
Sample 43773: Adverse event relative risk macro

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This sample creates four adverse event with relative risk plots. An adverse event with relative risk plot is a two-panel display of the most frequently occurring adverse events sorted by relative risk for a clinical study.

The sample requires a macro that can be downloaded from the Downloads tab. After downloading the program, the sample code on the Full Code tab can be submitted from your SAS session.

The macro supports up to four treatments. If the risk data is provided, the observations are displayed sorted by relative risk, and the graph includes the second panel showing the relative risk values.

Two macro variables, MYPATH and MACROLOC, are created at the beginning of the sample code. MYPATH contains the path to the directory in which the graphs and the HTML file are stored. This macro variable is currently set to C:\TEMP. The macro variable MACROLOC contains the path to the directory in which the SAS program is stored. This program needs to be downloaded from the Downloads tab. In the sample code, is expected to be in the C:\ folder.

The macro parameters are described below.

Macro Parameter Description with default value
Data= Data set name (required)
Events= Adverse events (required)
Drug1= Treatment #1 (at least one treatment is required)
Drug2= Treatment #2
Drug3= Treatment #3
Drug4= Treatment #4
Risk= Relative Risk values
UCL= Upper confidence limit
LCL= Lower confidence limit
Title= Graph title
Title2= Graph subtitle
FootNote= Graph footnote
FootNote2= Graph footnote #2
CL= Confidence value for Relative Risk label
Width=640px Width of the graph
Height= Height of the graph, which is estimated if not provided
Bands=YES Draw horizontal alternating bands
Grid=NO Draw borders

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