
Problem Note 68298: SAS® Life Science Analytics Framework 5.2.x - "Run-as Owner" property appears to be modifiable by user who has Write access but is not the job owner

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When you are using SAS Life Science Analytics Framework 5.2.x, the application appears to allow you to toggle the Run-as Owner property value to Yes when you have Write access to the job, but you are not the job owner.

A warning pop-up message is displayed, indicating that the Run-as Owner property can be updated only by the job owner. However, after you dismiss the message, the job properties display the Run-as Owner value as Yes.

Despite a value of Yes being displayed, the Run-as Owner property value does not change internally. Thus, the issue is only with how the property value is displayed incorrectly in the interface. The job, if executed, runs for you correctly as a user and not as the job owner.

In addition, if you navigate away from the job and then return to the job properties, the Run-as Owner property value is displayed properly as No.

The issue is fixed in SAS® Life Science Analytics Framework 5.3.

Beginning with the 5.3 release, the Run-as Owner check box is grayed out for anyone editing the job who is not the job owner. Thus, it is not possible for a non-owner to attempt to change the property value.

Operating System and Release Information

Product FamilyProductSystemProduct ReleaseSAS Release
SAS SystemSAS Life Science Analytics FrameworkLinux for x645.25.39.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
* For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be fixed.