![]() |
Developing Java Clients |
CORBA Modules | |
module SAS | Integrated Object Model (IOM) |
module SASEvents | Event interfaces associated with the SAS module |
Java Packages | |
package com.sas.iom.SAS | Integrated Object Model (IOM) |
package com.sas.iom.SASEvents | Event interfaces associated with the SAS module |
Integrated Object Model (IOM)
CORBA Definitions | |
const NumericMissingIgnore | Tells the SAS System to look in the actual data value to determine whether the value is missing. The missing parameter is ignored. |
const NumericMissingUnderscore | Underscore special numeric missing value. |
const NumericMissingDot | The standard numeric missing value (represented as the period character in SAS source code). |
const NumericMissingA | Speical numeric missing value A. Values for special numeric missings B-Z successively increment by 1. |
const NumericMissingZ | Special numeric missing Z. |
const NotMissing | The numeric data item is not a missing value. |
enum BaseType | The distinction between numeric and character for SAS System variables and data items. |
exception InvalidPName | Invalid physicalname. |
exception NoAccessMethod | No access method could not be loaded. |
exception InvalidLName | Invalid logical name. |
exception InvalidOptValue | Invalid option value. |
exception InvalidOptName | Invalid option name. |
exception LNameNoAssign | Logical name is not assigned. |
exception DiskFull | No space in file. |
exception NoReplace | File cannot be replaced. |
exception NoLock | Lock not available. |
exception InvalidPassword | Invalid or missing password. |
exception InvalidFieldMask | The mask parameter specified to this method is not valid. |
exception InvalidInterface | The interface received as a parameter is not valid for the requested operation. The interface may be of the wrong type or it may be an interface not created by this server. |
exception InvalidVarName | |
exception VarNameExists | |
exception VarNameConflicts | |
exception NotAuthorized | |
interface IDataService | Provides access to data sources. |
interface ILibref | Manipulates and enumerates members of a SAS library. |
interface IStoredProcessService | A service to execute SAS language programs that are stored on a server. |
interface ILanguageService | A service for submitting SAS language and obtaining output from the SAS list and log. |
interface IWorkspace | A SAS session. |
enum StreamOpenMode | The type of access requested for a stream (often a file). |
enum FileSpecType | Identifies the type of name associated with a file. |
interface IUtilities | Various utility features for controlling a SAS workspace. |
enum PackageType | Result Package Entry Types |
interface IResultPackageService | Manipulates result packages that are accessible by the server on which its SAS workspace is running. |
interface IResultPackage | A package of outputs such as HTML pages, datasets and external files. |
interface IResultPackageFileEntry | Describes the available result package file entry component actions. |
interface IResultPackageHTMLEntry | Describes the available result package HTML set entry component actions. |
interface IResultPackageLibraryMemberEntry | Describes the available result package library member entry component actions. |
interface IResultPackageReferenceEntry | Describes the available result package reference entry component actions. |
interface IResultPackageViewerEntry | Describes the available result package viewer entry component actions. |
interface IBinaryStream | Supports sequential access to binary data sources such as binary files. |
interface ITextStream | Supports sequential access to textual data sources such as text files. |
interface IFileService | A service for manipulating files and filerefs in a SAS Workspace. |
interface IFileInfo | The FileInfo interface provides additional information about a SAS Fileref. This interface cannot make any changes to any attributes. |
interface IFileref | Represents an assigned fileref in the associated SAS Workspace. |
interface IHostSystem | The server on which this SAS Workspace is running. |
interface IFormatService | A service that performs data conversion using SAS formats and informats. |
interface IFormatEnumerator | Provide information about a client-selected list of formats and informats. |
interface IOptionService | A service that sets and gets option values for a SAS Workspace. |
interface ILibref_1_1 | Manipulates and enumerates members of a SAS library. |
interface IResultPackage_1_1 | A package of outputs such as HTML pages, datasets and external files. |
Java Classes | |
BaseType | The distinction between numeric and character for SAS System variables and data items. |
BaseTypeHelper | Used to manipulate the BaseType type |
BaseTypeHolder | Used to process the BaseType type as an out parameter |
BaseTypeSeqHelper | Used to manipulate one dimensional arrays of the BaseType type |
BaseTypeSeqHolder | Used to process one dimensional arrays of the BaseType type as an out parameter |
VariableArray2dOfBaseTypeHelper | Used to manipulate two dimensional arrays of the BaseType type |
VariableArray2dOfBaseTypeHolder | Used to process two dimensional arrays of the BaseType type as an out parameter |
InvalidPName | Invalid physicalname. |
InvalidPNameHelper | Used to manipulate the InvalidPName type |
InvalidPNameHolder | Used to process the InvalidPName type as an out parameter |
NoAccessMethod | No access method could not be loaded. |
NoAccessMethodHelper | Used to manipulate the NoAccessMethod type |
NoAccessMethodHolder | Used to process the NoAccessMethod type as an out parameter |
InvalidLName | Invalid logical name. |
InvalidLNameHelper | Used to manipulate the InvalidLName type |
InvalidLNameHolder | Used to process the InvalidLName type as an out parameter |
InvalidOptValue | Invalid option value. |
InvalidOptValueHelper | Used to manipulate the InvalidOptValue type |
InvalidOptValueHolder | Used to process the InvalidOptValue type as an out parameter |
InvalidOptName | Invalid option name. |
InvalidOptNameHelper | Used to manipulate the InvalidOptName type |
InvalidOptNameHolder | Used to process the InvalidOptName type as an out parameter |
LNameNoAssign | Logical name is not assigned. |
LNameNoAssignHelper | Used to manipulate the LNameNoAssign type |
LNameNoAssignHolder | Used to process the LNameNoAssign type as an out parameter |
DiskFull | No space in file. |
DiskFullHelper | Used to manipulate the DiskFull type |
DiskFullHolder | Used to process the DiskFull type as an out parameter |
NoReplace | File cannot be replaced. |
NoReplaceHelper | Used to manipulate the NoReplace type |
NoReplaceHolder | Used to process the NoReplace type as an out parameter |
NoLock | Lock not available. |
NoLockHelper | Used to manipulate the NoLock type |
NoLockHolder | Used to process the NoLock type as an out parameter |
InvalidPassword | Invalid or missing password. |
InvalidPasswordHelper | Used to manipulate the InvalidPassword type |
InvalidPasswordHolder | Used to process the InvalidPassword type as an out parameter |
InvalidFieldMask | The mask parameter specified to this method is not valid. |
InvalidFieldMaskHelper | Used to manipulate the InvalidFieldMask type |
InvalidFieldMaskHolder | Used to process the InvalidFieldMask type as an out parameter |
InvalidInterface | The interface received as a parameter is not valid for the requested operation. The interface may be of the wrong type or it may be an interface not created by this server. |
InvalidInterfaceHelper | Used to manipulate the InvalidInterface type |
InvalidInterfaceHolder | Used to process the InvalidInterface type as an out parameter |
InvalidVarName | |
InvalidVarNameHelper | Used to manipulate the InvalidVarName type |
InvalidVarNameHolder | Used to process the InvalidVarName type as an out parameter |
VarNameExists | |
VarNameExistsHelper | Used to manipulate the VarNameExists type |
VarNameExistsHolder | Used to process the VarNameExists type as an out parameter |
VarNameConflicts | |
VarNameConflictsHelper | Used to manipulate the VarNameConflicts type |
VarNameConflictsHolder | Used to process the VarNameConflicts type as an out parameter |
NotAuthorized | |
NotAuthorizedHelper | Used to manipulate the NotAuthorized type |
NotAuthorizedHolder | Used to process the NotAuthorized type as an out parameter |
StreamOpenMode | The type of access requested for a stream (often a file). |
StreamOpenModeHelper | Used to manipulate the StreamOpenMode type |
StreamOpenModeHolder | Used to process the StreamOpenMode type as an out parameter |
StreamOpenModeSeqHelper | Used to manipulate one dimensional arrays of the StreamOpenMode type |
StreamOpenModeSeqHolder | Used to process one dimensional arrays of the StreamOpenMode type as an out parameter |
VariableArray2dOfStreamOpenModeHelper | Used to manipulate two dimensional arrays of the StreamOpenMode type |
VariableArray2dOfStreamOpenModeHolder | Used to process two dimensional arrays of the StreamOpenMode type as an out parameter |
FileSpecType | Identifies the type of name associated with a file. |
FileSpecTypeHelper | Used to manipulate the FileSpecType type |
FileSpecTypeHolder | Used to process the FileSpecType type as an out parameter |
FileSpecTypeSeqHelper | Used to manipulate one dimensional arrays of the FileSpecType type |
FileSpecTypeSeqHolder | Used to process one dimensional arrays of the FileSpecType type as an out parameter |
VariableArray2dOfFileSpecTypeHelper | Used to manipulate two dimensional arrays of the FileSpecType type |
VariableArray2dOfFileSpecTypeHolder | Used to process two dimensional arrays of the FileSpecType type as an out parameter |
PackageType | Result Package Entry Types |
PackageTypeHelper | Used to manipulate the PackageType type |
PackageTypeHolder | Used to process the PackageType type as an out parameter |
PackageTypeSeqHelper | Used to manipulate one dimensional arrays of the PackageType type |
PackageTypeSeqHolder | Used to process one dimensional arrays of the PackageType type as an out parameter |
VariableArray2dOfPackageTypeHelper | Used to manipulate two dimensional arrays of the PackageType type |
VariableArray2dOfPackageTypeHolder | Used to process two dimensional arrays of the PackageType type as an out parameter |
Java Interfaces | |
NumericMissingIgnore | Tells the SAS System to look in the actual data value to determine whether the value is missing. The missing parameter is ignored. |
NumericMissingUnderscore | Underscore special numeric missing value. |
NumericMissingDot | The standard numeric missing value (represented as the period character in SAS source code). |
NumericMissingA | Speical numeric missing value A. Values for special numeric missings B-Z successively increment by 1. |
NumericMissingZ | Special numeric missing Z. |
NotMissing | The numeric data item is not a missing value. |
IDataService | Provides access to data sources. |
ILibref | Manipulates and enumerates members of a SAS library. |
IStoredProcessService | A service to execute SAS language programs that are stored on a server. |
ILanguageService | A service for submitting SAS language and obtaining output from the SAS list and log. |
IWorkspace | A SAS session. |
IUtilities | Various utility features for controlling a SAS workspace. |
IResultPackageService | Manipulates result packages that are accessible by the server on which its SAS workspace is running. |
IResultPackage | A package of outputs such as HTML pages, datasets and external files. |
IResultPackageFileEntry | Describes the available result package file entry component actions. |
IResultPackageHTMLEntry | Describes the available result package HTML set entry component actions. |
IResultPackageLibraryMemberEntry | Describes the available result package library member entry component actions. |
IResultPackageReferenceEntry | Describes the available result package reference entry component actions. |
IResultPackageViewerEntry | Describes the available result package viewer entry component actions. |
IBinaryStream | Supports sequential access to binary data sources such as binary files. |
ITextStream | Supports sequential access to textual data sources such as text files. |
IFileService | A service for manipulating files and filerefs in a SAS Workspace. |
IFileInfo | The FileInfo interface provides additional information about a SAS Fileref. This interface cannot make any changes to any attributes. |
IFileref | Represents an assigned fileref in the associated SAS Workspace. |
IHostSystem | The server on which this SAS Workspace is running. |
IFormatService | A service that performs data conversion using SAS formats and informats. |
IFormatEnumerator | Provide information about a client-selected list of formats and informats. |
IOptionService | A service that sets and gets option values for a SAS Workspace. |
ILibref_1_1 | Manipulates and enumerates members of a SAS library. |
IResultPackage_1_1 | A package of outputs such as HTML pages, datasets and external files. |
CORBA Const NumericMissingIgnore |
Tells the SAS System to look in the actual data value to determine whether the value is missing. The missing parameter is ignored.
Java Interface NumericMissingIgnore |
package com.sas.iom.SAS; public interface NumericMissingIgnore { public static final short value = (int) 0x0; }
CORBA Const NumericMissingUnderscore |
Underscore special numeric missing value.
Java Interface NumericMissingUnderscore |
package com.sas.iom.SAS; public interface NumericMissingUnderscore { public static final short value = (int) 0x10; }
CORBA Const NumericMissingDot |
The standard numeric missing value (represented as the period character in SAS source code).
Java Interface NumericMissingDot |
package com.sas.iom.SAS; public interface NumericMissingDot { public static final short value = (int) 0x20; }
CORBA Const NumericMissingA |
Speical numeric missing value A. Values for special numeric missings B-Z successively increment by 1.
Java Interface NumericMissingA |
package com.sas.iom.SAS; public interface NumericMissingA { public static final short value = (int) 0x21; }
CORBA Const NumericMissingZ |
Special numeric missing Z.
Java Interface NumericMissingZ |
package com.sas.iom.SAS; public interface NumericMissingZ { public static final short value = (int) 0x3a; }
CORBA Const NotMissing |
The numeric data item is not a missing value.
Java Interface NotMissing |
package com.sas.iom.SAS; public interface NotMissing { public static final short value = (int) 0x7f; }
CORBA Enum BaseType |
The distinction between numeric and character for SAS System variables and data items.
Member | Description |
BaseTypeNumeric | A numeric (floating point) variable or data item. |
BaseTypeCharacter | A character variable or data item. |
Java Class BaseType |
public class BaseType
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.BaseType
Java Class BaseTypeHelper |
public class BaseTypeHelper
Implementing class for methods (insert, extract, type, id, read, write) used to manipulate the BaseType type.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.BaseTypeHelper
Java Class BaseTypeHolder |
public class BaseTypeHolder
Implementing class for methods (_read, _write, _type) used to process the BaseType type as an out parameter.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.BaseTypeHolder
Java Class BaseTypeSeqHelper |
public class BaseTypeSeqHelper
Implementing class for methods (insert, extract, type, id, read, write) used to manipulate singly dimensioned arrays of BaseType type.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.BaseTypeSeqHelper
Java Class BaseTypeSeqHolder |
public class BaseTypeSeqHolder
Implementing class for methods (_read, _write, _type) used to process singly dimensioned arrays of the BaseType type as an out parameter.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.BaseTypeSeqHolder
Java Class VariableArray2dOfBaseTypeHelper |
public class VariableArray2dOfBaseTypeHelper
Implementing class for methods (insert, extract, type, id, read, write) used to manipulate doubly dimensioned arrays of BaseType type.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.VariableArray2dOfBaseTypeHelper
Java Class VariableArray2dOfBaseTypeHolder |
public class VariableArray2dOfBaseTypeHolder
Implementing class for methods (_read, _write, _type) used to process doubly dimensioned arrays of the BaseType type as an out parameter.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.VariableArray2dOfBaseTypeHolder
CORBA Exception InvalidPName |
Invalid physicalname.
Java Class InvalidPName |
public class InvalidPName
java.lang.Object | +--java.lang.Throwable | +--java.lang.Exception | +--org.omg.CORBA.UserException | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.InvalidPName
Java Class InvalidPNameHelper |
public class InvalidPNameHelper
Implementing class for methods (insert, extract, type, id, read, write) used to manipulate the InvalidPName type.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.InvalidPNameHelper
Java Class InvalidPNameHolder |
public class InvalidPNameHolder
Implementing class for methods (_read, _write, _type) used to process the InvalidPName type as an out parameter.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.InvalidPNameHolder
CORBA Exception NoAccessMethod |
No access method could not be loaded.
Java Class NoAccessMethod |
public class NoAccessMethod
java.lang.Object | +--java.lang.Throwable | +--java.lang.Exception | +--org.omg.CORBA.UserException | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.NoAccessMethod
Java Class NoAccessMethodHelper |
public class NoAccessMethodHelper
Implementing class for methods (insert, extract, type, id, read, write) used to manipulate the NoAccessMethod type.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.NoAccessMethodHelper
Java Class NoAccessMethodHolder |
public class NoAccessMethodHolder
Implementing class for methods (_read, _write, _type) used to process the NoAccessMethod type as an out parameter.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.NoAccessMethodHolder
CORBA Exception InvalidLName |
Invalid logical name.
Java Class InvalidLName |
public class InvalidLName
java.lang.Object | +--java.lang.Throwable | +--java.lang.Exception | +--org.omg.CORBA.UserException | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.InvalidLName
Java Class InvalidLNameHelper |
public class InvalidLNameHelper
Implementing class for methods (insert, extract, type, id, read, write) used to manipulate the InvalidLName type.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.InvalidLNameHelper
Java Class InvalidLNameHolder |
public class InvalidLNameHolder
Implementing class for methods (_read, _write, _type) used to process the InvalidLName type as an out parameter.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.InvalidLNameHolder
CORBA Exception InvalidOptValue |
Invalid option value.
Java Class InvalidOptValue |
public class InvalidOptValue
java.lang.Object | +--java.lang.Throwable | +--java.lang.Exception | +--org.omg.CORBA.UserException | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.InvalidOptValue
Java Class InvalidOptValueHelper |
public class InvalidOptValueHelper
Implementing class for methods (insert, extract, type, id, read, write) used to manipulate the InvalidOptValue type.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.InvalidOptValueHelper
Java Class InvalidOptValueHolder |
public class InvalidOptValueHolder
Implementing class for methods (_read, _write, _type) used to process the InvalidOptValue type as an out parameter.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.InvalidOptValueHolder
CORBA Exception InvalidOptName |
Invalid option name.
Java Class InvalidOptName |
public class InvalidOptName
java.lang.Object | +--java.lang.Throwable | +--java.lang.Exception | +--org.omg.CORBA.UserException | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.InvalidOptName
Java Class InvalidOptNameHelper |
public class InvalidOptNameHelper
Implementing class for methods (insert, extract, type, id, read, write) used to manipulate the InvalidOptName type.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.InvalidOptNameHelper
Java Class InvalidOptNameHolder |
public class InvalidOptNameHolder
Implementing class for methods (_read, _write, _type) used to process the InvalidOptName type as an out parameter.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.InvalidOptNameHolder
CORBA Exception LNameNoAssign |
Logical name is not assigned.
Java Class LNameNoAssign |
public class LNameNoAssign
java.lang.Object | +--java.lang.Throwable | +--java.lang.Exception | +--org.omg.CORBA.UserException | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.LNameNoAssign
Java Class LNameNoAssignHelper |
public class LNameNoAssignHelper
Implementing class for methods (insert, extract, type, id, read, write) used to manipulate the LNameNoAssign type.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.LNameNoAssignHelper
Java Class LNameNoAssignHolder |
public class LNameNoAssignHolder
Implementing class for methods (_read, _write, _type) used to process the LNameNoAssign type as an out parameter.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.LNameNoAssignHolder
CORBA Exception DiskFull |
No space in file.
Java Class DiskFull |
public class DiskFull
java.lang.Object | +--java.lang.Throwable | +--java.lang.Exception | +--org.omg.CORBA.UserException | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.DiskFull
Java Class DiskFullHelper |
public class DiskFullHelper
Implementing class for methods (insert, extract, type, id, read, write) used to manipulate the DiskFull type.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.DiskFullHelper
Java Class DiskFullHolder |
public class DiskFullHolder
Implementing class for methods (_read, _write, _type) used to process the DiskFull type as an out parameter.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.DiskFullHolder
CORBA Exception NoReplace |
File cannot be replaced.
Java Class NoReplace |
public class NoReplace
java.lang.Object | +--java.lang.Throwable | +--java.lang.Exception | +--org.omg.CORBA.UserException | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.NoReplace
Java Class NoReplaceHelper |
public class NoReplaceHelper
Implementing class for methods (insert, extract, type, id, read, write) used to manipulate the NoReplace type.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.NoReplaceHelper
Java Class NoReplaceHolder |
public class NoReplaceHolder
Implementing class for methods (_read, _write, _type) used to process the NoReplace type as an out parameter.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.NoReplaceHolder
CORBA Exception NoLock |
Lock not available.
Java Class NoLock |
public class NoLock
java.lang.Object | +--java.lang.Throwable | +--java.lang.Exception | +--org.omg.CORBA.UserException | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.NoLock
Java Class NoLockHelper |
public class NoLockHelper
Implementing class for methods (insert, extract, type, id, read, write) used to manipulate the NoLock type.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.NoLockHelper
Java Class NoLockHolder |
public class NoLockHolder
Implementing class for methods (_read, _write, _type) used to process the NoLock type as an out parameter.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.NoLockHolder
CORBA Exception InvalidPassword |
Invalid or missing password.
Java Class InvalidPassword |
public class InvalidPassword
java.lang.Object | +--java.lang.Throwable | +--java.lang.Exception | +--org.omg.CORBA.UserException | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.InvalidPassword
Java Class InvalidPasswordHelper |
public class InvalidPasswordHelper
Implementing class for methods (insert, extract, type, id, read, write) used to manipulate the InvalidPassword type.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.InvalidPasswordHelper
Java Class InvalidPasswordHolder |
public class InvalidPasswordHolder
Implementing class for methods (_read, _write, _type) used to process the InvalidPassword type as an out parameter.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.InvalidPasswordHolder
CORBA Exception InvalidFieldMask |
The mask parameter specified to this method is not valid.
Java Class InvalidFieldMask |
public class InvalidFieldMask
java.lang.Object | +--java.lang.Throwable | +--java.lang.Exception | +--org.omg.CORBA.UserException | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.InvalidFieldMask
Java Class InvalidFieldMaskHelper |
public class InvalidFieldMaskHelper
Implementing class for methods (insert, extract, type, id, read, write) used to manipulate the InvalidFieldMask type.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.InvalidFieldMaskHelper
Java Class InvalidFieldMaskHolder |
public class InvalidFieldMaskHolder
Implementing class for methods (_read, _write, _type) used to process the InvalidFieldMask type as an out parameter.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.InvalidFieldMaskHolder
CORBA Exception InvalidInterface |
The interface received as a parameter is not valid for the requested operation. The interface may be of the wrong type or it may be an interface not created by this server.
Java Class InvalidInterface |
public class InvalidInterface
java.lang.Object | +--java.lang.Throwable | +--java.lang.Exception | +--org.omg.CORBA.UserException | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.InvalidInterface
Java Class InvalidInterfaceHelper |
public class InvalidInterfaceHelper
Implementing class for methods (insert, extract, type, id, read, write) used to manipulate the InvalidInterface type.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.InvalidInterfaceHelper
Java Class InvalidInterfaceHolder |
public class InvalidInterfaceHolder
Implementing class for methods (_read, _write, _type) used to process the InvalidInterface type as an out parameter.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.InvalidInterfaceHolder
CORBA Exception InvalidVarName |
Java Class InvalidVarName |
public class InvalidVarName
java.lang.Object | +--java.lang.Throwable | +--java.lang.Exception | +--org.omg.CORBA.UserException | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.InvalidVarName
Java Class InvalidVarNameHelper |
public class InvalidVarNameHelper
Implementing class for methods (insert, extract, type, id, read, write) used to manipulate the InvalidVarName type.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.InvalidVarNameHelper
Java Class InvalidVarNameHolder |
public class InvalidVarNameHolder
Implementing class for methods (_read, _write, _type) used to process the InvalidVarName type as an out parameter.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.InvalidVarNameHolder
CORBA Exception VarNameExists |
Java Class VarNameExists |
public class VarNameExists
java.lang.Object | +--java.lang.Throwable | +--java.lang.Exception | +--org.omg.CORBA.UserException | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.VarNameExists
Java Class VarNameExistsHelper |
public class VarNameExistsHelper
Implementing class for methods (insert, extract, type, id, read, write) used to manipulate the VarNameExists type.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.VarNameExistsHelper
Java Class VarNameExistsHolder |
public class VarNameExistsHolder
Implementing class for methods (_read, _write, _type) used to process the VarNameExists type as an out parameter.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.VarNameExistsHolder
CORBA Exception VarNameConflicts |
Java Class VarNameConflicts |
public class VarNameConflicts
java.lang.Object | +--java.lang.Throwable | +--java.lang.Exception | +--org.omg.CORBA.UserException | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.VarNameConflicts
Java Class VarNameConflictsHelper |
public class VarNameConflictsHelper
Implementing class for methods (insert, extract, type, id, read, write) used to manipulate the VarNameConflicts type.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.VarNameConflictsHelper
Java Class VarNameConflictsHolder |
public class VarNameConflictsHolder
Implementing class for methods (_read, _write, _type) used to process the VarNameConflicts type as an out parameter.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.VarNameConflictsHolder
CORBA Exception NotAuthorized |
Java Class NotAuthorized |
public class NotAuthorized
java.lang.Object | +--java.lang.Throwable | +--java.lang.Exception | +--org.omg.CORBA.UserException | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.NotAuthorized
Java Class NotAuthorizedHelper |
public class NotAuthorizedHelper
Implementing class for methods (insert, extract, type, id, read, write) used to manipulate the NotAuthorized type.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.NotAuthorizedHelper
Java Class NotAuthorizedHolder |
public class NotAuthorizedHolder
Implementing class for methods (_read, _write, _type) used to process the NotAuthorized type as an out parameter.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.NotAuthorizedHolder
CORBA Enum StreamOpenMode |
The type of access requested for a stream (often a file).
Member | Description |
StreamOpenModeForUpdating | Allows both reading and writing. |
StreamOpenModeForReading | Allows reading only. |
StreamOpenModeForWriting | Allows writing at the beginning of the file. |
StreamOpenModeForAppending | Allows writing after the current end of file. |
Java Class StreamOpenMode |
public class StreamOpenMode
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.StreamOpenMode
Java Class StreamOpenModeHelper |
public class StreamOpenModeHelper
Implementing class for methods (insert, extract, type, id, read, write) used to manipulate the StreamOpenMode type.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.StreamOpenModeHelper
Java Class StreamOpenModeHolder |
public class StreamOpenModeHolder
Implementing class for methods (_read, _write, _type) used to process the StreamOpenMode type as an out parameter.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.StreamOpenModeHolder
Java Class StreamOpenModeSeqHelper |
public class StreamOpenModeSeqHelper
Implementing class for methods (insert, extract, type, id, read, write) used to manipulate singly dimensioned arrays of StreamOpenMode type.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.StreamOpenModeSeqHelper
Java Class StreamOpenModeSeqHolder |
public class StreamOpenModeSeqHolder
Implementing class for methods (_read, _write, _type) used to process singly dimensioned arrays of the StreamOpenMode type as an out parameter.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.StreamOpenModeSeqHolder
Java Class VariableArray2dOfStreamOpenModeHelper |
public class VariableArray2dOfStreamOpenModeHelper
Implementing class for methods (insert, extract, type, id, read, write) used to manipulate doubly dimensioned arrays of StreamOpenMode type.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.VariableArray2dOfStreamOpenModeHelper
Java Class VariableArray2dOfStreamOpenModeHolder |
public class VariableArray2dOfStreamOpenModeHolder
Implementing class for methods (_read, _write, _type) used to process doubly dimensioned arrays of the StreamOpenMode type as an out parameter.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.VariableArray2dOfStreamOpenModeHolder
CORBA Enum FileSpecType |
Identifies the type of name associated with a file.
Member | Description |
FileSpecTypeFileref | Name is a SAS fileref. |
FileSpecTypePhysicalName | Name is a physical path. |
Java Class FileSpecType |
public class FileSpecType
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.FileSpecType
Java Class FileSpecTypeHelper |
public class FileSpecTypeHelper
Implementing class for methods (insert, extract, type, id, read, write) used to manipulate the FileSpecType type.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.FileSpecTypeHelper
Java Class FileSpecTypeHolder |
public class FileSpecTypeHolder
Implementing class for methods (_read, _write, _type) used to process the FileSpecType type as an out parameter.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.FileSpecTypeHolder
Java Class FileSpecTypeSeqHelper |
public class FileSpecTypeSeqHelper
Implementing class for methods (insert, extract, type, id, read, write) used to manipulate singly dimensioned arrays of FileSpecType type.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.FileSpecTypeSeqHelper
Java Class FileSpecTypeSeqHolder |
public class FileSpecTypeSeqHolder
Implementing class for methods (_read, _write, _type) used to process singly dimensioned arrays of the FileSpecType type as an out parameter.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.FileSpecTypeSeqHolder
Java Class VariableArray2dOfFileSpecTypeHelper |
public class VariableArray2dOfFileSpecTypeHelper
Implementing class for methods (insert, extract, type, id, read, write) used to manipulate doubly dimensioned arrays of FileSpecType type.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.VariableArray2dOfFileSpecTypeHelper
Java Class VariableArray2dOfFileSpecTypeHolder |
public class VariableArray2dOfFileSpecTypeHolder
Implementing class for methods (_read, _write, _type) used to process doubly dimensioned arrays of the FileSpecType type as an out parameter.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.VariableArray2dOfFileSpecTypeHolder
CORBA Enum PackageType |
Result Package Entry Types
Member | Description |
PackageTypeNestedPackage | Entry is a nested result package. |
PackageTypeHTMLSet | Entry is an HTML set. |
PackageTypeLibraryMember | Entry is a SAS library member. |
PackageTypeTextFile | Entry is a text file. |
PackageTypeBinaryFile | Entry is a binary file. |
PackageTypeReference | Entry is a reference. |
PackageTypeViewer | Entry is a package viewer. |
PackageTypeUnsupported | Unsupported or unknown entry. |
Java Class PackageType |
public class PackageType
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.PackageType
Java Class PackageTypeHelper |
public class PackageTypeHelper
Implementing class for methods (insert, extract, type, id, read, write) used to manipulate the PackageType type.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.PackageTypeHelper
Java Class PackageTypeHolder |
public class PackageTypeHolder
Implementing class for methods (_read, _write, _type) used to process the PackageType type as an out parameter.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.PackageTypeHolder
Java Class PackageTypeSeqHelper |
public class PackageTypeSeqHelper
Implementing class for methods (insert, extract, type, id, read, write) used to manipulate singly dimensioned arrays of PackageType type.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.PackageTypeSeqHelper
Java Class PackageTypeSeqHolder |
public class PackageTypeSeqHolder
Implementing class for methods (_read, _write, _type) used to process singly dimensioned arrays of the PackageType type as an out parameter.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.PackageTypeSeqHolder
Java Class VariableArray2dOfPackageTypeHelper |
public class VariableArray2dOfPackageTypeHelper
Implementing class for methods (insert, extract, type, id, read, write) used to manipulate doubly dimensioned arrays of PackageType type.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.VariableArray2dOfPackageTypeHelper
Java Class VariableArray2dOfPackageTypeHolder |
public class VariableArray2dOfPackageTypeHolder
Implementing class for methods (_read, _write, _type) used to process doubly dimensioned arrays of the PackageType type as an out parameter.
java.lang.Object | +--com.sas.iom.SAS.VariableArray2dOfPackageTypeHolder
Event interfaces for the SAS module
CORBA Event Definitions | |
event interface ILanguageEvents | SAS language processing events. |
Java Event Interfaces | |
ILanguageEvents | SAS language processing events. |
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Developing Java Clients |