly a result of reduced network traffic, but comes primarily from reducing the amount of work required on the server.

If you supply a six-element mask array, then each element indicates whether or not the corresponding output parameter will be filled by the call. The correspondence between mask array elements and output parameters is defined by the ListFilesIndex enumeration. If, for example, you don't need the file modification times, then you should set mask[ListFilesIndexModTimes] to false.  

listedPath  out  org.omg.CORBA.StringHolder  Returns the name of the directory selected by the ListFiles::path and ListFiles::mode.

Note that the returned value of this output parameter will only be the same directory as the ListFiles::path parameter when you to set ListFiles::mode to ListFilesModePath.  

names  out  StringSeqHolder  This array output parameter returns the names of all files and directories in the requested directory. These names are "short names" in that the full pathname is not provided. The names do include any extension (such as ".sas").

In order to create a full pathname, combine the returned ListFiles::listedPath parameter with an entry in this array using FullName.  

typenames  out  StringSeqHolder  Indicates the type of each file. It will be blank for subdirectories.

This should be used in conjunction with the following parameter (ListFiles::typeCategories).  

typeCategories  out  TypeCategorySeqHolder  The elements of this array output parameter define the interpretation of the corresponding elements in the output array of type names. See TypeCategory for details.  
sizes  out  IntSeqHolder  The number of bytes in each file or subdirectory.

Note that the meaning of this parameter is host-dependent and does not necessarily correspond to the size of the contents of the directory.  

modtimes  out  LongSeqHolder  The last-modified time for each file or subdirectory, generally in terms of local time.

A particular local time value may be based on the time zone of the SAS IOM server, or it may be the local time of the computer that stored the timestamp. There is no way to determine whose local time is represented. Besides geography, time zone is also set by Daylight Savings Time changes. Thus, the same computer can read and write timestamps in different time zones in different parts of the year.

For some files on some hosts, it may be possible to retrieve a date, but not time-of-day. In some other cases, even the date may be unknown. For unknown dates, the SAS System base date of midnight, January 1 1960 will generally be returned.

Given the number of filesystems with which SAS Software interacts, the accuracy of this datetime may vary.  

engines  out  StringSeqHolder  Returns the SAS library engine associated with each SAS file in a SAS data library. If the file is not a member of a SAS data library, the engine value will be an empty string.  

CORBA Method DeleteFile

Deletes a file or directory.



Java Method DeleteFile

void DeleteFile (

    java.lang.String path 
    throws (

Parameter Details

Parameter Direction Type Description
path  in  java.lang.String  If the file was located using ListFiles, then you should use FullName to form the path.  

CORBA Method MakeDirectory

Creates a new directory.

This operation creates a new directory. The call combines the input parameters to create the full pathname of the directory to be created and then returns that full path.

Note that not all access methods support the creation of a directory.


Java Method MakeDirectory

java.lang.String MakeDirectory (

    java.lang.String parentDirectory ,
    java.lang.String directoryName 
    throws (

Parameter Details

Parameter Direction Type Description
parentDirectory  in  java.lang.String  The operating system-dependent full pathname of the directory that is to contain the new directory.  
directoryName  in  java.lang.String  The name of the new directory.  

CORBA Method RenameFile

Renames an existing file or directory.

This operation renames an existing file or directory.


Java Method RenameFile

void RenameFile (

    java.lang.String oldPath ,
    java.lang.String newPath 
    throws (

Parameter Details

Parameter Direction Type Description
oldPath  in  java.lang.String  The full pathname of the existing file or directory that is to be renamed. For best operation with servers on different operating systems, if the file was located using ListFiles, then you should use FullName to form the path.  
newPath  in  java.lang.String  The full pathname of the new file or directory. For best operation with servers on different operating systems, if the new file name will be created by combining a "short name" with a directory located using ListFiles, then you should use FullName to form the path.  

CORBA Method FullName

Returns the full pathname given a file name and directory name.

This operation returns the full pathname given a file name and directory name. It accommodates the fact that not all host platforms and filesystems use the same syntax for indicating directory hierarchy relationships.

This operation is typically called to create a full pathname from one of the names returned from ListFiles.

For the SAS System under OS/390, this method has only experimental status. Its behaviour may change in future releases.


Java Method FullName

java.lang.String FullName (

    java.lang.String shortName ,
    java.lang.String parentName 
    throws (

Parameter Details

Parameter Direction Type Description
shortName  in  java.lang.String  The name of the file or directory that needs to be combined into a full pathname.  
parentName  in  java.lang.String  A pathname of the directory to contain the shortName.  

CORBA Method SplitName

Breaks a pathname into a directory and member. Useful for creating a libname.

Break a pathname into a directory and member.

For the SAS System under OS/390, this method has only experimental status. Its behaviour may change in future releases.


Java Method SplitName

void SplitName (

    java.lang.String path ,
    org.omg.CORBA.StringHolder shortName ,
    org.omg.CORBA.StringHolder parentName 
    throws (

Parameter Details

Parameter Direction Type Description
path  in  java.lang.String  The operating system-dependent pathname that needs to be broken out into the containing directory and the contained file or subdirectory.  
shortName  out  org.omg.CORBA.StringHolder  The returned file or subdirectory that is specified by SplitName::path.  
parentName  out  org.omg.CORBA.StringHolder  The returned directory that contains SplitName::shortName.  

CORBA Method ListFilerefs

Returns a list of all assigned filerefs on the current SAS Workspace.

This operation returns information about the assigned filerefs in the Workspace. It returns four output arrays. The ListFilerefs::fieldInclusionMask parameter indicates which of the individual output arrays are filled by the call. A filled output array contains one element for each fileref in the workspace. Thus, all the filled output arrays are the same size and the complete information about a particular fileref is available from the corresponding (same index) elements of each array. When an output array is not filled, it contains zero elements on return from the call.

In the case of a concatenated fileref, multiple entries for the same fileref will be returned, corresponding to each concatenated member.

Note that there is not enough information returned in this method to fully recreate the original fileref; the original options are not available.

Java Method ListFilerefs

void ListFilerefs (

    boolean[] fieldInclusionMask ,
    StringSeqHolder names ,
    AssignmentContextSeqHolder assignmentContexts ,
    StringSeqHolder paths ,
    StringSeqHolder accessMethods 
    throws (

Parameter Details

Parameter Direction Type Description
fieldInclusionMask  in  boolean[]  This input parameter determines which of the four array output parameters are filled by the call. You must supply an array of either zero or four (ListFilerefsIndexNumIndices) elements.

The simplest approach is to supply a zero-element array for the mask. If you do this, then all of the output arrays will be filled.

You can make the call a little more efficient by indicating which output parameters need to be filled and which don't. If you supply a four-element mask array, then each element indicates whether or not the corresponding output parameter will be filled by the call. The correspondence between mask array elements and output parameters is defined by the ListFilerefsIndex enumeration. If, for example, you don't need the access method names, then you should set mask[ListFilerefsIndexAccessMethods] to false.


names  out  StringSeqHolder  The name of each fileref assigned in the workspace.  
assignmentContexts  out  AssignmentContextSeqHolder  This array output parameter indicates how each fileref was assigned. See AssignmentContext for details.

Do not rely on the naming scheme for temporary filerefs; these can change between hosts and between releases of the SAS System.  

paths  out  StringSeqHolder  Indicates the pathname associated with each fileref.  
accessMethods  out  StringSeqHolder  Indicates the accessMethod (also called device by some documentation) that was used when each fileref was created.  

CORBA Method AssignFileref

Assign a SAS fileref.

This operation assigns a fileref in a manner analogous to the SAS language FILENAME statement. This call creates and returns a Fileref component to represent the new fileref.


Java Method AssignFileref

public IFileref AssignFileref (

    java.lang.String requestedName ,
    java.lang.String accessMethodOrDevice ,
    java.lang.String externalFile ,
    java.lang.String hostOptions ,
    org.omg.CORBA.StringHolder assignedName 
    throws (

Parameter Details

Parameter Direction Type Description
requestedName  in  java.lang.String  The name to use for this fileref.

This should be 8 or fewer characters. If you pass in an empty string, an access method value of "TEMP", then the call will create a temporary file.  

accessMethodOrDevice  in  java.lang.String  Indicates the access method that will handle fileref.

You can use PROC NICKNAME to get a list of all access methods supported on your host. Different hosts support a different set of access methods.  

externalFile  in  java.lang.String  The file or directory (or access method-specific string) with which to associate the fileref. Note that this can be a concatenated list of files using the same syntax as in the SAS language FILENAME statement.  
hostOptions  in  java.lang.String  The options to use when creating the fileref. Most of these are specific to the host or access method.  
assignedName  out  org.omg.CORBA.StringHolder  Returns the assignedName. The assignedName will differ from the requested name when a temporary fileref is requested.  

CORBA Method DeassignFileref

Deassigns a fileref.

This operation deassigns the specified fileref. and destroys the associated fileref object. It is analogous to the FILENAME CLEAR statement in the SAS language.


Java Method DeassignFileref

void DeassignFileref (

    java.lang.String name 
    throws (

Parameter Details

Parameter Direction Type Description
name  in  java.lang.String  The name of the fileref to deassign.  

CORBA Method UseFileref

Obtains the fileref component for the specified fileref name.

This operation locates and returns the Fileref component for a given fileref name.

You should you call this operation when the fileref has already been assigned within the SAS Workspace and you are simply trying to retieve the Fileref component. If you need to perform the assignment first, call AssignFileref.

Java Method UseFileref

public IFileref UseFileref (

    java.lang.String name 
    throws (

Parameter Details

Parameter Direction Type Description
name  in  java.lang.String  The name of the previously assigned fileref to obtain. An error will occur if the requested fileref has not been previously assigned.  

Contents Developing Java Clients