Step-by-Step Basic Statistics Using SAS: Student Guide Reviews
"I cannot praise this book highly enough. It is indispensable to the beginning student of statistics who will be using SAS.
The writing is exceptionally clear and easy to follow, and precise definitions are provided to avoid confusion. Examples are used to illustrate each concept, and those examples are,like everything in this book, clear and logically presented. Sample SAS output is provided for every analysis, with each part labeled and thoroughly explained so the reader understands the results. "
Sheri Bauman, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Educational Psychology
University of Arizona, Tucson
"[Larry Hatcher] once again manages to provide clear, concise, and detailed explanations of the SAS program and procedures, including appropriate examples and sample write ups."
Frank Pajares
Winship Distinguished Research Professor
Emory University
"The Student Guide and the Exercises books are excellent choices for use in quantitative courses in psychology and education."
Bert W. Westbrook, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor
North Carolina State University