Usage Note 60136: A script can simplify the process of importing user-defined catalogs from SAS® 9.4 into SAS® Visual Analytics 8.1 or 8.2
The copyFormats script can simplify the process of importing user-defined formats that are created in SAS®9. This script converts the formats to a structure that SAS Visual Analytics 8.1 or 8.2 can use. If you have SAS formats in a catalog and would like to use them in SAS Visual Analytics, this script loads the formats into the server and places them in the format search path for all users. SAS® Environment Manager is the recommended method with SAS Visual Analytics 8.2 because it can load the user-defined formats.
Utility Deployment from the SAS® Technical Support Sample Tools (SASTSST) Repository
To deploy the utility from the SASTSST repository, complete the following steps when you are logged on to your SAS server:
- Click the Downloads tab in this note to download the utility.
- Execute the utility.
- Review and accept the license terms and conditions.
- When prompted, provide an absolute path to a deployment directory (such as /usr/local/etc/SAS/) to define the location for your SAS Technical Support Sample Tools.
- Select the Import user defined catalogs from SAS 9.4 into SAS Visual Analytics 8.1 option. After the utility deploys, the following content is in your deployment directory:
File |
Notes | |
Bash script |
Complete listing of SAS Technical Support sample tools and their associated SAS Notes |
Operating System and Release Information
SAS System | SAS Visual Analytics | Linux for x64 | 8.1 | | | |
For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed
Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be
A script simplifies the process of importing user-defined catalogs into SAS® Visual Analytics 8.1 or 8.2.
Date Modified: | 2017-03-27 12:25:04 |
Date Created: | 2017-03-15 11:19:03 |