
Problem Note 68948: SAS® Life Science Analytics Framework 5.3.x/5.4 - Relative paths for submitted jobs using Run and Populate are not being generated correctly

DetailsAboutRate It

If the name of the last folder contained in the base path string matches the first few letters of the name of the last folder in the absolute path string in the Run and Populate feature, then the relative path value is generated incorrectly. This issue occurs when you use SAS Life Science Analytics Framework 5.3.x/5.4.

Here is an example:

  Base path string = "/a/b/c/foldername"

  Absolute path string = "/a/b/c/foldernameplusmore"

A workaround for the issue is to rename the last folder in either path such that there is no leading partial string match.

The issue is addressed beginning with SAS® Life Science Analytics Framework 5.4.1.

Operating System and Release Information

Product FamilyProductSystemProduct ReleaseSAS Release
SAS SystemSAS Life Science Analytics FrameworkLinux for x645. TS1M79.4 TS1M7
* For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be fixed.