Setting Up a COM/DCOM Server |
On the machine where the object server runs, you must identify who can access and launch the server. A client that needs services from an object server must have both access and launch permissions on the server object in order to use it. These permissions are defined in terms of one or more Windows users or groups.
There are two ways to identify users and groups that have launch access. One way is to define global access permissions that apply to all DCOM server objects in the system. The other way is to define permissions specific to the object server. Granting users and groups global access to launch applications means that they can launch any DCOM-enabled application, unless otherwise restricted by the applications specific permissions. Granting access permissions to users and groups for a specific application allows those users and groups to launch that application without granting them access to the entire system.
These methods are discussed in the following sections:
Setting Up a COM/DCOM Server |