
Usage Note 39358: Errors are written to the SAS® log when you have Kaspersky Internet Security or Kaspersky Anti-Virus installed and are running SAS® 9.2

DetailsAboutRate It

When you are using Kaspersky Lab's Kaspersky Internet Security or Kaspersky Antivirus software and you run SAS 9.2, errors similar to the following might be written to the SAS log:

ERROR: Permanent copy of file WORK._tf0001.ITEMSTOR was deleted.
ERROR: Permanent copy of file WORK._tf0001.ITEMSTOR was deleted.
ERROR: Permanent copy of file WORK._tf0001.ITEMSTOR was deleted.

ERROR: Permanent copy of file WORK.SASGOPT.CATALOG was deleted.
ERROR: Permanent copy of file WORK.SASGOPT.CATALOG was deleted.
ERROR: The Graphics option library cannot be accessed.
ERROR: Could not initialize GRAPH.
ERROR:  Read Access Violation In Task [ TREE ]
Exception occurred at (0A80D3B1)
Task Traceback
Address   Frame     (DBGHELP API Version 4.0 rev 5)
000000000A80D3B1  000000000AACE270  sasoda:mcn_main+0x2C3B1
000000000A7E405C  000000000AACEA00  sasoda:mcn_main+0x305C
000000000A8092C2  000000000AACEA40  sasoda:mcn_main+0x282C2
000000000A7E76D8  000000000AACED70  sasoda:mcn_main+0x66D8
0000000004A4547A  000000000AACED78  saswob:mcn_main+0x447A
000000000624C8DA  000000000AACEE78  sasods:mcn_main+0x9B8DA
00000000062095B2  000000000AACF6E0  sasods:mcn_main+0x585B2
000000000A99398E  000000000AACF6E8  sastree1:mcn_main+0x1298E
000000000A98D53C  000000000AACF870  sastree1:mcn_main+0xC53C
000000000A984F5C  000000000AACFC50  sastree1:mcn_main+0x3F5C
000000000A98121B  000000000AACFEC0  sastree1:mcn_main+0x21B
000000000A98107D  000000000AACFEF0  sastree1:mcn_main+0x7D
0000000003655B2E  000000000AACFEF8  sashost:Main+0xE176
000000000365A985  000000000AACFF50  sashost:Main+0x12FCD
00000000771FF56D  000000000AACFF58  kernel32:BaseThreadInitThunk+0xD
0000000077333281  000000000AACFF88  ntdll:RtlUserThreadStart+0x21

ERROR: Unable to read header information for catalog WORK.SASGOPT.
ERROR: The Graphics option library cannot be accessed.
ERROR: Could not initialize GRAPH.
ERROR:  Read Access Violation In Task [ TREE ]
Exception occurred at (0A80D3B1)
Task Traceback
Address   Frame     (DBGHELP API Version 4.0 rev 5)
000000000A80D3B1  000000000AACE270  sasoda:mcn_main+0x2C3B1
000000000A7E405C  000000000AACEA00  sasoda:mcn_main+0x305C
000000000A8092C2  000000000AACEA40  sasoda:mcn_main+0x282C2
000000000A7E76D8  000000000AACED70  sasoda:mcn_main+0x66D8
0000000004A4547A  000000000AACED78  saswob:mcn_main+0x447A
000000000624C8DA  000000000AACEE78  sasods:mcn_main+0x9B8DA
00000000062095B2  000000000AACF6E0  sasods:mcn_main+0x585B2
000000000A99398E  000000000AACF6E8  sastree1:mcn_main+0x1298E
000000000A98D53C  000000000AACF870  sastree1:mcn_main+0xC53C
000000000A984F5C  000000000AACFC50  sastree1:mcn_main+0x3F5C
000000000A98121B  000000000AACFEC0  sastree1:mcn_main+0x21B
000000000A98107D  000000000AACFEF0  sastree1:mcn_main+0x7D
0000000003655B2E  000000000AACFEF8  sashost:Main+0xE176
000000000365A985  000000000AACFF50  sashost:Main+0x12FCD
00000000771FF56D  000000000AACFF58  kernel32:BaseThreadInitThunk+0xD
0000000077333281  000000000AACFF88  ntdll:RtlUserThreadStart+0x21

ERROR:  Write Access Violation In Task [ VARCLUS

These errors are written to the SAS log because of the functionality of Kaspersky software.

To work around this issue, in Kaspersky Internet Security or your Kaspersky antivirus software, add sas.exe to the exclusions list or to the trusted application zone.

For more information about how to add a Microsoft Windows application to the exclusions list for antivirus scanning or to the trusted application zone, see the following Kaspersky support articles:

  • Support Article 2401, "How to manage exclusion rules in Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2010?"
  • Support Article 2403, "Configuring the Trusted applications tab in Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2010"
  • Support Article 2153, "Trusted zone in Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2010"
  • Support Article 972, "How to manage trusted applications of the Trusted zone"

For additional help with excluding Windows applications from being scanned or adding Windows applications to the trusted zone, contact Kaspersky Technical Support directly at Open Consumer Support Case.

Operating System and Release Information

Product FamilyProductSystemSAS Release
SAS SystemN/AMicrosoft® Windows® for 64-Bit Itanium-based Systems9.2 TS2M2
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Datacenter 64-bit Edition9.2 TS2M2
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise 64-bit Edition9.2 TS2M2
Microsoft Windows XP 64-bit Edition9.2 TS2M2
Microsoft® Windows® for x649.2 TS2M2
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition9.2 TS2M2
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition9.2 TS2M2
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition9.2 TS2M2
Microsoft Windows Server 20089.2 TS2M2
Microsoft Windows XP Professional9.2 TS2M2
Windows 7 Enterprise 32 bit9.2 TS2M2
Windows 7 Enterprise x649.2 TS2M2
Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit9.2 TS2M2
Windows 7 Home Premium x649.2 TS2M2
Windows 7 Professional 32 bit9.2 TS2M2
Windows 7 Professional x649.2 TS2M2
Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit9.2 TS2M2
Windows 7 Ultimate x649.2 TS2M2
Windows Vista9.2 TS2M2
* For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be fixed.