Setting Up an IOM Bridge Server |
If your applications or spawners need to access metadata from the LDAP server or from a configuration file, you must create the metadata that describes your IOM bridge server configuration. If you need to create metadata, use the appropriate method depending on whether you use an LDAP server or a configuration file to store your metadata:
If you are using an LDAP server:
You can use the IT Administrator Wizard to create definitions for the server, spawner, and logical name objects. For instructions, see Using the IT Administrator Wizard to Define a Server and Spawner (IOM Bridge). Note: The wizard does not create a SAS login object. If you use the wizard, you must first create a SAS login object using IT Administrator. For details, see Using IT Administrator to Define a SAS Login (IOM Bridge) .
You can use the IT Administrator interface to create and modify the object definitions. For instructions, see Using IT Administrator to Define the Metadata (IOM Bridge).
If you are not using an LDAP server, you can create and install configuration files that contain the object definitions. For instructions, see Using a Configuration File to Define the Metadata (IOM Bridge).
Note: If your configuration requires more than one or two servers, or if multiple clients will be using the servers, we strongly recommend the use of LDAP as a central metadata repository. The use of LDAP also gives you the ability to use access control lists to control access to the servers in your enterprise.
As you create the metadata, you can refer to the following example configuration files, which demonstrate the basic metadata needed to create a working IOM Bridge server configuration:
Setting Up an IOM Bridge Server |