
Sample 35230: Shorten character variables to their minimum required length

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This sample code below finds the maximum length of each character variable in the data set, writes a DATA step that issues new LENGTH and FORMAT statements for each character variable, and then reads the data. The goal is to make the data set as small as possible without using compression.

The first DATA step counts the number of character variables in the data set and stores this value in a macro variable. The next step loops through all of the data looking for the maximum number of characters in each variable. When all of the rows have been checked, a LENGTH and FORMAT statements are generated for each variable and saved in macro variables. In the final DATA step, the macro loop pushes the LENGTH and FORMAT statements out to the DATA step ahead of the SET statement so that the length and format are changed.

To avoid the following WARNING, add this OPTIONS statement to the top of your program: OPTIONS VARLENCHK=NOWARN;

WARNING: Multiple lengths were specified for the variable bb by input data set(s). This can cause truncation of data.

Note that a new data set is created rather than overwriting the original. If you prefer to replace the original, remove the underscore from the final DATA statement.

%macro change(dsn);                                         
data _null_;                                               
  set &dsn;                                                
  array qqq(*) _character_;                                
  call symput('siz',put(dim(qqq),5.-L));                   
data _null_;                                               
  set &dsn end=done;                                       
  array qqq(&siz) _character_;                             
  array www(&siz.);                                        
  if _n_=1 then do i= 1 to dim(www);                       
  do i = 1 to &siz.;                                       
  retain _all_;                                            
  if done then do;                                         
    do i = 1 to &siz.;                                     
      length vvv $50;                                      
      vvv=catx(' ','length',vname(qqq(i)),'$',www(i),';'); 
      fff=catx(' ','format ',vname(qqq(i))||' '||          
          compress('$'||put(www(i),3.)||'.;'),' ');        
      call symput('lll'||put(i,3.-L),vvv) ;                
      call symput('fff'||put(i,3.-L),fff) ;                
data &dsn._;                                               
  %do i = 1 %to &siz.;                                     
  set &dsn;                                                
data test;
infile datalines truncover;
input aa $3. bb :$15.;
123 4567

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