Setting Up an IOM Bridge Server |
A sample configuration file for an object server, a master spawner, and an associated dependent spawner is provided below.
# ## Define the Master Spawner. # dn: sasSpawnercn=production,sascomponent=sasServer,cn=SAS,o=ABC Inc, c=US objectClass: sasSpawner sasSpawnercn: production sasDomainName: sasLogicalName: payroll sasMachineDNSName: sasMasterPort: 6339 sasOperatorPort: 6340 sasOperatorPassword: myPassword description: Production Object Spawner Daemon # ## Define the Object Server # dn: sasServercn=MyApplication,sascomponent=sasServer,cn=SAS,o=ABC Inc, c=US objectClass: sasServer sasServercn: MyApplication sasDomainName: sasLogicalName: payroll sasCommand: /sasv8/sas sasMachineDNSName: sasPort: 6341 sasProtocol: bridge # ## Define a Dependent Spawner We won't associate ## this with a particular host. That way we can launch as many as ## we need whenever we need them. However, we will have to specify ## -sasDependentSpawnercn depSpawner when we launch it. # dn: sasDependentSpawnercn=depSpawner,sascomponent=sasServer,cn=SAS, o=ABC Inc,c=US objectClass: sasDependentSpawner sasDependentSpawnercn: depSpawner sasDomainName: sasLogicalName: payroll sasMachineDNSName: sasOperatorPort: 6342 sasOperatorPassword: myPassword description: MyApplication Dependent Object Spawner Daemon
Setting Up an IOM Bridge Server |